Masks Optional in CPS Beginning Monday, March 14

Masks Optional in CPS Beginning Monday, March 14
Posted on 03/10/2022

በCPS ውስጥ ከሰኞ መጋቢት 14 ጀምሮ ማስክ መልበስ እንደ አማራጭ ይሆናል 

                صار ارتداء القناع اختيارا في مدارس كامبردج العمومية (CPS) اعتبارا من الاثنين 14 آذار (مارس) 

সোমবার, 14 মার্চ থেকে CPS-এ মাস্ক ঐচ্ছিক

Mask Opsyonèl nan CPS Apati Lendi 14 Mas

Mascarillas opcionales en las CPS a partir del lunes 14 de marzo

Dear CPS Community:

In reviewing all of the recently updated federal and state guidance, carefully analyzing local health and school data and following continued thoughtful discussions with the City of Cambridge and the Cambridge Public Health Department, CPS will lift its mask requirement this Monday, March 14. Masks will be optional for all students and staff during the school day, at all CPS-sponsored events and activities including before and after school programs and in district offices. Masks will continue to be required in the nurse’s office in alignment with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).

While the lifting of the mask requirement represents a hopeful end to managing COVID as a crisis, it is incumbent upon us to understand that there are members of our school community who will make a personal choice to continue to mask. As CPS embodies respecting others and a shared commitment to including, uplifting and celebrating differences, I want to emphasize that any student or staff member who chooses to continue to wear a mask will be supported at each and every one of our schools. We will not tolerate the stigmatization or isolation of anyone.

It is imperative to understand that lifting the mask requirement does not mean that all mitigation strategies will be lifted on March 14. While we may shift some protocols in alignment with new guidance, we are committed to maintaining strategies, such as ventilation and symptomatic testing, to protect those who remain at higher risk for COVID, such as individuals who are immunocompromised, have underlying health conditions and those who live with people who are at risk. Please note that the Health, Safety, and Facilities Working Group is developing recommendations about our goals, metrics and mitigation strategies to continue to inform us. There may be instances where masks will need to be reinstated.

I am grateful to the Cambridge Public Health Department for their collaboration and support as we learn and understand how to navigate through these times. Chief Public Health Officer, Mr. Derrick Neal, has been a collaborative and supportive thought partner over the past week as we monitored our school data after the return from February vacation. I look forward to our continued collaboration and partnership. A top priority is the physical, emotional and mental well-being of our students. I choose to lead out with confidence that our school leaders, educators and staff will support and respond accordingly to their needs as much now as they have always been doing. I am grateful for your grace and strength. Thank you for your continued support.


Dr. Victoria L. Greer
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