Moderate Intervention Program

The Moderate Intervention Program (MIP) is designed for students in grades 6-8 who have a high aptitude for learning as well as strong expressive/receptive language skills; however, they are not making sufficient progress in the general education classrooms with traditional special education supports. Students are also struggling with anxiety, depression and/or school refusal, which also impede their ability to be successful in a traditional educational environment.

Currently, there are approximately five fifth grade students who require this type of programming who will be transitioning to middle school. The students Individual Education Plans (IEP) will reflect each student’s individual needs. Therefore, some students may spend more time in the classroom while others are in general education classes with non-disabled peers. It is estimated based on the students already presenting with this need that they would need anywhere between one and three hours of intensive, direct instruction each day in the skill areas listed below.

In order to support our students in district, we have designed this program to address their unique learning, social, emotional and behavioral needs.

Program Components

The program will specially design instruction including but not limited to the following areas:

  • Social pragmatics
  • Anxiety management/coping strategies
  • Self-management/self-monitoring
  • Flexibility
  • Planning
  • Group/individual counseling
  • Organization
  • Attention/focus
  • Self-advocacy/bullying prevention
  • Writing
  • Hygiene/personal wellness
  • Other unique needs of individual students
Collaboration is a cornerstone of the program to ensure its success. The program is designed to support collaboration with both internal and external staff and service providers with an emphasis to co-teach with the Speech/Language Pathologist as well as the counselor.

Students will have an opportunity to engage in electives through the program design from outside partners and stakeholders that enhance each students’ area of interest and strength (i.e. science/technology, coding, robotics) to enhance their self-esteem and increase positive associations with school. There will be opportunities for structured activities in the classroom during lunch or recess. Students will have afterschool experiences to be supported with homework completion four days a week for one hour.

Program Location
Cambridge Street Upper School

*The Moderate Intervention Program will not be implemented during the 2015-16 school year.

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