Letter from Dr. Greer: April 2017

Dear Cambridge Community,

Happy spring! April is a busy month filled with lots of activities including April vacation week. We are excited to see that our students continue to learn and flourish.

In the Office of Student Services, we are finalizing plans for summer programs, completing preschool to Kindergarten transition meetings, working in schools to map services and schedule students and conducting interviews to hire highly skilled staff for our open positions.

As previously shared, this will be my last school year as the Assistant Superintendent in Cambridge. I have been appointed to be the Superintendent of Sharon Public Schools and will begin my assignment there on July 1. I am pleased to share that Dr. Salim, Dr. Turk  and Ms. Allen have been proactive with planning to hire my replacement by soliciting a diverse group of parents and educators to screen resumes and serve on the interview committee. We are hopeful that my successor will be named prior to the end of the school year.  

In this edition of the newsletter, we are excited to highlight information regarding related services as April is Occupational Therapy month. I hope you find the articles and information helpful.

 Make It Great!!


Victoria L. Greer, PhD
Assistant Superintendent

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