International Families and Student Center
Vera Duarte, MLL Teacher in Charge
Anna Considine, MLL Instructional Aid
CRLS, Room 2130

The mission of the International Student & Family Center is to promote full and equal access to the programs and services of Cambridge Rindge & Latin School for students and families whose first language is not English. We encourage parents, guardians and students to participate actively and fully in all aspects of the life and work of this outstanding high school. The heart of our work is to support academic achievement while helping students integrate successfully into college and career paths.
The MLL faculty along with other departments at CRLS including, guidance counselors, administrators, and community groups and agencies, actively support the academic progress and social adjustment of international students. The International Center fosters direct participation of families by providing informational seminars, evening classes and support in meetings with school officials.
The warm, informal atmosphere in the International Center and the presence of a skilled, committed staff, makes it a gathering place for students, teachers, counselors, mentors, community members, and families. Wherever you are from, whatever your previous level of education, the International Center welcomes you and promises its full support in your effort to get an excellent education and have a rewarding experience at CRLS.