School Council Members 2024-25
Parent/caregiver representatives: Tina Lieu (co-chair; rising 9th, 10th grade), Marcela Millan (10th grade), Alex Bowers (9th grade), and Boniswa Sundai (11th grade), and Lianne Fisman (10th grade)
School staff representatives: Principal Allan Gately-Gehant (co-chair), Sunny Gupta (chemistry), Lily Rayman-Read (History), Nicole Sapienza (Office of Special Education), Dr. Alysa Breyer (math)
Student representatives: Ezra L. (12th), Ada K. (12th)
***See the agendas and notes for the school year 2024-25 School Council Meetings***
Join us
We encourage all CRLS parents/caregivers, staff, and community members to attend the school council meetings to share your experiences, perspectives, and ideas for improving the school. Or, simply come to listen and learn more about what is going on at the school.
How to Participate in a School Council Meeting
Meetings for the 2024-25 school year are hybrid (virtual and in-person) and are generally held the 3rd or 4th Wednesday of each month from 6-7:30PM. View meeting dates. View agendas and notes.
- In-person: at CRLS principal's conference room (located near the main entrance of Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, 459 Broadway)
- Virtual: See the CRLS DYK Newsletter or contact [email protected]
What is the School Council?
The CRLS School Council is a representative advisory group that collaborates in advising the principal in planning for and implementing a school’s improvement plan with parent/caregiver, school staff, and student representatives elected by their peers. School Councils are the main instruments for practicing the site-based decision making called for in the 1993 Education Reform Act. For more information see the CPS School Council Handbook.
Send in your ideas
If you have ideas or see problems that need addressing to improve our school, please email the council co-chairs: Principal Allan Gately-Gehant and Tina Lieu caregiver representative.