Early College Program

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About the Early College Program

Early College programs are purposely designed to empower students traditionally underrepresented in higher education. Massachusetts Early College Designated Programs work to combine parts of high school and college to provide students with the opportunity to experience and complete college level academic coursework on a clearly defined pathway and at the same time gain exposure to a variety of career opportunities. Early college programs also shorten the time and cost of earning a college certificate while increasing the likelihood of completion.

Further your education by gaining college experience all while having the benefits of support from faculty, professors, and trained tutors. Not to mention...it's free!

There are no prerequisites to apply, and the program's focus is on equitable access for students traditionally underserved by higher education including Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) students, students who are first in their family to attend college (first-generation) students on free and reduced lunch, and students with disabilities. The program is open to students in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade.

Lesley University
We at CRLS were pleased to receive official state designation for our successful Early College partnership with Lesley University in 2022, following the successful introduction of a pilot program with a small number of students in the 2021-22 school year.

The program with Lesley University allows students enter academic and career pathways, including health sciences, art & design, and human services & social work. Pathways include college-level coursework on Lesley University's campus taught by college professors. Each pathway also has a career focus and has a key employer partner that allows you to build connections between college coursework and careers after college.
Benjamin Franklin Cummings Institute of Technology
Early College at Benjamin Franklin Cummings Institute of Technology – known as Franklin Cummings Tech – is committed to serving high school students by giving access to career readiness and tech fields. Early College exposes and prepares students for higher education, careers, and citizenship. Early College at Franklin Cummings Tech is delivered at no cost to the students. For more information visit the website or please contact [email protected]; you may also contact [email protected] for more information.

Dual Enrollment at Bunker Hill and Harvard Extension School
The Early College Officer oversees partnerships with Lesley University and Franklin Cummings Tech. For information about Dual Enrollment English Language Arts classes at Bunker Hill, see page 3 of the CRLS course catalog. For more information about the Harvard Extension Program, visit Support & Enrichment Programs. Students may also see their guidance counselor for additional information about both programs.

Additional university partnerships and course offerings under consideration. Check back soon for updates.  

Course Sequences & Sample Courses

Subject to change.

Lesley University
Earn up to 18 credits (one course per semester) from 10th to 12th grade.
lesley course offerings

Franklin Cummings Tech
course sequence
Sample Courses:
Renewable energy
Electrical automotive technology
Electrical engineering
HVAC (heating and cooling)
Construction management

More Info

Scholarships for Early College Students and CRLS Students

Early College students are eligible for an $18,000/year scholarship to Lesley University! Students must have earned a B- or above in two semesters of Early College. This scholarship is in addition to two other full merit scholarships CRLS students are eligible for.
Learn more here >> 
Search under "Community Scholarships for First-Year Students"

Transferring Your Credits

Lesley University is committed to ensuring that your Early College credits transfer as much as possible to the college or university you attend after high school. Their Early College courses are designed with MassTransfer principles in mind, ensuring they are highly transferable and recognized across a wide array of colleges and universities in Massachusetts. Whether you're planning to continue your education at a private institution under the MA Guarantee or a public college within the MassTransfer framework, there is a commitment to honoring your credits.

Visit a helpful website called Transferology, which shows how courses you have taken or plan to take transfer to another college or university for credit.

Additionally, all credits earned through our Early College program will be fully accepted at Lesley University, should you choose to continue your academic journey there.

Request Your Transcript

Once you complete your Early College program, remember to request your official transcript to facilitate the smooth transfer of your credits to your new college or university. Find more information on how to request your transcript >>

MichaelMeet the Early College Program Manager

Michael O’Shea is a proud product of Chicago Public Schools and is excited to lend his expertise in higher education administration to the success of all students in the Early College Program. Since joining the district in October 2021, he has helped grow the Early College partnership with Lesley University and identify additional higher education partners. He holds a PhD in Higher Education (University of Toronto), a Master’s in Higher Education (University of Pennsylvania), and a Bachelor's in Public Policy (Pomona College).

Please do not hesitate to contact Michael and the Early College Program Office:
Phone: 857.327.2912
E-mail: [email protected]
Book an online advising session >>


Spring Recruitment & Admission

  • Course Selection: Connect with your Guidance Counselor and request Early College in your schedule for next year during the times below. An admissions committee will review all Early College course requests and make final admissions decisions in April.
    –Grade 11: Week of February 24th
    –Grade 10: Week of March 3rd
    –Grade 9: Week of March 10th
  • Stay up to date on the latest Early College news and deadlines by filling out the expression of interest form.
  • Student Drop-in: Get your Early College questions answered! Drop in every Wednesday in the CCRC during 3rd period, or by appointment. You can also email us.
  • Field Trips: We'll be having additional field trips to Lesley University and Franklin Cummings Tech in February! Stay tuned for more details!

Contact Us

Michael O'Shea
Early College Program Manager

Book an online advising session >>

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