Other Procedures

MBTA Bus Passes

Field Trips
Permission to participate on a field trip may be denied for legitimate reasons, including failure to return a signed permission form from parent(s)/guardian(s). All CRLS rules governing behavior apply to students on field trips and all violations are subject to school discipline. Students are expected to make up all class work missed because of field trips

Food & Nutrition Services
The Food and Nutrition Services Department serves breakfast and lunch in the Main Cafeteria each school day. We have worked very hard over the past few years to improve the taste and nutritional value of our food, and we hope to encourage students to eat healthfully now and in the years to come. Visit the Food and Nutrition Services Department page >>

All fund raising activities for and at CRLS must be approved by the Assistant Principal. Any club advisor, administrator, teacher, coach, or student wishing to raise money must receive approval before doing any publicity, solicitation, or selling. All food sales must be deemed “healthy”. This procedure allows all groups an opportunity to raise funds and not be in competition with one another. Organizations wishing to reserve days for their fund raising activities should check with the Assistant Principal.

Hall Passes

  • It is the student’s responsibility to have a pass while in the hallway; students without a pass are in jeopardy of receiving a detention.
  • During class time, any student outside of a classroom must have a valid pass from a school official. It must include the student’s name, date, time, destination, and the sending teacher’s signature.
  • In an effort to ensure that students have every opportunity for achievement, it is important that passes be distributed only in emergency situations.
  • No passes should be distributed during Community Meeting and the first and last 10 minutes of the class period.
  • All passes must be visible when carried.

CRLS StudentsLockers will be provided by Deans of Students and are available for each student at a cost of $5. Lockers will only be issued when all student required student forms have been received for the current academic year.

  • Only School Department issued locks are to be used. All other locks will be removed at the student’s expense.
  • Since lockers are the property of Cambridge Public Schools, the school maintains the right to search lockers if there is reason to believe the locker contains contraband, weapons, or evidence that will link the locker to trafficking in contraband, or if there is a clear and present danger of immediate physical threat to the school and/or students. The school will conduct announced and unannounced locker inspections to ensure compliance. See the Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.
  • Students may not share lockers with other students. Students may not write or put stickers on their lockers and must keep their lockers neat and clean.
  • Cambridge Public Schools is not responsible for any items stolen from lockers.
  • At the end of the school year, students are to remove belongings from their lockers. Failure to do so will result in the removal and disposal of all contents of the locker. Cambridge Public Schools is not responsible for the loss of property left in the locker after the last day of school.
  • The replacement cost for a lock is $5.

Locker Time
It is essential that students be on time for classes. Therefore, students must use their lockers ONLY before school, before lunch and after school. Exceptions to this rule will only apply if student has a valid pass from a school official.

Lost Book Procedure
If a student loses a book or instructional materials, a penalty not related to the instructional program, such as prohibiting the student from attending certain activities, may be imposed until the department is reimbursed for the replacement value of the book(s) or instructional materials.

  • Students are financially responsible for all library materials signed out to them. The library follows the same procedure as that set for textbooks. Library users with overdue books are sent a letter which states that there is a charge of $15 for a hard cover book which will be assessed if the book is not returned immediately. After two months, a letter will be sent to the parent/guardian asking for payment for the book or materials. This procedure covers all cataloged materials, with a minimum charge of $5. However, the library charges $3 as a flat rate for any uncatalogued item.
  • Students who do not return their book or complete a lost/non-returned book form may have a penalty imposed, such as being prohibited from attending certain activities not related to the instructional program. Checks should be made out payable to CRLS/(department name).

Students, club advisors, teachers, and all individuals and organizations who wish to display posters advertising any activity must receive a stamp of approval from the Main Office for each poster.

  • Posters should be hung on bulletin boards only. It is strictly forbidden to affix poster/flyers to any painted surfaces, glass surfaces or any other that are not designated bulletin boards. The students and their advisors will be held financially accountable for any damages caused by improperly placed posters or flyers.
  • Posters must be removed by the sponsoring organization within 48 hours after the event is over.

All students and staff are encouraged to recycle all paper products including newspaper, white, colored and computer paper and Styrofoam products in the cafeteria.
 CRLS classrooms have blue recycle baskets and bins. Each Learning Community has large blue recycling containers for collection of the classroom baskets/bins. There are also recycle baskets in the cafeterias.

Student Photo ID Cards
In order to have full access to the school library and to participate in certain school activities, it is necessary to have a CRLS Photo ID Card. Pictures will be taken in the fall. Students must have all required forms submitted in order to receive their Photo ID Card. Initial ID cards are free of charge however, a minimal fee will be charged for replacement ID’s

Student Shadowing
Current 8th graders wishing to shadow a 9th grade student must be pre-approved by the Dean of Students of the Learning Community and the present elementary school principal/assistant principal, and submit a completed permission form. Eighth grade students will ONLY shadow 9th grade students.

Eighth grade visits will be scheduled beginning November 1st and upper class visits may begin on October 1st exclusive of exam periods(no exceptions). No shadowing will be permitted after final week in May. Upper class students wishing to shadow must also have pre-approval. Failure to follow proper school procedures will result in the visitor being sent home and the CRLS student may receive disciplinary consequences. Because the school cannot be responsible for any students other than those registered at CRLS, students should not bring friends or siblings to school.

Visitors (Student) & Guests
To maintain safety and security, all visitors to the school must register upon entering and exiting the Main Entrance security desk, and must we are visitor’s pass displaying their name and intended location while in the building. If a visitor disrupts or interferes with the work of students, teachers, or other employees by behaving inappropriately or insisting on visiting at inappropriate times, the Principal, or his designee, may place limitations on the individual’s ability to visit the school.

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