Letter Grades
CRLS issues letter grades based on the following scale:
A+ |
97-100 |
D+ |
67-69 |
A |
93-96 |
D |
63-66 |
A- |
90-92 |
D- |
60-62 |
B+ |
87-89 |
F |
Failing (50) |
B |
83-86 |
Passing |
B- |
80-82 |
I |
Incomplete |
C+ |
77-79 |
NR |
Never Reported |
C |
73-76 |
WP |
Withdrawn Passing
C- |
70-72 |
WF |
Withdrawn Failing |
Course Requirements
- Teachers are expected to provide all their classes with an
explanation of their grading policy and their expectations for students.
Course contracts for each teacher are posted
on the CRLS web site.
- Explanations and expectations are given out in writing during the
first few weeks of each course. Students should make sure that they
obtain their copy and keep it in their
notebook. Students should also be
sure they understand what is expected of them in each of their classes.
- Parents will receive copies of class grading policies at the first Parent-Teacher Night.
Early Examinations: Students are discouraged from
asking to take midterm and final exams early. All requests for such
early testing must be made to the Dean of Curriculum.
Report Cards/Interim Reports
Report cards/Interim Reports are issued to students and parents four times each year.
- Report cards are usually distributed 10 days after the close of grades.
- Interim Reports are usually distributed midway through each term
- Report cards/Interim Reports are very important and should be
reviewed carefully. Parents and students may schedule an appointment
with any teacher to discuss class performance and progress.
- Report cards are used to determine athletic eligibility.
School Grading Procedures
Grade Corrections:
Once a teacher has issued a grade, it becomes an official part of the
school record. If a teacher has made an error in calculating a grade
(i.e. added wrong, forgot to include a project or grade, etc.) then the
following procedure is to be followed:
1) The student or parent/guardian of said student must make all
grade-correction requests to the teacher within three weeks from the
date report cards are issued. Grade correction requests submitted after
this date will be reviewed.
2) If the teacher determines that an error was made in calculating
the grade, he/she will complete a CRLS Grade Correction form indicating
the correction and reason(s) for the change. All Grade Correction forms
must be submitted to his/her Dean of Curriculum for review and approval.
Under no conditions can a teacher change a grade because the student
made up work after the marking period closed.
Incomplete Grade: If a student has missed extensive
work due to absenteeism resulting from a family emergency or prolonged
illness, the teacher may allow the student to make up missed work and/or
tests after the marking period has closed by giving the student an
Incomplete (“I”) and by filling out an Incomplete Grade Contract form
which is submitted with the teacher’s grade list to the Dean of
Curriculum. A copy of the Incomplete Contract is to be given to the
student by the teacher. All Incomplete Grades (“I”) must be changed to a
grade the following marking period.
Honor Roll
- First Honors: No grade below an A- (all grades are A or better with no grade below an A-)
- Second Honors: No grade below a B- (all grades are B or better with no grade below a B-)
National Honor Society Membership
Juniors with a cumulative GPA of 87 or higher will automatically receive an application after the second marking period. Learn more >>
Course Requests
CRLS would like to offer every course listed in the catalog. However, courses may be cancelled due to low enrollment or staffing constraints.
Course Change Procedure
week is an opportunity for students to meet and discuss their schedule
with their counselors. Add/Drop occurs during the first five to 10 days of
school each semester. Students may withdraw from courses during this
week without penalty. Once Add/Drop week has passed, only changes to a
more appropriate level in a course will be approved. At the close of the
marking period, students who require a course change that is within the
same discipline (Honors Math to College Preparatory Math for example)
will carry their marking period grade to the new course and the grade
will be averaged with the marking period grade earned in the new course
to produce a final grade. For semester long courses, credit will be
awarded for the new course. When a student changes to a semester-long
course that is not within the same discipline, (Spanish to Art for
example) the student will keep the marking period grade earned in the
first class and be issued a final grade of WP-Withdrawn Passing or
WF-Withdrawn Failing. Credit will be issued for the new course and will
be pro-rated based on placement time. Once the Add/Drop week has passed,
only those requests for course changes that satisfy the guidelines
listed below will be approved:
- To change to a more appropriate level in a course
- To correct an error
- To balance a students academic courses over 2 semesters
- Medical necessity
- To drop or add a course as a result of summer school or a scheduling gap
- To add a required course
- As a result of a Special Education or English Language Learner Team decision
Course Withdrawals
- Students who withdraw from a class within two weeks prior to the close of grades will receive a grade for that course.
- Students who withdraw prior to the two weeks of closing of grades will receive WP or WF as a grade for that marking period.
Cambridge Public Schools is committed to having students complete their
elementary and secondary education. In the event that a student who is
sixteen years of age or older seeks to leave school without a high
school diploma, certificate of attainment or certificate of completion,
the Cambridge Public Schools adheres to the requirements of M.G.L.c. 76,
§18 and follows the procedures set forth below:
1. The principal or designee issues a letter to the parent/guardian
of the student notifying the parent/guardian that the student either (a)
has expressed an intention of withdrawing from school without an
intention of returning, or (b) has had fifteen (15) consecutive absences
from school and indicating the student’s last date of attendance at
In order for the school to determine whether the student is
withdrawing from school without intending to return, the school
schedules a meeting with the student and his/her parent/guardian for the
purpose of discussing the reasons why the student wants to leave school
and to explore alternative educational and other placements for the
student prior to him/her formally withdrawing from school. The
parent/guardian may request that the date and time of this meeting be
changed provided that the extension of time shall be no longer than
fourteen (14) days from the date of issuance of the letter by the
principal or designee.
2. After the meeting has been held with the parent/guardian and the
student, the principal or designee issues a letter to the
parent/guardian of the student summarizing what was discussed and any
decision that was reached at the meeting, including but not limited to,
whether the student is returning to school, pursuing an alternative
educational placement, pursuing other support services or permanently
leaving school.
3. In accordance with the provisions of M.G.L.c. 76, §18, any
determination that that a student would be permanently leaving school
shall not be construed as a permanent exclusion of the student if he/she
wishes to resume his/her education.
Core Classes
CORE academic classes include English, History, Mathematics, Science, and World Language. Students may choose to take Honors level classes in each of these subject areas.
Dual Enrollment Courses
The Commonwealth Dual Enrollment Partnership (CDEP) provides opportunities for Massachusetts high school students to take college-level courses at a discounted price* and earn credit toward high school completion and their future college degrees. CDEP eases the transition from high school to college, allows students to get a head start on their college careers, and provides meaningful and challenging academic experiences to qualified students who otherwise may not have access to an early college experience. The ultimate goal of CDEP is to increase the population of high school graduates who are college ready. Credits for the college courses can apply to both the high school and college transcript. CRLS currently offers Bunker Hill Community College dual enrollment courses in English Language Arts. CRLS currently offers one University of Massachusetts Boston dual enrollment course in History.