…to report my child absent or tardy?
(First know what Learning Community your child is in and then call the clerk of your child’s learning community)
Learning Community C: Debbie Gentile 617.349.6674
Learning Community R: Berhan Duncan 617.349.6661
Learning Community L: Heather Gannon 617.349.6638
Learning Community S: Yvette Jackson 617.349.6652
…to contact my child’s Deans?
Dean of Students:
Learning Community C: Susie Espinosa 617.349.6681
Learning Community R: Isabelle Reid 617.349.6738
Learning Community L: Vacant 617.349.6664
Learning Community S: Jamalh Prince 617.349.6723
Dean of Curriculum & Program:
Learning Community C, Dean of English Language Arts: Jennifer Hamilton 617.349.6676
Learning Community R, Dean of History & Social Science: Susie Van Blaricum 617.349.6662
Learning Community L, Dean of Math: Josh Marden 617.349.6650
Learning Community S, Dean of Science: Adelaide Porreca 617.349.6637
…to contact my child’s Guidance Counselor?
Learning Community C
George Finn 617.349.6671
Stephanie Richards 617.349.6642
Emily Beaulieu 617-349-6684 |
Learning Community L
Janani Nathan 617.349.6641
Ed Walker 617.349.6666
Daniel Hikes 857.235.9694
Rogette Solomon 857.235.9660 |
Learning Community R
Emily Beaulieu 857.235.6684
Michael Tubinis 617.349.6757
Jordan Roldan 857.235.9892
Emily Beaulieu 617-349-6684 |
Learning Community S
Dan Weathersby 617.349.6758
Jodi Mace 617.349.6655
Daniel Hikes 857.235.9694
Rogette Solomon 617-349-9694 |
…to obtain my child’s transcripts?
Click here for more information.
…to schedule a tour of CRLS?
Call Family Liaison at 617.349.6660 or send her an email.
…to find out about a child’s sports event or practice schedule?
Athletic/ PE Department: Oderra Jones 617.349.6690 or Sports Line 617.349.6019.
…to find out whether there’s a SNOW DAY!
Go to the CPS website or www.cambridgema.gov.
…to get information about Visual and Performing Arts Department Schedule?
Call 617.349.6788.
…questions regarding the Teen Health Center
Call 617.349.6719.
...how do I get in touch with my child’s teachers?
All teachers have email accounts with the first initial and last name
followed by cpsd.us, example: Joe Smith would be [email protected].
* When you don’t know a telephone number please call the CPS switch board at 617.349.6400 and they can connect you.