MBTA Bus Schedule Update
The last day of the MBTA Spring Schedule is Saturday, June 18, 2022. We do not run supplemental trips during the Summer. Bus schedules after June 18, 2022, are available online.
For any travel after Sunday June 19, 2022, students should reference mbta.com for trip planning.

Final Exams
Final exams begin June 21, 2022. View the Schedule >>

Congratulations to the Class of 2022!
CRLS Celebrates the Class of 2022
CRLS Celebrates the Class of 2022 at the Commencement Ceremony on June 9, 2022. Watch the ceremony at the following link.
Watch here >>
High School Extension Program Celebrates the Class of 2022
The High School Extension program celebrated the Class of 2022 at the Graduation Ceremony on June 8, 2022. Congratulations to all the graduates! Watch the ceremony at the following link.
Watch here >>

2022 Super Seniors
Each year, Cambridge Rindge & Latin School graduates more than 500 ambitious, beautiful, interesting, funny, dedicated, special, and spirited young people into the real world.
On average, 92 percent of each graduating class heads off to a two- or four-year college, university, or technical school.
Every new graduate has a story to share. Here are a few, some of which were chosen on the merits of their academic standing and some of which were chosen by the school for the way in which they embody the school motto of Opportunity, Diversity, and Respect.
View the Class of 2022 "Super Seniors" >>

Fall 2022 Athletic Season
Registration is now open for Fall 2022 Athletic Season
Registration closes on August 16. Learn more >>

Cambridge Youth Council 2022-23 Recruitment
Attention high schoolers/rising 9th graders! Cambridge Youth Council (CYC) is recruiting for the 2022-23 school year. CYC members have opportunities to network with city leaders, learn critical leadership skills, gain experience that will help them in their careers from college onward, and get paid. They also have a chance to represent Cambridge youth at the National League of Cities (NLC) Conference in Washington, DC in the spring. View flyer for more details.
View flyer >>
To apply, follow our application link or visit our website. Deadline: September 16, 2022.
Visit website >>
Updated Incident Reporting System
All members of the school community can report any incident of inappropriate conduct, such as discrimination, harassment, retaliation, bullying, other civil rights violations or other areas of concern can be reported through SpeakfullyNow.
To learn more about the Incident Reporting System, policies, and procedures, click here or scan the QR code to the right.

Free Financial Aid Support for Rising Seniors
Calling all Juniors! Are you planning on going to college or unsure of your post high school plans? Sign up to receive support from the CRLS Financial Aid Advisor! Alayna Blodgett from the nonprofit, uAspire will work with you to complete the FAFSA and other financial aid applications during your senior year. Please take a minute to fill out this form so Alayna can support you next year.
Fill form here >>
COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic @ the Teen Health Center
Covid-19 rates have stopped declining in our community and may rise in the next few weeks.
Protect yourself and your community - GET VACCINATED and BOOSTED!!!
Who is eligible?
- Current CRLS students ONLY who are 12 years old or older, and who received their 2nd COVID vaccine 5 or more months ago
- Every Tuesday from 8:30AM - 3PM
Call 617.665.1548 or walk-in to the clinic to schedule an appointment in person. NO WALK-IN APPOINTMENTS, you must schedule in advance.
- Anyone 12-15 years old must come to the appointment with a parent/guardian.
- Anyone 16 -17 years old may come alone but must have two signed consent forms (one from the state and one from CHA)*.
- Anyone 18 years old and above may come alone.
*You can either pick up the consent forms from Teen Health OR you can print them out here:
How do I schedule an appointment?
- Call 617.665.1548 or walk-in to the clinic to schedule an appointment in person.
- NO WALK-IN APPOINTMENTS, you must schedule in advance.
- Limited appointment availability (only 12 appointments each Tuesday)
The Covid-19 booster is FREE.
If you have any questions, please call 617.665.1548

CPS Free Internet Essentials Program
Cambridge Public Schools continues to partner with Comcast to connect eligible families to the Internet Essentials Program, which offers affordable internet service, low-cost computers, and digital literacy training.
As a part of our continued efforts to close the digital divide, CPS, through the Emergency Connectivity Grant (ECF), has purchased hundreds of pre-paid vouchers for free internet service through June 30, 2022.
For more information regarding eligibility, please visit the following link.
Sign up here >>

Cambridge School Volunteers (CSV)
Tutoring and mentoring support for CRLS students
Drop-in Math & Science Center - Before school (8-8:30AM)
Room 2403
Come by any day for support with all levels of math and/or science--no pre-registration required.
Subject-based Tutoring Services - Before school (8-8:30AM) or after school (3:15-4:15PM)
Room 2403 (before school) or Room 2407 (after school)
Meet one-to-one with a tutor once a week to receive support with one or more academic subjects and/or test preparation.
Request a CSV tutor or mentor >>
Become a CSV Volunteer >>
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Megan Andres, CSV's Director of High School Programs, or James Duche, Tutoring Center Manager at 617.349.6794
