CRLS DYK Newsletter: June 1, 2021
Published on Jun 1, 2021 10:48

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June 1, 2021

Updates from Principal Smith

Good Morning CRLS Community,

Please access the schedules below that have been shared with each grade level via SchoolMessenger to all students and families.

MCAS Schedule Week of June 1

MCAS Science for 9th graders will occur on Thursday, June 3rd and Friday, June 4th. The normal class schedule will occur on both Tuesday, 6/1 and Wednesday, 6/2.

2021 CRLS MCAS Schedule - 12th Grade
2021 CRLS MCAS Schedule- 10th & 11th Grade
2021 CRLS MCAS Schedule- 9th Grade

Please check in with your Learning Community Deans if you have any questions about the schedule, your responsibilities or other aspects of MCAS administration next week.

Principal Smith

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Cambridge Families of Color Coalition Celebrates Juneteenth

June 19 | Starlight Square

On June 19th Cambridge Families of Color Coalition will be celebrating Juneteenth, through the arts, at Starlight Square in Central Sq.

We will have live performances, puppetry, musical theatre, and more! We will center JOY on this day, lifting up the legacy of Black art making.

The Cambridge Families of Color Coalition (CFCC) is calling in the entire city to celebrate Juneteenth together in joyous community. 

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Need an Employment Permit?

Employment Permits are required for minors ages 14-17 years. Employment Permits are available through the RSTA Office (1312). We are processing Employment Permits electronically via email. For all inquiries, please email us.

Apply here >>

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Summer Opportunity for Rising 9th – 12th Graders: Futurely

Futurely is a summer opportunity for rising 9th-12th graders. The program is free, 10 weeks long, completed asynchronously (via Google classroom), and time commitment should not exceed 2-3 hours per week.

They will be launching several summer cohorts starting 5/24, 6/7, and 6/21.

More details >>

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Graduation/Senior Information

For information concerning graduation and Senior activities, please visit the following link. More details >>

Hello Seniors!
It is time to order Cap and Gowns for your graduation! To ensure we order the right size for you, please complete this Cap and Gown Form. If you have any questions about how to complete it, please do not hesitate to reach out to Susie VanBlaricum. Only students can complete the form and should log on with their school email address. Cap and Gowns will be distributed in front of the CRLS Arts building near Cambridge Street during the first week according to the following schedule:
LC - C: June 7, 10 AM
LC - R: June 7, 2 PM
LC - L: June 8, 10 AM
LC - S: June 8, 2 PM

Senior Prom
On Friday, June 4th there will be FREE senior celebration at the Starlight Center in Central Square.  There will be music, outdoor games, Karaoke, Henna, a caricature artist station as well as a photo booth. There will be photo backdrops for you and your friends to take plenty of photos. We hope you will join us. We are limited in space due to COVID restrictions and PRE-REGISTRATION is MANDATORY. This is a CRLS SENIOR CLASS ONLY event. NO outside guests or underclassmen will be allowed to attend due to limited space. Masks are required.

There is no food allowed at this event, and we encourage  students to dine either before or after the event. A number of Cambridge restaurants that have outdoor dining options will be offering specials to CRLS seniors to help us celebrate the evening. Look for the CRLS DECAL in participating restaurants to identify participating dining establishments. 

Thursday, June 10 | 3-8PM | Danehy Park
CRLS is so excited to celebrate our graduating seniors in-person this year!
An in-person graduation ceremony will be on June 10th from 3 PM to 8 PM at Danehy Park. Following the in-person ceremony there will be a virtual graduation broadcast on CEATV 98/99 and streamed on the CRLS website. 

To help us plan for the in-person graduation ceremony, please complete this rsvp form. Note - only graduates and the guests they register through this form will be permitted to attend the in-person ceremony. More details >>  

Senior Materials Collection & Final Plan Forms
Seniors will need to return all borrowed materials including textbooks, library books, athletic uniforms & equipment prior to commencement. Additionally, in order to receive their cap and gown they will need to complete their “Senior Final Plans Survey” and submit it to their guidance counselor.

Seniors do not need to return their Chromebooks.  ICTS will disconnect them from the CPS network after graduation. Students who do not want to keep their Chromebook can return it when they pick up their cap and gown so that it can support other students and/or be properly recycled. 

Yearbooks will be provided at no cost to seniors. Distribution details will be provided later this spring.

Important Dates
Senior Final Exams  | June 3 and 4
Last Full Day of School for Seniors | June 4
HSEP Graduation | June 9 | 6PM | HSEP/Longfellow Building Courtyard
Virtual Graduation Ceremony | June 10 | 7PM
In-Person Graduation Ceremony | June 10 | 4 - 8PM - students and their guests will be assigned a specific arrival time

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Get Your COVID-19 Vaccine Now!

Getting your COVID-19 Vaccine: Easier than Ever!
If you or your teen (age 12+) haven't gotten your COVID-19 shot yet, now is the perfect time! More local sites are opening up, and more doctors' offices are receiving vaccines for their patients. All mass vaccination sites and CVS pharmacies now accept walk-ins.

  • People age 18 and older can get any vaccine, but teens age 12 to 17 can only get the Pfizer vaccine. Mass vaccination sites in Boston offer the Pfizer vaccine, as well as some Cambridge pharmacies, and the CHA Somerville, Medford, and Everett vaccination sites.
  • Students under 18 need parental consent to receive the vaccine.  

Where you can get vaccinated:

  • Somerville (CHA Vaccine Center, 176 Somerville Ave.), Medford (Tufts University), and Everett (Encore Boston Harbor). These clinics are run by Cambridge Health Alliance, as part of the Metro North COVID-19 Vaccination Partnership. Register for an appointment >>
  • Cambridge pharmacies: Cambridge CVSWalgreensStar Market/Oso Pharmacy, and Inman Pharmacy. CVS stores accept walk-ins, appointments are required at other pharmacies. For the most current information on which pharmacies have Pfizer vaccine available, go to Currently, there is high demand for Pfizer at these locations and you may be directed to a pharmacy outside of Cambridge. 
  • Mass Vaccination Sites in Boston: Hynes Convention Center and Reggie Lewis Center (Roxbury Community College).   
  • Go to to see all Massachusetts vaccine locations.
  • Call 2-1-1, the Massachusetts Vaccine Scheduling Resource Line, for help by phone.
  • NO insurance, ID, or social security number needed.  You may be asked for ID at some sites, but it is not required or mandatory.
  • Getting a vaccine will NOT affect a public charge determination or immigration status.

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Get Tested for COVID-19 Now!

City of Cambridge Testing Locations
Beginning in June, the City of Cambridge and Cambridge Public Health Department (CPHD) will also offer COVID-19 vaccinations at its COVID-19 testing sites. The sites will be operating on a modified schedule on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. View schedule >>

CRLS COVID-19 Testing
Monday and Thursday from 7:30AM-1PM

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Early Dismissal Form

If you would like the option to be dismissed early from advisory and study block by your teacher, please complete the Early Dismissal Form

If you have a free period in your schedule and would like to be able to leave campus during the period during which you have no scheduled class, please have your caregiver complete the attached form. 

Completed forms can be scanned and emailed to your Dean of Students or printed paper forms can be dropped off in the "Early Dismissal Form Collection Box" located in the main entrance of CRLS. 

If you already filled out the Early Dismissal Google Form sent out earlier, please also fill out and have your caregiver sign this paper form. Thanks for taking this additional step. 

If you have questions about the form or the dismissal process, please contact your LC Dean of Students.

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Job Corps: Virtual Open House

June 3 | 1-2:30PM 
Join us for a virtual open house on June 3rd! More details >>

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Mobile Tech Help DeskNeed Tech Help?

ICTS Technical Services Team will be operating the Mobile Helpdesk at CRLS Mon - Fri | 12NOON - 4PM
Saturdays: Closed

The Mobile Helpdesk will be located at CRLS, Felton St RSTA side of the school in the garage door closest to Broadway, which is the RSTA Graphics Classroom. The garage door will be open during operational hours.

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CSV Tutoring & Mentoring Programs

To be updated by Megan Andres (Check email).

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snack of the weekHealthy Snack of the Week

Cucumber Cups! Cut a cucumber into 2-inch segments (leave skin on), scoop out most of cucumber (leaving a small amount as a bottom to each "cup"), and fill the hole with tuna salad.

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CRLS Events & Reminders

Under The Stars at Starlight:
Senior Celebration
June 4 | 5-9PM

CPS Community Fair
June 5 | 10AM-12PM, Pisani Center

HSEP Graduation

June 9

CRLS Graduation
June 10 | Danehy Park

Juneteenth (No School)
June 18

Last Day of School (Early release)
June 23

Connect with other CPS Families
FamilyBook is a secure, online family directory for each CPS school. If you haven’t already, sign up for the FamilyBook now!

Summer Opportunities in Naviance
How to Locate the Enrichment Section
From the Naviance home page, please click:
-- Top tab colleges
-- Click colleges home
-- Under research colleges, click enrichment

Teen Health Center is OPEN!
Please call 617.665.1548 to schedule an appointment.

Free Meals for All Students
Monday - Friday, 12-1PM. Details >>

MBTA Passes

Still need an MBTA Card? You can order it via email and it will be mailed to you.

In Our District & Community

find it cambridge logo

Find Spring and Summer 2021 opportunities for Cambridge families. You can also call/text 617.686.2998 or email Andrew for help.

Continue to check back as new programs are updated or visit Find It Cambridge for lots of other great resources!

Cambridge Rindge and Latin School
See a curated list of programs, events, and resources within our district & community! See list >>

CEATVCEATV Weekly Highlights
May 31 - June 6, 2021
Schedule & Streaming >>

SmartTV 98

CRLS 2021 Spring Vocal Concert (Live)
Wed. 6PM

CRLS National Honor Society Induction 5/28/21
Thu. 8PM & Fri. 8PM

Game of the Week: CRLS Volleyball vs. Boston Latin 5/28/21
Sat. 11AM & Sun. 11AM

What’s Up Cambridge: CRLS Orchestra Concert 5/25/21
Tue. 8PM & Thu. 6PM

School Committee Regular Meeting 6/1/21 (Live)
Tue. 6PM

Building & Grounds Subcommittee Meeting 5/26/21 (Re-Broadcast)
Sat. 10AM

Special Education & Student Supports Meeting 5/26/21 (Re-Broadcast)
Sun. 6PM

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Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
459 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138  •  617.349.6630
CPS Mobile App >>
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