CRLS DYK Newsletter: December 15, 2020
Published on Dec 15, 2020 14:38

Here's the latest news from CRLS...        View newsletter in browser >>

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December 15, 2020

Join a Family Feedback Session

We are gaining valuable perspective through our family feedback sessions, hosted by Director of family engagement, Robin Harris. Join via Zoom >> 

  • Tuesday, December 15, 11AM: Bengali Speakers
  • Tuesday, December 15, 4PM: Spanish Speakers
  • Thursday, December 17, 11AM: Arabic Speakers
  • Thursday, December 17, 2PM CRLS Families (additional hours added)
  • Thursday, December 17, 4PM: Open to All

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Club Med Fundraiser

December 16 | 11AM-2PM 
Club Med volunteers are organizing & hosting a fundraiser to benefit the homeless population in our community. The club co-presidents in collaboration with Ms Hughes will be collecting donations to assemble "emergency bags" that will be distributed by the staff of the shelter currently housed in the War Memorial building.

*Donations of socks, hats, mittens, hand warmers, etc will gladly be accepted between 10:30AM-12:30NOON in front of the CRLS main entrance on 12/16.

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Winter Boys Basketball Virtual Sports Meeting w/ Coach Geo Rodriguez

December 16 | 6PM | Join Zoom Meeting >>

Meeting ID: 977 6776 4622
Passcode: ru9rHD

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Club 4 Holiday Food and Clothing Drive

December 20th | 10AM-4PM | 459 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138
Club 4 is organizing a Holiday Food and Clothing Drive! Bring any winter clothing in good or new condition, canned/non-perishable goods, and unused face masks to support your local homeless shelters! Waterproof gloves, new socks, and new underwear, and new toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss, lotion, non-alcoholic mouthwash, and razors) are especially appreciated! Club 4 volunteers will be collecting donations in front of the CRLS main entrance. 

Questions and/or Interested in volunteering? Email Gonzalo Anyosa or direct message @crlsclub4 on Instagram!

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Give Feedback through the Family Survey

One way to provide feedback on your family’s experience is via the family survey, which launches today and will be open through December 17.  We look forward to hearing your thoughts and key takeaways will be shared with the community.

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Courageous Conversations: Looking for Core Organizers
Courageous Conversations is a caregiver-led group that has an educational and advocacy focus on creating time and space for school community members to have conversations about race and racial equity, and how it impacts teaching, learning and family experiences at school. The goal was to share and learn from each other's experiences and histories and reimagine a more inclusive experience for all our students and families. We are incredibly excited to continue this important work in our community.

This is all part of a larger district effort towards CPS’ commitment towards an anti-racist school district and to breaking down barriers to equity. 

We are looking for core organizers to form Courageous Conversations at CRLS. If you can dedicate a few hours a month to help start this please reach out to Bernette Dawson or Greta Hardina.

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Class of 2021 

More information for Seniors can be found here.

uAspire December Virtual Financial Aid Events | View flyer >>
Student Support Day
Thursday, December 17th | 4:30-7:30PM | Book Appointment Here >>

40-minute appointments to work one-on-one on financial aid applications

After the FAFSA Walkthrough

Wednesday, December 16th | 7-8PM | Join Zoom Meeting >>
Meeting ID: 971 8366 2999 - Passcode: 768770

Full walkthrough of Student Aid Report & Verification 

uAspire Text Message Opt-In 
As of now there are fewer than a quarter of seniors enrolled in the uAspire text message advising program. CRLS aims to have 100% of students attending college in the fall enroll in the uAspire financial aid advising program.

uAspire has provided an easier way for students to enroll in the advising program by having students utilize a new "opt-in" number feature.
Texting into this number will allow students to become directly enrolled in their advising program within 24-48 hrs. The number is 617-362-6814.

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Coronavirus Testing

Where to Get Tested
Testing appointments through the City's free mobile-testing program are now available at the following locations:

  • Monday: 50 Church St. 12PM-8PM
  • Tuesday: 50 Church St. 12PM-8PM
  • Wednesday: 2254 Massachusetts Ave, St. John the Evangelist Church, 10AM-6PM
  • Thursday: CambridgeSide in East Cambridge, 11AM-7PM (Drive-through testing in garage. Enter on First St.)
  • Friday: 50 Church St. 12PM-8PM
  • Saturday: Pisani Center located at 131 Washington Street. 11AM-7PM
  • Sunday: CambridgeSide in East Cambridge, 11AM-7PM (Drive-through testing in garage. Enter on First St.)

You can schedule an appointment online or by calling 617.349.9788.

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CRLS Parent-to-Parent Meetings

Please join us to connect and support each other as we face the many challenges of parenting teens during these unsettling times. Meeting times are listed below and run from 6 - 7:30PM. Register to join a meeting >>

Jan. 7, Feb. 4, March 4, April 1, May 6, June 3

Facilitated by Greta Hardina, CRLS Family Liaison, Debbie Bonilla, CPS Title I Family Liaison/Homeless Family Services Coordinator, and Merline Sylvain-Williams, Baby University Family Support Worker/Parent Educator.

For more information or to register for the meeting please email Greta Hardina the CRLS Family Liaison.

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Need Tech Help?

ICTS Technical Services Team will be operating the Mobile Helpdesk at CRLS M-F: 8AM - 4PM, Saturdays: 8AM - 2PM

The Mobile Helpdesk will be located at CRLS, Felton St RSTA side of the school in the garage door closest to Broadway, which is the RSTA Graphics Classroom. The garage door will be open during operational hours.

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CSV Tutoring & Mentoring Programs

Cambridge School Volunteers (CSV) offers one-to-one remote tutoring and mentoring for Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (CRLS) and High School Extension Program (HSEP) students. It's important for students to be able to commit to 1 hour at the same time each week for an academic semester.

Academic Tutoring: Meet one-to-one with a tutor once a week to receive support with one or more academic subjects and/or test preparation.

College and Career Mentoring: Meet one-to-one with a mentor once a week to receive support in planning for your post-secondary life. This can include career and college exploration, college admission essay help, scholarship application support, etc.

Freshmen Peer Mentoring: Freshmen students meet with a peer mentor every other week during the fall semester to assist their transition into high school. This is our first year running this program, so there is limited capacity for participants.

Students looking for a Tutor or Mentor >> 
Students looking to become Peer Tutors >>
To become a CSV High School Volunteer >>

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Healthy Snack of the Week

Baked Carrot Sticks
Here's Cambridge in Motion's Healthy Snack of the Week:

Baked Carrot Sticks: Slice carrots into sticks, drizzle with olive oil, and bake at 375 degrees F for 20-24 minutes. Dip these into a hummus or greek yogurt dip for extra flavor!

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CRLS Events & Reminders


School Committee, Regular Meeting
December 15 | 6PM

Winter Break, No school
December 24 - January

State deadline for all students to receive Flu Vaccine
December 31

School resumes
January 4th


COVID-19 CPS Data Dashboard
View Dashboard >>

“What Should I Do” Document
Guidance on what to do if you have symptoms or have been exposed to COVID-19. View here >>

Housing Support
Cambridge residents experiencing housing instability can continue applying to the Housing Stabilization Program through December 15 (online or call 617.349.9797).  A new application process will open on January 11, 2021.

Food Services
-- The December menu for in-person and remote learning are now available! 
In-person Learning Menu >>
Remote Learning Menu >>
-- The Amigos meal pick up site is now reopen! We closed temporarily for a few days, but we are back up and running!
-- Starting on Monday, December 7th, the Fresh Pond Apartments meal pick up site spot will MOVE from the parking area to the backdoor of the 364 Rindge Community Room. This is the same door as the food pantry! 
Find out site information at the Cambridge school meals map >>
-- The CPS Nutrition team will be recognized as 2020 Cambridge Food Heroes! Watch ceremony here >>

Free Meals for All Students

Monday - Friday, 12-1PM. Details >>
Guide to Healthier Snacking 
Find handy tips on the right hand margin of the School Health page on the CPHD website!

Need an Employment Permit?
Employment Permits are required for minors ages 14-17 years. In response to COVID-19 & practicing safe distancing during remote learning, we are processing Employment Permits electronically. Please email us for all inquiries.

MBTA Passes
Still need an MBTA Card? You can order it via email and it will be mailed to you.

Flu Vaccines - Reminder
As a reminder, all children in grades K-12 (remote or in-person) are required to receive the influenza vaccine by December 31, 2020, for the 2020-2021 influenza season unless they have a medical or religious exemption. Please submit all necessary documentation to Nurse Joanne as soon as possible. If you have already done, please disregard this reminder. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
- Nurse Walsh

Flu Shots @ Teen Health Center
CHA patients (12 - 22 years old) OR Cambridge Public School students (12 - 22 years old)

Teen Health Center located in CRLS

The flu shot is now REQUIRED for all children who attend MA schools. The flu can be very serious. The flu shot is the best way to help protect you and your loved ones against the flu.

Call the Teen Health Center to schedule an appointment 617.665.1548

All insurances are accepted. All will be provided care regardless of their ability to pay.

In Our District & Community

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Looking for resources in Cambridge? 
Find It Cambridge >> 

Children Are Drawing for Anxiety
This article explains how drawings of COVID-19 can help children manage their anxiety. Read here >>

Harvard High School Tutoring Program
Harvard college students are available to support high school students who live in Cambridge or live or attend school in Allston-Brighton for FREE with online tutoring sessions. Contact Bersabell Yeshitla for any questions or concerns. More details >>
Register here >>

Holiday Pops: Festive Stories for the Whole Family

December 20 | 4PM | View Flyer >>
The CSO has decided to produce a free live stream event with pre-recorded video that will feature a mini version of Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker. More details >>

FREE Adult Education Programs
If you work with adults who would benefit from free ABE, ESOL, and high school equivalency classes, here are some programs. Learn more >>
Visit MA Adult Literacy Website >> 

Free Flu Shots in Cambridge
You can make an appointment for a flu shot with either your healthcare provider or local pharmacy. Note: It's mandatory for CPS students to receive flu shots by 12/31. Learn more >>
Need Help with over due utility bills, filing taxes, housing recertifications, health insurance, or food resources?
CEOC (Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee) is stepping it up to continue to support families. Details >> 

Immigration Legal Screening Clinic
-- The City of Cambridge and De Novo will hold a Virtual Immigration Legal Screening Clinic in December to provide limited consultations, while City and De Novo offices are closed to the public. 
-- Callers to the Virtual Clinic Message Line at 617.405.5479 should leave their name and contact number at any time before the 12PM deadline on December 16th. Calls received by 12PM will be returned within 3-4 business days. 
-- A return call from De Novo staff will ask some pertinent questions to enable assignment to an Immigration Attorney, who will contact callers for a limited consultation. Attorneys will return their assigned calls within a few days of receiving their assignments. 
-- Once capacity for this clinic is reached, additional callers will be assigned to next month's Virtual Clinic.

MIT Museum Programs
Here is a listing of your programs. Check them out >>

Caregiver Groups
The BRYT (Bridge for Resilient Youth in Transition) network has been providing FREE parent support groups since the school closures in March 2020 to any parent or caregiver!
Flyer >>
Parents Supporting Parents Commercial >>

McLean Hospital Mental Health Webinars 
Free mental health resources available for the public. 
View upcoming webinars >>

Cambridge Public Library Updates
-- English Classes: Registration is required for each class. Please see the Library’s online events calendar for more details.
-- Tween/Teen Virtual Hangout
December 16 | 4-5PM
A drop-in hour for tweens, teens and their caregivers. Breakout rooms available for one-on-one assistance. Register here >>
-- Google Drawing 101: Sticker Design
12/15, 6PM | 12/17, 3:30PM | 12/29, 12NOON
Learn the fundamentals of Google Drawing to design and edit images for customized OR your own vinyl stickers. Register here >>
-- Google Drawing 101: Winter Solstice Lantern
12/2, 6PM | 12/22, 3:30PM
Learn the fundamentals of Google Drawing to design and edit pieces for a laser-cut lantern. Register here >>
-- Haitian Folkloric Dance with Jean Appolon Expressions
December 18 | 4-4:30PM
CPL invites children of all ages and their caregivers to join Artistic Director Jean Appolon of Jean Appolon Expressions in this energetic movement class! Register here >>

Food Resources
For more information about Food Pantries, Financial Assistance for Food, Free Delivery Services and more, please check the list from FinditCambridge.

We have a Food Resources flyer that lists all the pantries, congregate programs, school meals, etc. (find all translated languages on the CiM main page) operations in Cambridge and a Farmers Market flyer.

Frequently Asked Questions about Electric, Gas, and Water Utilities during COVID-19 
Many residents are struggling to pay their bills, including their monthly utility bills. Electricity, gas, and water are essential services—that’s why it is important that every customer know their rights and where they can go for help if they need it.
More information>>

Neurodiversity Internships at MIT
The McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT is seeking to recruit neurodiverse individuals for internships, age 18+. 
Learn more >>

CEATVCEATV Weekly Highlights
December 14 - December 20, 2020
Schedule & Streaming >>

SmartTV 98
What’s Up Cambridge: RAUC TV, Season 1 (New!)
Sat. 7PM & Sun. 9PM

The Word: Healthy Affordable Foods (New!)
Mon. 10:30PM & Thu. 10:30PM

Strata Portraits of Humanity: Vital Tools for Archaeologists (New!)
Wed. 10:30PM & Sat. 2:30PM

Reeling: The Movie Review Show (New!)
Mon. 6PM & Wed. 10PM

School Committee Meeting 12/15/20 (Live)
Tue. 6PM

Buildings & Grounds Sub-Committee Meeting 12/11/20 (Re-Broadcast)
Sat. 6PM

White House Chronicle: Digital Innovation & Medicine (New!)
Thu. 10PM & Sun. 5PM
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Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
459 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138  •  617.349.6630
CPS Mobile App >>
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