Parent Teacher Conferences
March 28 - 29, 2017
The online portion of Parent Teacher Conferences have been moved to Tuesday, March 28 and Wednesday, March 29 keeping the same time slots.
If you already registered online your time slots have been saved but changed to the new dates. If these time slots do not work for you anymore please login and make changes by canceling and rescheduling. Learn more >>
Below is the schedule for students:
Tuesday, March 28
Regular morning, early release.
Block 1: 8:05 - 9:25AM
CM: 9:39 - 9:44AM
Block 2: 9:48 - 11:08AM
Lunch/dismissal at 11:08AM
Family conferences- 12:20 - 3PM
Wednesday, March 29
Late start, regular afternoon.
Family Conferences: 8:05 - 11AM
Block 3 starts at:
If you have Lunch A - 11:46AM
Lunch B or C - 11:12AM
Period 4: 1:10 - 2:30PM
Please call 617.349.6660 or email Greta Hardina if you need assistance.

Aspen Access for Families
Aspen allows you to view your child's grades, attendance, class work, and homework any time it is convenient for you. There is a link to Aspen from the CRLS parents web page. We are here to help support you with any login issues. We can also provide you with some tips for navigating through the Aspen tabs. Please email the CRLS Tech Center anytime.

Help Send CRLS Students to Peru
There are 28 CRLS students taking part in an amazing trip to Peru in April! We are having a fundraiser to offset costs for the students. This will take place on March 23rd at Machu Picchu Restaurant in Somerville, MA. More Info >>

Join us on a Language Immersion Trip to Costa Rica April 2018
For more information email Eydie Ortiz - sign up soon, space is limited!

The Farm School Learn to Farm Program
Ready to apply? Can’t wait to get started? Apply Now for the next Learn To Farm class starting in October 2017!
Our program is open to anyone age 18 or older, and a typical class has 12-16 members with an age range from 18 – 60. It runs from October to September. Generous scholarships are available. Admissions are rolling – we encourage you to apply early and applications received before April 1 will be given priority. Have questions? Is this the right program for you? You can also email Caitlin Sargent if you have more questions about admissions or the program!

Friends of CRLS Birthday Bash: Sold Out
The Friends of CRLS 10th Year Birthday Bash is sold out! In addition to celebrating making resources available to a decade's worth of CRLS students, grads, and faculty, this Thursday's event marks the kick-off of our Invest CRLS Campaign to raise $100,000 over the next 3 years. Please help us get there with a donation in any amount by contributing online or by check payable to Friends of CRLS, mailed to Friends of CRLS, P.O. Box 391541, Cambridge MA 02139.
Friends of CRLS Annual MayFair Raffle
Being Made Possible by Volunteers
Working on the FoCRLS MayFair Raffle is a wonderful and fun way to make a difference in the community with as little as two hours of your time, and there are a variety of opportunities! Students will receive community service credit. The raffle will feature dozens of prizes, and all proceeds (over $10,000 last spring!) benefit CRLS students, grads, and faculty. Raffle entries are available at focrls.org.
FoCRLS Prize Outreach
Team: We have an immediate need for volunteers to
do outreach for donations of gift cards/certificates from local businesses (including many who've given in the past) for raffle prizes. It's an easy ask, especially at places you frequent, and we'll supply you with back-up materials.
To join the Prize Outreach Team, please email us or call 857.235.9290.
FoCRLS Ticket Table Team
We're also looking for student and adult volunteers to sell raffle tickets at tables around the city on Saturdays in
April and early May, as well as 5 - 7PM on Thursdays during April inside Broadway Marketplace. To join the Ticket Table Team, please click here for more information and to sign up.
FoCRLS Ticket Table Pick-up / Drop-off
Volunteers: Additionally, we're looking for volunteers with cars who can pick up and drop off tables and supplies at designated locations at specific times on Saturdays. To work on table transit, please click here for more information and to sign up.
Friends of CRLS Unveils New Logo
CRLS parent Carolyn Duffy has given us a fresh new look with a colorful new FoCRLS logo, featuring the CRLS falcon! This is but one vibrant example of how parent/guardian volunteers, as well as student, alumni, and community volunteers, contribute to the growth of FoCRLS, a nonprofit association providing resources for CRLS students, faculty, and grads. For information about volunteering, donating, or establishing a scholarship please visit us online or email us, or call 857.235.9290.

Do You Need a Job?
TeenWork is for Cambridge youth ages 16-21. We train you on how to get a job and then help you to get one. For an application or for more information, please visit the Youth Employment Center, room 2101, during lunch M-F. Learn more >>

Get involved with Breakthrough!
Breakthrough Greater Boston is looking for CRLS students to be After School Program Teaching Fellows and Academic Mentor Volunteers for our middle school students. After School Program Teaching Fellows help groups of students complete homework and lead a hands-on STEAM workshop once a week. Academic Mentor Volunteers are paired with a student for an entire semester, and Mentors work with their student one-on-one to develop study skills in core academic subjects. For more information, please visit our website or email Shoko Fox.

MIT/Wellesley Upward Bound Program
Upward Bound Program provides after school tutoring during the school year and a six-week residential summer program at Wellesley College. The program also offers academic support and college preparation guidance including college tours and senior seminars. Both the school year and summer session offer various recreational and cultural activities and field trips. For more information or an application please contact: 617.253.5124 or see your Guidance Counselor.
The event gives Freshmen and Sophomores an opportunity to learn about Upward Bound. For more information, please contact 617.253.5124.
The MIT/Wellesley Upward Bound Program is currently recruiting CRLS 9th & 10th graders.
Upward Bound Program provides after school tutoring during the school year and a six-week residential summer program at Wellesley College. The program also offers academic support and college preparation guidance including college tours and senior seminars. Both the school year and
summer session offer various recreational and cultural activities and field trips.
For more information or an application please contact: 617.253.5124 or see your Guidance Counselor.

CRLS Sandwich Ordering System
Save time and order your sandwich ahead of time. All orders must be placed by 10AM that day. Pickup your sandwich in the CRLS Main cafeteria. Check it out >>

MBTA Pass Information
MBTA passes are available in the Main Office. Learn more >>

Join the 31st Annual 5K Cambridge City Run/Henrietta's Walk on April 2nd
Join this fitness focused community frolic attracting hundreds of runners/walkers from Cambridge and surrounding communities. CRLS student athletes also participate and are the lead beneficiaries with proceeds from registrations and sponsors funding student scholarships and needs of the athletics program. FOCA is coordinating the event with the City of Cambridge Recreation and Athletics Departments, Marathon Sports and local businesses as co-sponsors. The Andrea Harvey Memorial Fund coordinates the Walk component with proceeds also supporting their high school scholarships and domestic violence awareness programming (Andrea was a CRLS graduate and East Boston High teacher).
One of the oldest road races in the country, the City Run has migrated this year from the streets around Fresh Pond to Danehy Park. Participants start arriving as early as 8:30AM with a festive warm-up at 10:15AM and race start at 10:30AM. As if all this is not enough enticement, a commemorative, limited edition CCR t-shirt will be issued to each of the first 500 registrants.
Register: Click here for more details about the run, walk and/or donate.
Learn more >>
Get Involved with FOCA
There are many opportunities for parent engagement at CRLS and the Friends of Cambridge Athletics (FOCA) supports many aspects of this process for the athletics program. Participation is simple and there are many volunteer opportunities. Areas range from FOCA events to serving as parent liaison to teams. To learn more about our work and to get involved visit our website, send an email, or just come to one of our meetings held the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the Athletics office 6 - 7:30PM.

Career & College Resource Center
City Year
City Year will be visiting the Career and College Resource Center on March 30 from 11:08AM - 1:08PM.
Did you fill out your FAFSA Application?
Find out why it is important to submit early. Watch the video >>
Duke Summer College
Have your students ever wondered what college classes are like? Do they want to expand their scope of knowledge beyond what is typically taught in high school? If so, tell them to look no further than Duke Summer College!
First Work
If you are 14 or 15 years old, there are jobs available through First Work. Apply in Room 1312 between 7:15AM and 3PM. Must be 14 or 15 years old to apply.
uAspire: Free Financial Help
Winter Greetings Class of 2017! It’s really important that you try to get all of your financial aid forms completed before winter break. If you’ve already finished please set up a meeting with uAspire to have it reviewed. Errors on your student aid report can delay your financial aid award package. Stop by Career and College Resource Center (CCRC) to sign up or schedule an appointment at uaspire-crls.youcanbook.me.
Free financial aid help is available in the CCRC Tuesday through Friday mornings. Make an appointment by clicking here or call Simone at 413.829.4494 to schedule an appointment.
Look Who's Visiting the CCRC
College representatives will be visiting Room 1501. You must sign up on Naviance and print your confirmation letter to attend. Space is limited. View the Schedule >>
CEOC is Here to Help You!
help filling out the CSS/PROFILE or other financial aid forms?
Wondering how to pay for college? Have questions about navigating the
college process? CEOC can help!
Appointments are also available on other days,
evenings, and weekends at our office in Central Square (11 Inman St.
Right behind City Hall). Contact Tina Alu (617.868.2900) for more information or to make an appointment today!
Cambridge School Volunteers (CSV)
We offer services before-school from 7:30 - 8AM, and after-school from 2:30 to 3:30PM in the Tutoring Center located in room 2132 (across from Learning Community S). Come and sign up with Mr. Duche or Ms. Williams for a tutor!
Seniors, thinking about your next steps? Whether you need help with college, gap, technical, or job readiness program applications, we can help. Come and get paired with a mentor who is dedicated to helping you. College/Career Mentor Program for seniors is from 2:30 to 3:30PM in the CCRC room (1501). Visit Ms. Williams in the Tutoring Center (room 2132) to learn more about the program.
Are you interested in volunteering? Please contact Deandra Williams at 617.349.6794.
We have great news! CSV is excited to announce that 34 students participated this Fall. These students (both seniors and juniors) deserve a round of applauds and recognition. We had students who were on the football team come, take exams and learn strategies, and then report to practice after being in the academic setting throughout the day. This was the first year we offered SAT prep during the first semester and will plan to next Fall. We will begin our Spring services on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 in CRLS library's fiction room.
ACT, SAT, AP Testing
Don't forget to register in advance for these exams. View the Testing Schedule >>
Free Test Prep
Students who would like FREE test prep (including scholarship searches, practice tests, and downloadable e-books) can access the Testing & Education Reference Center database with their Cambridge Public Library card. You can access the database by going to the eLibrary page on the Cambridge Public Library website, or by clicking here.

Stay Connected
Get up-to-date news, announcements, event information, and school closing information. Follow CRLS on Facebook and Twitter today.
What's Happening Outside of CPS?
Fletcher Maynard Academy, King Open, and Cambridgeport School Celebrate Autism Awareness Week and Day in Conjunction with Mayor E. Denise Simmons
Light Up City Hall
Thursday, March 30 | 7PM | Cambridge City Hall
Austim Awareness Assembly
Friday, March 31 | 8:30AM | FMA Gymnasium
Learn more >>
Open House: Fair & Affordable Housing
Saturday, April 29 | 10AM - 2PM
CRLS Main Cafeteria
Get your housing questions answered by organizations serving Cambridge.
Learn more >>
About the DYK: The DYK is a weekly publication for students and families of Cambridge Rindge & Latin School. To submit an announcement, email the DYK. Deadline for submission is Fridays at 10AM each week.