Welcome Back!
Dear CRLS Students and Families,
It is with great enthusiasm that I welcome you to the new school year!
Although the conclusion of summer vacation is bittersweet, I am eager
for the start of the school year. I am excited to see veteran students,
get to know the incoming Class of 2019, and work with staff, families,
and community members to help all students reach their full potential.
Below is the opening week schedule for all CRLS students.
Please note, due to 9th grade orientation activities-
- On Tuesday, September 8th, 2015, school will start at 8:05AM for
9th graders and 10:45AM for students in grades 10-12. The school day
will conclude at 2:30PM for all students on Tuesday, September 8th.
- On Wednesday, September 9th, 2015 students in 9th grade will be dismissed at the conclusion of the orientation assembly 2:30PM.
- On Wednesday, September 9th, 2015 students in grades 11-12 will
be dismissed at 11:08AM, while 10th grade students will be dismissed at
12:46PM following a grade level meeting with their guidance counselor.
If you have questions regarding the schedule for the opening week of school, please contact your child’s Learning Community.
Learning Community C: 617.349.6674
Learning Community R: 617.349.6661
Learning Community L: 617.349.6638
Learning Community S: 617.349.6652
Damon Smith
The Cambridge Rindge and Latin School
Download the Opening Week Schedule >>

Important Dates for Athletics
August 27: First Day for Soccer, Golf, Cross-Country,
and Volleyball
August 31: First Day of Crew
September 8: Fall Sports Parent Meeting | 6 - 7:15PM

Summer Reading
not too late to complete your summer reading assignments. Learn more >>

Superintendent Search Process
The School Committee invites and
welcomes community involvement and engagement, and is offering a number
of ways in which Cambridge Public Schools stakeholders can have an
important voice in the Superintendent of Schools search and selection
process, including an online survey, a community-based Superintendent
Search Interview Committee, focus groups, community forums, and more.
Learn more >>

Did You Know?
You can view several calendars at
once on the district website-- two different schools, district-wide
events, even programs or libraries. Look for the instructions at the top
of the page. >>

Questions? Concerns?
Check out the New & Improved For
Families section of the CPS website. Email feedback, locate resources,
read family engagement updates, and more! >>

Stay Connected
Get up-to-date news, announcements, event information, and school closing information. Follow CRLS on Facebook and Twitter today.