Copy of Did You Know Newsletter: June 1, 2015
Published on Jun 1, 2015 09:20

June 1, 2015

SAT Test Day Requirements
Juniors, please be advised you must bring the following items with them on the June 6th SAT testing day:

Picture ID (School ID, MA License or MA ID, or passport with recent picture) and printed admission ticket.
Due to strict College Board guidelines, students will not be admitted into the test center without these documents.  Please see Ms. Williams in the CCRC if you have any questions.


Physics After School Review Sessions
June 2, 3, 4, 5 | 2:45 - 3:45PM
The physics department at CRLS is offering after school review sessions for students who struggled in physics class or who may need review to be successful on the Physics MCAS. They will be held in Room 2405.

Club Z

Club Z! Offers Affordable One-on-One Tutoring in the Student's Home
We provide tutoring in all subject levels (K - 12), including ACT and SAT test prep. Our number one goal is to raise grades in the classroom. Our qualified tutors work with the student’s school curriculum, instead of a pre-determined program that may not relate to current class work. Club Z! tutors also teach effective study skills, helping students learn “smarter”. Please visit our website for more information.

Upward Bound

MIT/Wellesley Upward Bound Program is Recruiting 9th Graders
The MIT/Wellesley Upward Bound Program provides after school tutoring during the school year and a six-week residential summer program at Wellesley College. Upward Bound offers academic support and college preparation guidance including college tours and senior seminars. Both the school year and summer session offer various recreational and cultural activities and field trips.

For more information or an application please contact: 617.253.5124 or see your Guidance Counselor.


Need Volunteer Hours? Interested
in Teaching?

Breakthrough is looking for teachers and tutors for our after school program. You will get hands-on classroom experience teaching and mentoring 6-10 middle school students. Breakthrough has consistently been ranked one of the best internships in the country. The program happens every Monday right after school here at CRLS. Questions? Email us or visit our website. Want to apply? Send a short letter explaining why you are interested in working with us.


Career & College Resource Center
Discussion for CRLS Families on the College Admissions Process
Thursday, June 11 | 7 - 8:30PM | CRLS Media Cafeteria
An informal event organized by CRLS parents on "lessons learned," and an opportunity to talk about ways families at CRLS can support each other as students begin their college searches. Contact Victoria Harris (parent 2015 and 2017) for more info. Learn more >>

Look Who's Visiting the CCRC

College representatives will be visiting Room 1501. You must sign up on Naviance and print your confirmation letter to attend. Space is limited. View the Schedule >>

CEOC is Here to Help You!
Need help filling out the CSS/PROFILE or other financial aid forms? Wondering how to pay for college? Have questions about navigating the college process? CEOC can help! Check us out at the CCRC on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Appointments are also available on other days, evenings, and weekends at our office in Central Square (11 Inman St. Right behind City Hall). Contact Nadia Davila (617.868.2900) or Tina Alu (617.868.2900) for more information or to make an appointment today!

ACT, SAT, AP Testing
Don't forget to register in advance for these exams. View the Testing Schedule >>

About the DYK: The DYK is a weekly publication for students and families of Cambridge Rindge & Latin School. To submit an announcement, email the DYK. Deadline for submission is Fridays at 10AM each week.

Weekly Highlights from June 1 - 7, 2015

SmartTV 98
Schedule & Streaming

Spot On: Media around the World
Mon. | 9:30PM, Thurs. | 9:30PM

What's Up Cambridge: 2015 Spring Concert
Wed. | 12Noon, Sat. | 7PM

Story Connections
Wed. | 8PM, Sat. | 10AM

Stateside Footy: Australian Rules Football
Fri. | 11PM

Schedule & Streaming
School Committee Meeting (Live)
Tue. | 6PM

The Road to Recovery
Wed. | 8PM, Sat. | 2PM

Legal Ease
Wed. | 7:30PM, Sun. | 7:30PM

mobile app

Have you downloaded it yet? Don't wait! Download
it today to stay informed. 
Learn more >>

Employment Permits (also known as “Working Papers”) for Cambridge residents between the ages of 14 and 17 can be obtained only at the RSTA Office 617.349.7782 at CRLS. Learn more >>

Download the schedule >>


Earthwatch Needs Volunteers
June 6, August 29
The Urban Forest Program invites students to become scientists for a day and help improve the sustainability of their city.  Volunteers gain experience conducting local field research in their community and enhance their understanding of the environment around them.
Learn more >>

Ballin' in the Bridge
June 5 | 4PM
Area 4 Youth Center
Presented by the Cambridge Youth Council An event that will unite students, teachers/staff, community members (police, city officials, etc.) to come out and play basketball together at Area 4. To sign up, text 857.221.2538 saying you will be playing ball and if you have a team or will need a team to be placed on! (You can still come and support the event even if you're not interested in playing).

Cambridge in Motion presents this week's healthy snack suggestion: grapes and boiled egg. Learn more >>



Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
459 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02138
Fax: 617.349.6749
Staff Listing

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