Morse Thursday Take Home: December 2, 2021
Published on Dec 2, 2021 14:02

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December 2, 2021

Message from Family Liaison

Hello Morse Community I hope you had a restful break last week as the week comes to a close, I wanted to leave you with this quote.

“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.”

—Booker T. Washington

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JK/Kindergarten Virtual InfoSession

December 6 | 9AM
Morse Junior kindergarten/Kindergarten Virtual Info Session 1 will take place on December 6, 2021 at 9AM.

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Friends Of Morse Monthly Meeting

December 7 | 8:30-9:30PM
Come to the next General Body Meeting on Tuesday, December 7, 8:30-9:30PM to officially vote on the new board, or to volunteer for a board role.

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Morse Parent Coffee this Friday

December 3 | 8-9AM
Please Join us in the CitySprouts garden for a coffee hour with Doctor Leith and acting family liaison Kasey Clermont. We look forward to seeing everyone there!

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Picture Day

Picture Day will take place in the main lobby on 12/9.

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Winter Break At Cambridge
Community Center 2021

Visit the website to see after school programs for winter break.
Registration Is Open! More details >>

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Winter Clothing Exchange

The annual Winter Clothing Exchange is back! As with all events these days, it will be a little different than in previous years. Instead of leaving bins out in the school lobby for folks to leave what they can and take what they need, we will be doing the following:

Donate what you can
November 29, 2021 - January 7, 2022
Leave kids winter clothing in the bins at the Morse School front entrance.

Take what you need
Two separate dates: December 18 and January 8
All the collected items will be out in the Morse School gym, available for retrieval.
Volunteer needs for the exchange will be posted shortly.

All Morse School community members are invited to participate! Donations are NOT required in order to take items that your family needs.

Full and up-to-date details are on the event page on the blog. More details >>

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Morse School Cookbook

Ordering is now open! We have over 60 recipes submitted already. Place an order by Nov 30 to receive in time for the holidays. Order your cookbook today! Order here >>

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Virtual Parent/Caregiver Q&A Panel at Putnam Ave. with PAFA

December 8 | 6-7:30PM
Join us for a virtual zoom event, to learn about life in middle school at Putnam Ave., highlighted through the voices and experiences of our Putnam Ave families in a panel discussion. This is a family focused evening. Students are encouraged to attend.

Led by PAFA (Putnam Ave. Family Association) & Putnam Ave Upper School.
Meet with parents and caregivers to learn more about Putnam Ave! Please register to attend. View flyer >>

Questions? Contact Kunjal Shah, Family Liaison at Putnam Ave.

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Sibling Search Survey - JK/K Lottery

The sibling search survey has begun as of November 8th and will end on Wednesday, January 12, 2022. This year the JK/K Lottery will begin on Monday, January 3rd, 2022 and end promptly in our online system at 4PM on Monday, January 31st. This deadline applies to any family submitting an application online, paper application in person or emailed.

Register here >>

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Upcoming Dates

Morse Parent Coffee
December 3

JK/K Info Virtual Info Session
December 6, 7, 13, 14

Friends of Morse Monthly Meeting
December 7

PAUS Virtual Parent Info Session
December 8

Picture Day
December 9

Morse School Council
December 16

Friends of Morse Clothing Exchange
December 18

Winter Break
December 24 - December 31

View December Calendar >>

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After School Guides

Looking for after school options for your child?

Pre-K-5th Graders: ESON After School Guide >>
6th-8th Graders: MSN After School Guide >>

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Edamame, Corn and Brown Rice! Tip: Enjoy these mixed up together or separately, depending on your child's preferences!Healthy Snack of the Week

Edamame, Corn and Brown Rice! Tip: Enjoy these mixed up together or separately, depending on your child's preferences!

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In Our District & Community

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Visit Find It Cambridge for lots of other great resources!

You can also call/text 617.686.2998 or email Andrew for help.

kids playing outside
See a curated list of programs, events, and resources within our district & communitySee list >>
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