Morse Weekly Family Newsletter: March 2, 2021
Published on Mar 2, 2021 15:25

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March 2, 2021

Greetings from Chad Leith

Dear Morse School parents and caregivers,

Morse ClassroomYesterday, we marked the return of over 40 additional students to in-person learning, bringing our total number of students learning from the Morse School building to just over 200. This is yet another milestone in an unusual school year, which has also forced us to develop creative new approaches to supporting our children’s development and growth. Pictured here, a group of 4th and 5th graders pioneer a new learning model as they engage in their online classes from room D43.

Spotlight on 5th Grade Persuasive Writing
Even as we have expanded in-person opportunities for Morse School students, our remote teachers have continued to provide nurturing and engaging online learning experiences for those still learning from home. This week, I’d like to highlight the persuasive writing projects that Ms. Roderick’s remote 5th graders recently completed. Students shared opinions on a variety of topics, including pets, climate change, cell phones, and voting rights for young people. Prepare to be persuaded by clicking here. I look forward to highlighting additional student learning projects in upcoming newsletters.

Morse Parents of Color Affinity Group Meeting
Thursday, March 4 | 6:30 - 7:45PM

On behalf of parent organizers Alba Alexander, Jennifer Betancourt, and Kim Bostic-Williams, I wish to extend a warm invitation to our parents and caregivers of color to participate in this Thursday’s (6:30-7:45PM) meeting of the Morse Parents & Caregivers of Color Affinity Group. The group is intended as a safe space for building community, sharing information, and advocating for children of color to be heard, seen, and thrive at the Morse School. This Thursday, the group will be joined by CPS Director of Family Engagement Robin Harris. Participants will also have a chance to win a $25 Trader Joe’s gift card sponsored by the Friends of Morse. Please see this flyer for more information and for a Zoom link.

Changes to Morse Library Schedule
In order to keep up with the reading needs of our voracious readers, Ms. Pennell will begin teaching using an A/B week model. How will this look for your child?

  • A Week: All JK-5 classes will be live with Ms. Pennell
  • B Week: In-Person JK-2 classes will have a personalized video created for them to view during their assigned library time.
  • B Week: Remote classes will have the option of viewing the video via SeeSaw during their library time, or it can be saved to view later in the day depending on the families availability.
  • B Week: 3rd-5th grade classes will have live classes with Ms. Lavalle, our Instructional Technology teacher.

As always, please reach out to Ms. Pennell with any book related questions.

COVID Testing for In-Person Students
As part of our plan for keeping in-person students and staff healthy and safe, we will begin student COVID testing next week. If you have not done so already, please be sure to complete the testing consent forms so that your child can participate in testing. Here is a helpful overview from the district, which explains the testing plan and offers answers to general questions. Here is also a great video showing what testing looks like from a student perspective! If you have questions about completing your student COVID testing consent forms, please reach out to our Clerk Elaine Delaney.

Finally, a reminder to please join us for tomorrow morning’s Morse Live Stream (8:25 - 8:45AM), where we will feature some special guests to celebrate National Reading Month and the 100th day of school! As always, I am grateful to all of our students and families for doing such a great job of following our health and safety protocols - both in and out of school. These important steps will help us move closer to a day when we can all be together again in person.


Principal Chad Leith

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snack of the week
Healthy Snack of the Week

Here's Cambridge in Motion's Healthy Snack of the Week:
Sliced Hard Boiled Egg on Whole Grain Toast – Try spicing this up with a sprinkle of paprika, dill, or basil!

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National Nutrition Month:
Nutrition Poster Challenge!

CPS Nutrition is looking to collect fun, new, and creative expressions of art to personalize and brighten up the walls of the cafeteria! Our goal is to highlight favorite selections on social media, and enlarge drawings into posters. We're extending this invitation for all Cambridge students (remote, hybrid, in-person) to join in the collection.

Send submissions anytime in March to:
– Cambridge Food Services, 158 Spring St, Cambridge, MA 02141
– Scanned or emailed in color to [email protected]

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National Nutrition Month: 
Lower Cost Healthy Eating!

cim logoDid you know that canned fruits, vegetables, and beans are just as healthy as fresh ones? Did you know that frozen fruits and vegetables are good for you, too? Canned and frozen foods are just as good for our bodies, taste great and last longer so you don’t have to worry about them going bad and wasting money! Buy canned vegetables that are low-sodium or have no added salt and canned fruits in light syrup or water for the healthiest options. Buy frozen fruits with no added sugars. Buy frozen vegetables that aren’t in sauces, which are likely to be high in salt and saturated fats. From your friends at Cambridge in Motion, a program of the Cambridge Public Health Department, in collaboration with CPS Food & Nutrition Services.

– Visit Central Square’s NEW low cost, non-profit grocery store The Daily Table where customers save an average of 30% on groceries. Everything in the store is SNAP eligible. Customers paying with SNAP get an additional 50% off fresh produce through the Double Up Food Bucks Program, up to $10/day.
– Food Resources for Cambridge Residents (pantries, community meals, food box delivery options, school meals, meals on wheels, etc.) in EnglishSpanishPortugueseHaitian CreoleAmharic, and Mandarin.

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Cambridge Families of Asian Descent

We invite Cambridge parents & caregivers of East Asian, South Asian, Southeast Asian, or multi-racial Asian heritage to join us for a virtual get-together on March 9 at 7:30PM!

See flyer >>

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In Our District & Community

find it cambridge logo
Find opportunities for Cambridge families here – or call/text us at 617.686.2998 or email usPrograms are continuing to update their opportunities based on the recent state guidelines, so check back often!

Help Improve the Cambridge Food Resource Guide!
Please complete this brief, 8-question survey to provide feedback on the Cambridge Food Resource Guide >>

Lasagna Love!
There's a group of awesome people making and delivering home-cooked lasagnas for families who are struggling as a result of the pandemic. If you would like a hand with dinner one night in the coming weeks, please sign up here.

Food Resources & Hunger Relief Program Information 
Find information on food pantries, farmers markets, and more! Translations available on website.
Details >>
Food resource flyer >>

Daily Table
A community nonprofit market – now open in Central Square!
Save an average of 30% on groceries.
Details >>

Harvard Sq. "Fridge in the Square"
With the principle 'take what you need, leave what you can', we aim to redistribute resources within our community to those in need on a local scale. Sign up to volunteer >>
For more info, please email or DM on Instagram @cambridgefridge.

Guide to Healthier Snacking
Find handy tips on the right hand margin of the School Health page on the CPHD website! Guide available in multiple languages.
Details >>

SNAP & WIC Store List

Here's a handy list of all stores in Cambridge where your SNAP and WIC benefits can be used.
Details >>

New website helps families navigate the mental health system in Massachusetts., a new family friendly website, can help.

MassSupport is a line that offers emotional support, coping and help accessing resources. It is free and confidential for all residents of MA, no questions asked.
Details >>

McLean Hospital Mental Health Webinars 
McLean Hospital has dedicated their time making free resources available for the public and professionals in hopes of promoting healthy individuals and communities.
Details >>

DHSP Community After-School Programs
K-8 FREE Virtual Programming!
JK-K calendar >>
Grades 1-2 calendar >>
Grades 3-5 calendar >>
Grades 6-8 calendar >>
Register online >>

Free Japanese language and culture program for kids ages 3-12. Starts April 1st; register by March 28.
Learn more >>
Register >>

East Cambridge Baseball
Ages 5-12. Register by March 14!
Details >>

Wheelock Family Theatre
Classes for kids of all ages!
Details >>

Cambridge Scouts

Cambridge Troop 56 BSA (Boy Scouts of America, now known as Scouts BSA), would like to make families aware of our troop, open to both girls and boys from age 11 (6th grade) through age 20.
Details >>

After-School Orienteering
Navigation Games is providing mini-games at different parks this winter!
Details >>

CRLS EdTech Newsletter
Details >>

Are You Facing an Eviction?
De Novo Center for Justice and Healing may be able to provide free legal help to stop an eviction.
Intake/referral line: 617.661.1010
Details >>

COVID-19 Testing
Testing appointments through the
City's free mobile-testing program are available. **You can schedule an appointment online or by calling 617.349.9788.

Fight the Flu. Get Your Flu Shot!
Now more than ever, it is critically important to get a flu shot. You can make an appointment for a flu shot with either your healthcare provider or local pharmacy. Cambridge Health Alliance patients ages 12-22 or CPS students ages 12-22 can now receive a flu shot at the Teen Health Center located at CRLS; call 617.665.1548 to schedule an appointment.
Details >>

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Morse School
40 Granite Street, Cambridge, MA 02139  •  617.349.6575
CPS Mobile App >>
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