CRLS DYK Newsletter: February 10, 2020
Published on Feb 10, 2020 10:05

Here's the latest news from CRLS...             View newsletter in browser >>

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February 10, 2020

Seniors! Scholarship Application Portal is Now Open

You can apply for scholarships anytime between now and February 17, 2020. To apply, please click here and log in with your school email and student ID#. If you have any questions, please reach out to me or Ms. DiClemente. Download the Scholarship Booklet >>

Attend the Scholarship Workshop. Details >>

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CRLS Annual Participatory Budget

Now in its third year, the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School is launching its annual Participatory Budget project. Students will receive an email (from Dean of Students Susie VanBlaricum) asking them to share their ideas on how to spend $10,000 to improve the school community again! 

Proposals are due no later than March 1, 2020. Please encourage students to share and submit their ideas!

As part of last year's process, 124 TI84 plus graphing calculators (and batteries) have been purchased this school year. Participate today >>

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CRLS Parent to Parent Meeting

February 13 | 6 - 7:30 PM | Main Entrance Conference Room 

Parenting teens comes with a lot of juggling and stress and it can be overwhelming! Come connect with other parents to share experiences and support each other through these interesting times!

A light meal is provided & childcare will be provided. For more information please contact Greta Hardina at 617.349.6660

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Free HPV Vaccine for CRLS Students

If you could prevent your student from getting certain types of cancers, would you? You can! HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccination is cancer prevention. What is HPV? HPV (human papillomavirus) is a very common virus that can lead to: Cancers of the mouth and throat, Cancer of the cervix, Cancer of the penis, vagina, vulva, or anus, and Genital warts. Does your student need to START the HPV vaccine series or COMPLETE the series in order to reduce their risk of HPV infection?  Simply sign the attached consent form and tell your student to come down to the Teen Health Center at CRLS to receive the HPV vaccine.

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Internship Placements Needed

Are you a working professional in Cambridge? Would you consider sharing your skills and expertise with a motivated high school senior? The Good Work Internship Program is seeking unpaid internship placements for 12th graders for the upcoming spring semester. Students are eager to contribute and learn!

We are seeking placements in the following fields:

Social Work, Law, Law Enforcement, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Business Management, Music Production, and Public Health.

Please consider hosting a CRLS intern at your workplace. Contact Kathleen FitzGerald at 617.349.4946.

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Yearbook Ads and Senior Portraits

Yearbook Ads: The CRLS Yearbook Club is preparing the Class of 2020 Yearbook and would like to offer you an opportunity to honor your senior! Space is available for businesses, family members and friends of graduating seniors to be printed in the yearbook. Photographs and messages can be submitted to the yearbook design team at [email protected] to recognize your favorite senior(s)! Learn more >>

Senior Portraits: ONE Yearbook Photo Session will be offered free of charge at the school during the year. Students who miss the photo session, or who would like their photos re-taken (for bad hair days and the like) can make arrangements for photos to be taken at the studio or elsewhere using any of the packages below at the prices listed. Retouching is available and will be priced based on request. Learn more >>

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CRLS Athletics

SwimmingView the current athletics schedule by clicking on the link below and then on School Calendar in the upper hand right corner. 

View the full athletic schedule >> 

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Cambridge School Volunteers Tutoring

Planning to take the SAT this spring?
CSV volunteers will lead SAT prep every Thursday in room 2212, 2:45-4PM. We alternate between covering English and Math each week.

CSV Tutoring Center: One-to-One Tutoring Before and After School, Room 2407
Volunteers serve as one-to-one tutors and mentors twice a week with high school students of all levels and needs. Volunteers provide students with individual lesson plans to improve their skills and knowledge in particular subjects. The Tutoring Center is open before school from 7:30 to 8AM and after school from 2:45 to 3:45PM.

CSV Tutoring Center: Academic Support Classes, Room 2403 
Students are assigned to the Tutoring Center during the school day for credit-bearing individualized academic support services, covering all subjects. CSV volunteers are matched to students one-to-one or in small groups. 

Drop-in Math Center, Room 2403
Volunteers help students on a walk-in basis with math problems, ranging from pre-algebra to calculus, before school daily, between 7:30 and 8AM. 

College/Career Mentoring Program
Volunteers help high school seniors, some of whom may be the first in their families to apply to college, by assisting with college, job readiness, and gap year program research; understanding and following through with all stages of the application process; and developing personal statements. In addition, volunteers help students identify scholarships and complete scholarship applications and essays. The program meets on Wednesdays from 2:30 to 4:30PM in the College and Career Resource Center, Room 1501.

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Cambridge Teen Health Center

The Cambridge Teen Health Center, in partnership with Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA), is a school-based health clinic located in the CRLS health office. The center is staffed by a full time Nurse Practitioner, a sexual and reproductive health educator and mental health specialists – psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers.

Learn more about our services >>

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Aspen Student & Parent Accounts

Aspen is a secure online information resource for Cambridge Public Schools. It contains family contact information, grade information, and a variety of reports and documents that teachers, students and parents may need. 

Need Aspen support? We can help  >>

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Register Forum

Read the latest edition from CRLS's student newspaper.

Read the paper online >>

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CRLS Global Studies Certificate Program

Global StudiesThe Global Studies Certificate (GSC) Program is an application-based program that promotes student engagement in global studies through an emphasis on the Asia Society’s global competence skills: investigating the world, weighing perspectives, communicating ideas, taking action, and applying disciplinary and interdisciplinary expertise in authentic ways. Students in the program need to maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA or higher and fulfill the following requirements: 1) complete a Global Studies Portfolio/Website; 2) attend monthly GSC meetings; 3) complete monthly online reflections on the GSC Google Classroom site; 4) enroll in the GSC Senior Spring Seminar course; 5) complete a GSC capstone program; 6) present their project at the GSC final symposium. Upon successful completion of the program, students’ transcripts will reflect their achievement and they will earn a Global Studies Certificate. Visit the website to learn more >>

Application deadlines: Juniors: February 7th; Freshmen/Sophomores: May 8th Apply online >>

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Friends of CRLS Announces Spring 2020 Bash

Save the Date: May 7, 2020
Save the DateThe fourth annual Friends of CRLS Spring Bash at Google in Kendall Square will happen on Thursday, May 7, 2020! Mingle with other community members and enjoy delicious food in a beautiful space as we Celebrate Our Students, Invest in Our Future. If you're new to Friends of CRLS, pleaseemail us to get onto our invitation list.

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Calvin Hicks Memorial Award for the Study of Music

Music ScholarshipFriends of Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (FOCRLS) is now accepting applications from CRLS students in all grades, 9-12, for the Calvin Hicks Memorial Award for the Study of Music. FOCRLS and the Hicks family will present a $500 scholarship to a student with a love for and commitment to music. The awardee may study any instrument, voice, or musical theory at any recognized school of music and may be at any stage of their musical development, from a beginner to an accomplished artist. Visit our website for more information or get the overview and application here >>

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2020 Family Survey Available Online

Many of you filled out the Cambridge Public School Family Survey last year to help us learn more about your experiences with the Cambridge Public Schools. Thank you! The Family Survey for 2020 is now available in over 10 languages. We invite you to please fill it out at your earliest convenience. Your feedback will contribute to our ongoing efforts to learn, improve, and support better outcomes for all students. 

Fill out the survey online and find more information >>

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CPS Announces Halal Options for Student Meals

Halal LunchIn keeping with our commitment to equity, access and inclusion, Cambridge Public Schools (CPS) seeks to provide access to a variety of healthy food options that equitably address the needs of all students. We are excited to announce that beginning in February 2020, CPS will offer menu items that include Halal-certified chicken to our students. Read more >>

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From the DYK Student Rep Desk
Student Opportunities, Student Support, and More!


Do you need help feeding your family? 
Come to Falcon's Market, theCRLS food pantry. There is food for you to take home for evening and weekend meals. Open every afternoon from 2:30 - 3PM or by appointment. For more information contact Greta Hardina the CRLS Family Liaison or 617.349.6660 Falcon's Market is in the Main Office.

Neighborhood Design Project – Now Recruiting
In Neighborhood Design Project (formerly Neighborhood Service Project), 14 and 15 year olds come up with solutions for community issues using design thinking.

Program runs from Feb-May. Youth are paid and can earn 3 CRLS credits. Applications can be found at all Youth Centers, at the Youth Employment Center (CRLS Rm 2101) and online. View the flyer >>

Snow Shoveling Applications Available
Office of Workforce Development matches teens with seniors for snow shoveling jobs. Applications are out now! Please give out to anyone you think will be interested. Applications can be returned to: CRLS Youth Employment Center (CRLS Rm 2101), Council on Aging (806 Mass. Ave.), or the Office of Workforce Development (51 Inman St.).

See attached application for more details or contact George Hinds.

Are you a senior stressing over college applications?
Need any help to...

  • Navigate through Naviance - college lists, brag sheets, teacher recs?
  • Setting up a Common Application account?
  • Completing questions on the Common App?

Come to Homework Center to help with the Nuts & Bolts of completing college applications. Tuesdays/Thursdays | 2:30-4PM in CCRC 1501

CRLS Events & Reminders

CRLS Family Events
Download the Flyer >>

CRLS Parent-to-Parent Group
February 11 | 6 - 7:30PM

No School: February Vacation
February 17 - 21

School Council Meeting
February 25 | 6 - 7:30PM

CRLS Arts Committee
March 2 | 7 - 8PM

View the Full Calendar >>
Visual & Performing Arts Calendar >>


Come see your uAspire Advisor
Tuesday - Friday | 9AM - 3:30PM | CCRC
View the flyer >>

Calling all Seniors! 
Need help with your College Application? College and Career mentoring program has begun on Wednesdays from 2:45 - 4:30PM. in the CCRC.

Civil Service Firefighter Exam
CRLS seniors if you are 19 years of age as of 2/18/20 and interested in becoming a firefighter, please click here for qualifications and application for the Civil Service Firefighter's exam. The exam registration deadline is February 4, 2020.

In Our District & Community

find it cambridge logo
Looking for things to do in Cambridge? See below for a few ideas. For a full list, take a look at Find It Cambridge! 
Find It Cambridge >> 

Design a Bluebikes Unicorn
Cambridge high school students: Use your imagination to create a design that will travel all around Cambridge, Boston and beyond! This competition is for you to design the look of a special Bluebike – called a “Unicorn” given its rare and unique nature – to become part of our regional public bike share system, Bluebikes. Read more >>

Did You Know There Are Free Markets Around the City?

So much fresh produce as well as grocery items are available to you. All you need to do is bring your own bag!
Details >>

Dig It! 2020 CitySprouts
Gala/Silent Auction
April 2
Join CitySprouts for a night of food, fun, and fundraising as we celebrate CitySprouts' 19th year.

Affordable Housing
Find out about affordable rental and homeownership in Cambridge.
Details >>
Youth Mental Health First
Aid Training
We are excited to announce that we will be hosting a free Youth Mental Health First Aid training on Monday February 10, 2020 from 10AM - 4:30PM in the 2nd floor Large Conference Room here at 119 Windsor Street. Register today >>

Kindly note that to receive certification, you are required to attend the entirety of the training. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.

Immigration Legal Clinics (FREE!)

3rd Wednesday each month
90 Third Street, Cambridge
Details >>

Cambridge in Motion's 
Healthy Snack of the Week

Nutty Yogurt Dippers: Greek yogurt topped with drizzled nut butter served with apple slices. 

The 2020 US Census is fast approaching and we want to make sure everyone in Cambridge is counted! Learn more about why the 2020 Census is so important, what you need to do, access materials, and more online. Want to help get the word out in Cambridge? Apply to be a part-time Census Outreach Worker to help the City and your community online.

CEATVCEATV Weekly Highlights
February 3 - 9, 2020

SmartTV 98
Game of the Week: CRLS Girls & Boys Basketball (Live)
Tue. 5:30PM

The Word: Guess That Dance Move (New!)
Mon. 10:30PM & Thu. 10:30PM

NASA TV Highlights: SpaceCast Weekly 2/7/20 (New!)
Wed. 8PM & Fri. 10PM

Sci-Fi Journal: January 2020 Edition
Tue. 11PM
Cambridge School Committee & City Council Roundtable Meeting (Live)
Tue. 6PM

Celebrating Black History Month!
White House Chronicle: The Oratory & Writing of Frederick Douglass (New!)

Thu. 10PM & Sun. 5PM

Paint with Kevin: The Frozen Trail (New!)
Wed. 4:30PM & Sat. 11AM
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Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
459 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138  •  617.349.6630
CPS Mobile App >>
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