CRLS DYK Newsletter: December 16, 2019
Published on Dec 16, 2019 08:45

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December 16, 2019

Tonight: CRLS's World Jazz Ensemble

Jazz BandOn Monday, December 16 at 7:30PM, please help support the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School's World Jazz Ensemble participation at the 2020 Panama Jazz Festival (January 13 -20) by attending their upcoming performance at the Multicultural Arts Center! Ticket proceeds help cover expenses for a students trip! Great music and a great cause! We hope to see you there. Buy Tickets >>

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Senior Class Big Picture

Senior Class Big Picture will be taken on January 15th at 12:15PM in the War Memorial Gym. Seniors should report to the gym after their last final exam. For more Information contact Jaqui Cesario or to pre-order the photo go to in the school store.

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Drivers EdDriver's Education Registration

January 14 | 2:30PM | Auto Shop Classroom
Classes meet twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting January 28th. There are two classroom sessions offered at 2:30PM or 6PM.
Learn more >>

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Panama Trip: February 2021

The trip to Panama in February 2021 is open for enrollment to CRLS students in grades 9-12. It is $95 to hold your spot on this trip. Scholarships will be available for students receiving free or reduced lunch. There will be a student meeting directly after school on Wednesday, December 18th in room 2622. Please click here to sign up. If you have any questions please email Kate Holmes

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Help Support the February Trip to Portugal and Spain

Join us for a delicious Portuguese Style Buffet Dinner on January 10th from 7-10PM at Saint Anthony's Filarmónica Cultural Club located in East Cambridge (575 Cambridge St, Cambridge.)

Proceeds will support the February 2020 student trip to Portugal and Spain.
Homemade Portuguese food, prizes, music, and dancing.

Tickets $30 each will cover all you can eat dinner. 
Contact: Email us for buffet dinner tickets or buy them from students going on the trip. Accepting cash and checks made out to “Spanish Department Travel” or purchase online here (convenience fee added). 

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Friends of CRLS Seeks Volunteers and Announces Spring Bash

Be a Wrap Star
VolunteerFriends of CRLS is seeking student and adult volunteers (especially student-parent pairs/groups) to gift wrap shoppers' purchases for donations and to represent CRLS / Friends of CRLS at Henry Bear's Park in Porter Square on Sunday, December 22. We'll be there from 10:30AM to 6PM and shifts are each two hours or more. Student volunteers receive community service credit; if you're not able to get your form signed that day, please visit us in CRLS Room 2136 after school vacation. Please email us for info and to sign up.

Help Make the Bash a Smash
The Friends of CRLS Spring Bash Committee is welcoming new members. We particularly need people with experience in graphic design, online and/or live auctions, and sponsor outreach. Our first Bash Committee meeting is on Wednesday, December 18 at 7:30PM. (but volunteers who can't make the meeting are welcome at any time). If you're interested, please email us for info and meeting details.

Save the Date: May 7, 2020

Save the DateThe fourth annual Friends of CRLS Spring Bash at Google in Kendall Square will happen on Thursday, May 7, 2020! Mingle with other community members and enjoy delicious food in a beautiful space as we Celebrate Our Students, Invest in Our Future. If you're new to Friends of CRLS, please email us to get onto our invitation list.

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Sign Ups for the January 11th Ski Trip

This sign up will run through January 8th. Cost of the trip is $50-$60 depending on rental & lesson needs. No experience needed and newcomers are always welcome. For information see Jon in 3602 (before school is best)
or email him.

The Day Trip Schedule 2020
January 11, 2020
January 25, 2020
February 8, 2020
March 7, 2020

All day trips are to Waterville Valley, NH. Sign ups for day trips start two weeks prior to trip date.

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Yearbook Ads and Senior Portraits

Yearbook Ads: The CRLS Yearbook Club is preparing the Class of 2020 Yearbook and would like to offer you an opportunity to honor your senior! Space is available for businesses, family members and friends of graduating seniors to be printed in the yearbook. Photographs and messages can be submitted to the yearbook design team at [email protected] to recognize your favorite senior(s)! Learn more >>

Senior Portraits: ONE Yearbook Photo Session will be offered free of charge at the school during the year. Students who miss the photo session, or who would like their photos re-taken (for bad hair days and the like) can make arrangements for photos to be taken at the studio or elsewhere using any of the packages below at the prices listed. Retouching is available and will be priced based on request. Learn more >>

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CRLS Athletics

SwimmingView the current athletics schedule by clicking on the link below and then on School Calendar in the upper hand right corner. 

View the full athletic schedule >> 

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Community Service Hours

"Want Hours? Join Interact Club!
CRLS Interact is a community service organization that volunteers two to four times a week in the community. CRLS Interact's parent organization is Rotary International, an organization dedicated to advancing world peace through humanitarian service. If you need community service hours and want to bond with people who are passionate about making a difference, please contact Maryam Dar for more information.

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Cambridge School Volunteers Tutoring

Need Help Applying to College?
CSV College and career mentoring program began last week and will take place every Wednesday in the CCRC, 2:45-4:30PM. Trained mentors are there to help students with their college essays and applications.

Stay tuned for SAT prep, coming soon...

CSV Tutoring Center: One-to-One Tutoring Before and After School, Room 2407

Volunteers serve as one-to-one tutors and mentors twice a week with high school students of all levels and needs. Volunteers provide students with individual lesson plans to improve their skills and knowledge in particular subjects. Approximately 40% of the students speak a language other than English as their first language. The Tutoring Center is open before school from 7:30 to 8AM and after school from 2:45 to 3:45PM.

CSV Tutoring Center: Academic Support Classes, Room 2403
Students are assigned to the Tutoring Center during the school day for credit-bearing individualized academic support services, covering all subjects. CSV volunteers are matched to students singly or in small groups.

Drop-in Math Center, Room 2403
Volunteers help students on a walk-in basis with math problems ranging from pre-algebra to calculus, before school daily, between 7:30 and 8AM.

College/Career Mentoring Program
Volunteers help high school seniors, some of whom may be the first in their families to apply to college, by assisting with college, job readiness, and gap year program research; understanding and following through with all stages of the application process; and developing personal statements. In addition, volunteers help students identify scholarships and complete scholarship applications and essays. The program meets on Wednesdays from 2:30 to 4:30PM in the College and Career Resource Center, Room 1501.

Cambridge School Volunteers is hiring. Click here for more info >>

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Cambridge Teen Health Center

The Cambridge Teen Health Center, in partnership with Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA), is a school-based health clinic located in the CRLS health office. The center is staffed by a full time Nurse Practitioner, a sexual and reproductive health educator and mental health specialists – psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers.

Learn more about our services >>

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Aspen Student & Parent Accounts

Aspen is a secure online information resource for Cambridge Public Schools. It contains family contact information, grade information, and a variety of reports and documents that teachers, students and parents may need. 

Need Aspen support? We can help  >>

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Looking for Winter or Holiday Events? 

find it winter logoCheck out Find It Cambridge for all the best events this December!

Winter Events >>
Holiday Happenings >>

From the DYK Student Rep Desk
Student Opportunities, Student Support, and More!


Do you need help feeding your family? 
Come to Falcon's Market, theCRLS food pantry. There is food for you to take home for evening and weekend meals. Open every afternoon from 2:30 - 3PM or by appointment. For more information contact Greta Hardina the CRLS Family Liaison or 617.349.6660 Falcon's Market is in the Main Office.

Do you need a winter coat?
Don't be cold all winter, come get a free coat donated by CRLS staff and community members. See Greta Hardina, CRLS Family Liaison, room 1104 (in the main lobby near the cafeteria doors). We have hats and gloves too!

Are you a senior stressing over college applications?
Need any help to...

  • Navigate through Naviance - college lists, brag sheets, teacher recs?
  • Setting up a Common Application account?
  • Completing questions on the Common App?

Come to Homework Center to help with the Nuts & Bolts of completing college applications. Tuesdays/Thursdays | 2:30-4PM in CCRC 1501

CRLS Events & Reminders

CRLS Family Events
Download the Flyer >>

Improv Club Show
December 18 | 7 - 8:30PM

CRLS Classical Music Concert
December 19 | 7 - 9:30PM

No School: Winter Break
January 23 - January 1 

CRLS Arts Committee Meeting
January 6 | 7 - 8PM

SBIRT Screening
January 7 - 8

View the Full Calendar >>
Visual & Performing Arts Calendar >>
Save the Date: FOCA Winter Social
On January 25 come gather with other parents from your child's sports teams with refreshments, hors d'œuvres, exciting raffle and auction items. All to benefit our athletic teams at CRLS! Time and location: TBA
More information: Diana Macarthur


Come see your uAspire Advisor
Tuesday - Friday | 9AM - 3:30PM | CCRC
View the flyer >>

Calling all Seniors! 
Need help with your College Application? College and Career mentoring program has begun on Wednesdays from 2:45 - 4:30PM. in the CCRC.

In Our District & Community

find it cambridge logo
Looking for things to do in Cambridge? See below for a few ideas. For a full list, take a look at Find It Cambridge! 
Find It Cambridge >> 

Did You Know There Are Free Markets Around the City?
So much fresh produce as well as grocery items are available to you. All you need to do is bring your own bag!
Details >>

FREE Education & Job Training for Cambridge Residents
The Cambridge Community Learning Center is offering English classes, orientation about Adult Basic Education classes (GED or HiSET), as well as job training to become a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA). please see this flyer for detailed info on registration dates, class dates, and requirements. Please contact [email protected] if you need more info or help.

Teen Video Game Afternoon
Join the fun and play on the Nintendo Switch!
Wednesday, December 18
2:30 - 4:30PM
Main Library, 449 Broadway
Community Room

Job Corps is Accepting Applications 
Job Corps is part of a nonprofit organization through the federal government and it provides free vocational and educational services for young adults ages 16-24. Students qualify based on need, if they meet the requirements, then they proceed with the application process.
Apply today >>
Immigration Legal Clinics (FREE!)
3rd Wednesday each month
90 Third Street, Cambridge
Details >>

Affordable Housing
Find out about affordable rental and homeownership in Cambridge.
Details >>

iFP Creative Doers Studio is Hiring
Dream, design, and build experiences that will look amazing on your college applications. Learn about amazing careers never imagined. Discover how your
passions intersects with these opportunities and get paid for it!
Dates: January 13 - May 28, Mondays & Thursdays
3:30 - 6:30PM
Location: Cambridge Public Library 449 Broadway
Stipend: $500
Eligibility: Open to students 14-18 years of age. Interested in learning how design, science, technology and entrepreneurial thinking can transform lives (most importantly your own). Must reside in Cambridge.
Details >>

Cambridge in Motion's 
Healthy Snack of the Week

Shredded carrots & broccoli florets mixed with Italian dressing!

CEATVCEATV Weekly Highlights
December 16 - 22, 2019

SmartTV 98
Youth View Cambridge: The CRLS Food Pantry (New!)
Mon. 9PM & Thu. 9PM

Spot On: Graham & Parks Memoirs (New!)
Thu. 9:30PM & Sun. 7:30PM

What's Up Cambridge: Falcon Pride Day 11/27/19 
Fri. 4PM & Sat. 7PM

Out & About: The Art of Motion Picture Costume Design (New!)
Tue. 6:30PM & Sat. 10:30AM
Cambridge School Committee Meeting (Live)
Tue. 6PM

New England Authors: Beth Luey on Historic New England Homes (New!)
Wed. 4PM & Sun. 4PM

White House Chronicle: Technologist-Politician Jack Markell (New!)
Thu. 10PM & Sat. 2PM
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Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
459 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138  •  617.349.6630
CPS Mobile App >>
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