From the Amigos Principal: November 8, 2019
Published on Nov 8, 2019 15:31

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8 de noviembre de 2019 | November 8, 2019

Dear Families

sarahOur parent/teacher conferences will start in the coming weeks with November 20th’s early release day dedicated to these important meetings. Once again, I want to share with you the guide to conferences that our Family and Community Committee created for us several years ago. We hope you will find useful.

Effective home school communication is supported through positive parent teacher conferences (PTCs). In the book Bridging Cultures between Home and School: A Guide for Teachers by Elise Trumbull, Carrie Rothstein-Fisch, Patricia M. Greenfield and Blanca Quiroz, the parent teacher conference is called a “mini-laboratory” where we are able to discover how the home values and culture and those of the school might combine in the development of our students. It is a crucial moment for creating bridges and establishing trust between these two sets of values and cultures.

Here we share several key suggestions to guide us in our conferences:

1. We are a community. Our own students created the school’s norms through the Social Contract. If we ask them to follow these rules, let’s do the same during parent-teacher conferences (PTCs) and throughout the school year!

Nuestro Contrato Social • Our Social Contract
Honra nuestro bilingüismo • Honor our bilingualism.
Sé empático con todos igualmente • Empathize for everyone equally
Respeta y sé amable con todos • Respect and be kind to everyone
Valora, apoya y aprecia cada voz • Value, encourage and appreciate all voices
Acércate a nuestra comunidad con positivismo • Approach our community with positivity

2. A successful PTC is designed to be a reciprocal conversation between teachers and parents: a time to learn from one another.

  • Do we have questions for the teachers? Let’s consider sending them before the conference so our teachers have the time to think more deeply about their answers.
  • Do we have doubts or concerns? Let’s share them with our teachers and work together to solve them.
  • Do we have happy stories to share?
  • Do we have positive feedback to give?

3. Let’s remember that a PTC is an opportunity to build bridges instead of judging each other. If we use different strategies to achieve success, what are they? How can we use effective strategies from home at school, and vice versa?

4. We would like to develop strong ties between each other and understand that each bridge and each family is unique. As a result, each conference will be different because there is not ONE style of conferences that will work for all families. For some of us, talking about socio-emotional development is key; for others of us, academic development is what most interests us. Considering that this is still the beginning of the first semester, we have more socio-emotional knowledge of our students than academic at this point.

*Sections of this letter have been adapted from Bridging Cultures between Home and School written by Elise Trumbull, Carrie Rothstein-Fisch, Patricia M. Greenfield y Blanca Quiroz.*

Finally, due to changes in the Yahoo platform, the parent moderated Yahoo Group for Amigos families has moved to a new group at If you are interested in joining this new group, please click here and request membership.

We will see you soon!


Sarah Bartels-Marrero

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Estimadas Familias

sarahNuestras conferencias de madres/padres/guardianes y profesores comenzarán en las próximas semanas con el día de salida temprana del 20 de noviembre dedicado a estas reuniones importantes. Una vez más, quiero compartir con ustedes la guía de conferencias que nuestro Comité de Familia y Comunidad creó para nosotros hace varios años. Esperamos que les sea de utilidad.

La comunicación efectiva entre la escuela y las familias se fortalece con una conferencia positiva de madres, padres y maestr@s. En el libro Bridging Cultures between Home and School: A Guide for Teachers escrito por Elise Trumbull, Carrie Rothstein-Fisch, Patricia M. Greenfield y Blanca Quiroz, llaman la conferencia un “mini-laboratorio” donde podemos descubrir cómo los valores/la cultura del hogar y la escuela se combinan en el desarrollo de nuestr@s hij@s y estudiantes. ¡Es un momento para crear puentes y establecer confianza entre estos dos valores y culturas!

A continuación compartiremos unas ideas que nos pueden servir de guía en las conferencias:

1. Somos una comunidad. Nuestr@s propios estudiantes crearon las normas de la escuela con el Contrato Social. Si le pedimos a ell@s que sigan estas normas, ¡hagamos lo mismo durante las conferencias y a través del año escolar!:

Nuestro Contrato Social • Our Social Contract
Honra nuestro bilingüismo • Honor our bilingualism.
Sé empático con todos igualmente • Empathize with everyone equally
Respeta y sé amable con todos • Respect and be kind to everyone
Valora, apoya y aprecia cada voz • Value, encourage and appreciate all voices
Acércate a nuestra comunidad con positivismo • Approach our community with positivity

2. Una conferencia exitosa envuelve una conversación recíproca entre l@s maestr@s y las madres/los padres. Aprendemos l@s un@s de l@s otr@s.

  • ¿Tenemos preguntas para l@s maestr@s? Consideremos mandarles las preguntas antes de la conferencia para que puedan contestarlas con más tiempo y atención.
  • ¿Tenemos dudas o preocupaciones? Compartémoslas con l@s maestr@s para que podamos trabajar junt@s para resolverlas.
  • ¿Tenemos historias/anécdotas lindas para compartir? ¡Compartémoslas!
  • ¿Tenemos cumplidos o retroalimentación positiva para l@s maestr@s? ¡Adelante!

3. Consideremos que esta conferencia es una oportunidad para crear puentes en vez de juzgarnos l@s un@s a l@s otr@s. Si usamos distintas estrategias para llegar a una meta exitosa, ¿cuáles son? ¿Cómo podemos usar estrategias efectivas en la casa en la escuela, y viceversa?

4. Queremos desarrollar vínculos y entendemos que cada puente y cada familia es única. Como resultado, cada conferencia será distinta porque no existe un estilo de conferencias que funciona para todas las familias. Para algunos de nosotros, hablar sobre el desarrollo socio-emocional es clave; para otros el desarrollo académico es lo que nos interesa. No obstante, es el principio del año y, hasta el momento, tenemos más información socio-emocional que académica.

*Secciones de esta carta se han adaptado de Bridging Cultures between Home and School escrito por Elise Trumbull, Carrie Rothstein-Fisch, Patricia M. Greenfield y Blanca Quiroz.*

Debido a algunos cambios en la plataforma de Yahoo, el grupo de Yahoo para las familias de Amigos y moderado por padres se ha trasladado a un nuevo grupo en Si está interesad@ en unirse a este nuevo grupo, por favor visite y solicite su membresía.

Nos vemos pronto!


Sarah Bartels-Marrero

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Apple Cider Pressing

Apple CiderAll month long, CitySprouts has been at every elementary and middle school in Cambridge, pressing apple cider with students. Not only is making apple cider a fun, hands-on and delicious autumn activity, but it also is an opportunity for hands-on learning. Read on >>

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Amigos Events and Reminders

Important Dates  

November: Please contact Lillian Rater at 617.349.6315 to schedule Sibling Kindergarten Registration at the Amigos School for the January 2020 Lottery. If your child speaks Spanish and you would like them tested in Spanish, then you will need to fill out a paper application and register with Lillian Rater at the Amigos School. All Amigos Sibling paper applications will be submitted to the SRC in December to schedule testing. If your child does not speak Spanish you have the option of filling out a paper copy at the school with Lillian Rater and submitting the application in December or applying online in January 2020. For the online registration it is important to remember to mark on the application that your child is an Amigos Sibling so they can get sibling preference.

Monday, November 11
Veteran’s Day. No School

Wednesday, November 13
Amigos School Council meets 6-8PM in the Amigos Library. For childcare of ages 4 and above, please contact Lillian Rater

Wednesday, November 13
Channel 5 Weather Presentation to Amigos 3rd grade.

Thursday, November 14
Room 101 and 104 Kindergarten trip to De Cordova Sculpture Garden.

Friday, November 15
Kindergarten Room 101 Potluck Breakfast and Presentations, 8:55-10:20AM

Friday, November 15
Amigos School Middle School Dance, 6-8:30PM in the Amigos gym.

Wednesday, November 20
Early Release Day, dismissal at 12:55PM
Amigos School Parent Teacher Conferences, 1:30-8PM by appointment.

Thursday, November 21
Room 102 and 108 Kindergarten trip to De Cordova Sculpture Garden.

Friday, November 22
Amigos School Picture Day

Wednesday, November 27
Early Release Day, dismissal is at 12:55PM for Amigos students and staff.
4th grade, Room 302 and 304 Fiction and Fruit. Students showcase their works of fiction while families enjoy fruit bars.

Thursday November 28 - Friday, November 29
There will be no school for Thanksgiving Holiday. We hope you have a wonderful holiday. Classes resume Monday, December 2, 2019.

Amigos Calendar >>
District Calendar >>  

Reminders / 

Escuela Amigos School 
Yahoo! Group
Algunos padres de Amigos tienen un Yahoo! Group con anuncios y conversaciones sobre la escuela. Para unirse pueden visitar la pa?gina y solicitar la inscripcio?n. Para más información, manden un mensaje a la moderadora de grupo, Katie Starbuck.

Amigos parents run a Yahoo! Group for announcements and discussions related to the school. To join, visit the website and request membership. For more information, email Amigos parent and group moderator, Katie Starbuck.

Fechas Importantes

Noviembre: Por favor contacte a Lillian Rater, 617.349.6315 para programar la Inscripción de Hermanos para Kindergarten en la Escuela Amigos para la Lotería de Enero 2020. Si su hijo habla español y usted desea que se le haga la prueba en español, entonces tendrá que llenar una solicitud en papel y registrarse con Lillian Rater en la Escuela Amigos. Todas las solicitudes de papel de los hermanos de Amigos serán enviadas al SRC en diciembre para programar el examen. Si su hijo no habla español, usted tiene la opción de llenar una copia impresa en la escuela con Lillian Rater y entregar la solicitud en diciembre o inscribir en línea en enero de 2020. Para la inscripción en línea es importante recordar marcar en la solicitud que su hijo es un Hermano de Amigos para que pueda obtener preferencia de hermanos. 

Lunes 11 de noviembre
Día de los Veteranos. No hay escuela. 

Miércoles, Noviembre 13
1) El Consejo Escolar de Amigos se reúne de 6-8PM en la Biblioteca de Amigos. Por favor contacte a Lillian Rater 617.349.6315 para el cuidado de niños a partir de los 4 años. 2) Presentación para el 3er grado del Canal 5 sobre el Tiempo Atmosférico. 

Jueves, 14 de noviembre
Viaje del Salón 101 y 104 Kindergarten al Jardín de Esculturas de De Cordova. 

Viernes, 15 de noviembre
1) Desayuno “potluck” y presentaciones de Kindergarten, Aula 101, 8:55-10:20AM. 2) Baile de la Escuela Intermedia de Amigos, grados 6-8vo, de 6-8:30PM en el gimnasio de Amigos. 

Miércoles, 20 de noviembre
1) Día de Salida Temprana a las 12:55PM. 2) Conferencias de Padres y Maestros de la Escuela Amigos, 1:30-8PM con cita previa. 

Jueves, 21 de noviembre
Viaje del Salón 102 y 108 Kindergarten al Jardín de Esculturas de De Cordova. 

Viernes, 22 de noviembre
Día de Fotos Escolare de la Escuela Amigos. 

Miércoles, 27 de noviembre
1) Día de Salida Temprana a las 12:55PM para estudiantes y personal de Amigos. 2) 4to grado, Salón 302 y 304 Presenta: Ficción y Fruta. Los estudiantes muestran sus obras de ficción mientras que las familias disfrutan de los helados de frutas. 

Jueves 28 de noviembre
Viernes 29 de noviembre: No habrá escuela para el Día de Acción de Gracias. Les deseamos unas vacaciones maravillosas. Las clases se reanudan el lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2019.

In Our District & Community

find it cambridge logo
Looking for things to do in Cambridge? See below for a few ideas. For a full list, take a look at Find It Cambridge! 
Find It Cambridge >> 

Rising 9th Grade Families
Information Night

January 23 | 6 - 7:30PM 
CRLS Arts Building

Come learn about the exciting & engaging opportunities in academics, arts, athletics, and extra curricula offered at Cambridge Rindge & Latin School. Details >>

Information about Elementary School: Two-Part Workshop for Arabic, Spanish, and Bangla Speaking Parents

We will talk about:
Cultural differences between elementary school in your home and in the United States. How family engagement benefits students, parents, schools, and teachers
Ways parents can support learning

Arabic & Spanish
Date: Tuesday, December 3rd and Tuesday, December 10th
Time: 5:30 - 7:30PM 
Place: 158 Spring Street Cambridge
Please RSVP to your family liaison. 

Date: Tuesday, November 12th & Tuesday, November 19th
Time: 5:30 - 7:30PM 
Place: Peabody Elementary School
70 Rindge Ave, Cambridge 

Did You Know There Are Free Markets Around the City?

So much fresh produce as well as grocery items are available to you. All you need to do is bring your own bag!
Details >>

Immigration Legal Clinics (FREE!)
3rd Wednesday each month
90 Third Street, Cambridge
Details >>

Affordable Housing
Find out about affordable rental and homeownership in Cambridge.
Details >>

Cambridge in Motion's 
Healthy Snack of the Week

Baked kale chips with a cheese stick.

Middle School Network 2019-20 School Year Resource Guide
The new guide is here and is full of opportunities for middler schoolers!
Details >>

Sister Act: 
A Divine Musical Comedy

November 15, 16, 22, 23 | 7PM
November 24 | 2PM
Fitzgerald Theatre at CRLS
459 Broadway
Flyer >>
Tickets >>

Meet Your Local Responders!
Come meet Cambridge Police Youth Resource Officers and Neighborhood Sergeants, as well as Cambridge Public Safety Professionals from Fire, Emergency Communications, PRO-EMS, and Animal Control.
See dates, locations, and details >>

Exciting news: The City of Cambridge has launched a new program to help renters save energy - homeowners and landlords can also participate

The City of Cambridge has partnered with All in Energy, a Boston-based nonprofit, to help Cambridge renters, landlords and homeowners living in 1-4 unit buildings save energy and money at home. All In Energy helps residents sign up for no-cost home energy assessments through the Mass Save program, and supports renters and landlord's to work together to get building insulation and other efficiency upgrades. The energy assessment is provided at no cost and insulation is covered 75-100% for landlords and homeowners. Learn more and request your no-cost home energy assessment today >>  

Cambridge Flu Clinics
The Cambridge Public Health Department will be offering free flu vaccine to people who live or work in Cambridge at flu clinics this fall.
For more info, call the Cambridge Public Health Department’s recorded flu info line, 617.665.3855, or visit us online.

The Human Genomic Revolution: Past, Present, and Future
Part of our Horizons lecture series
Presenter: Eric Lander
Monday, Nov. 18 | 6:30 - 8PM
Main Library, Lecture Hall
We plan to have pizza in the Community Room for students and their families that RSVP ahead of time. Register >>
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Amigos School / Escuela Amigos
15 Upton Street, Cambridge, MA 02139  •  617.349.6567
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