CRLS DYK Newsletter: November 4, 2019
Published on Nov 4, 2019 09:01

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November 4, 2019

Health Screenings

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Every year the state requires all school nurses to do postural screening as well as hearing and vision screenings in grades 5 through 9. This brief examination lets us look at your child's back to make sure the spine (backbone) is growing properly. New this year, students will also be screened by dental hygienists to assess their oral health.

Please see attached letter, to be returned to the school nurse by November 8th ONLY if you DO NOT want your child to participate. Feel free to call or email the school nurses with any questions about the screenings or if you have special concerns.

Thank you,

Ineida Barros, APRN
Susan Greenberg, APRN

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Free Flu Shots for CRLS Students

November 6 | 5:30-7:30PM | Peabody School
For more information, call the Cambridge Public Health Department’s recorded flu information line, 617.665.3855, or visit us online.

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CRLS Parent to Parent Meeting

November 7, 2019 | 6 - 7:30PM | CRLS Main Entrance Conference Room
Come connect with other parents to share experiences and support each other through these challenging times! Parent to Parent started 3 years ago and has been a great support to many families.

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Hate Speech on the School Council Agenda

Join us for the CRLS School Council Meetings! CRLS School Council meetings are held in the community for easy access and address topics and issues affecting CRLS. We encourage all families to join us.

Meetings are hosted by Principal Smith, CRLS staff, students, families, and community partners. All are welcome.

Fall meetings are held at CHA Windsor Clinic, 119 Windsor Street 2nd Floor Conference Room from 6-7:30PM. A light dinner is served.

November 19: Community Conversation: School Safety and Hate Speech
For more information contact Greta Hardina, CRLS Family Liaison.

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2021 Panama Trip Information Meeting

Thursday, November 7th | 5:30PM | Room 2622
This is for any parent and students interested in signing up for this trip that will take place in February of 2021. Please RSVP if you plan to attend. 

Please feel free to contact Kate Holmes if you have any questions or cannot attend this meeting but are still interested.

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Athletics at CRLS: Register Now for Winter Sports

SwimmingWinter sports registration is now open until November 26th. There will be a Parent Information Night on December 10th. Click here to register. View the schedule by clicking on the link below and then on School Calendar in the upper hand right corner.

View the full athletic schedule >> 

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2019 - 20 Global Navigator Scholarship

Once again CRLS has been accepted as a 2019-20 Global Navigator Scholarship school for summer study abroad by CIEE. This is very competitive process and a huge accolade for our school and students.

As a Global Navigator School, CIEE has committed at least $25,000 in scholarship funds for CRLS students (up to 100% tuition based on need and merit, excluding cost of airfare) to travel the world and have 3-4 week life changing experiences around Service and LeadershipLanguage and Culture, or Global Discovery programs in multiple far flung locations.

Application for scholarships are open for 9th, 10th, and 11th graders for summer 2020. 

For more information and application please see CIEE High School Summer programs for more information.


See Mr. McGuinness in room 3402. Scholarship application deadline is December 6, 2019 and February 14, 2020. 

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Join the CRLS Arts Committee

Meetings begin at 7PM and are held in the VPA office. The meeting schedule is as follows: November 4, December 2, January 6, February 3, March 2,
April 6, and May 4.  

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Join the Alpine Ski and Board Club

The Alpine Ski and Board Club is one of the oldest and one of the most active clubs at CRLS. This year we have 4 day trips to Waterville Valley NH and a 3 day 3 night ski/board trip to Stowe, VT which is taking place during February vacation. We will leave Cambridge on the afternoon of Monday Feb. 17th and return the evening of the 20th. While at Stowe we will be returning to a hotel/hostel called The Round Hearth where we have stayed for the past ten years. Sign up for the overnight is on a first come, first serve bases and requires a non-refundable $100 deposit. The cost for this trip is $525 and does not include lunch, rentals, or lessons. The Club needs at least 35 students to sign up by Thanksgiving break. If there are not enough students interested by Thanksgiving, the trip will be cancelled and all money will be returned. For information please email Jon Baring-Gould

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AP Exam Registration

Registration is underway for AP Exams. This is a two-step process. First click here and "join class" using the registration code provided by your teacher. Then submit your payment to Jodi Mace in Learning Community S by November 5th at 2:30PM.

Exam fees are $94 per exam. Students who qualify for free/reduced lunch pay $13 per exam. Checks must be payable to CRLS AP Program. Include the students's full name and name of AP Exam in the memo line. 

Registration Deadlines:

  • I am taking a first semester or full-year AP Class: Registration is due November 5th
  • I am not enrolled in an AP course at CRLS. I plan to study on my own to take the exam (must email Jodie Mace for the join code): Registration due November 5th.
  • I am enrolled in a second semester class: Registration window of January 17th - March 5th.

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Community Service Hours

Agassiz Baldwin Community seeks volunteers to help out at upcoming community events.
Contact: Ashley 
Thanksgiving Potluck Feast | Tuesday, November 26 | 5 - 8PM
Kids Only! Holiday Sale:
Thursday, December 12 | 2:45 - 6:30PM
Friday, December 13 | 2:45 - 6:30PM
Saturday, December 14 | 9:45AM - 1:30PM

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Cambridge School Volunteers Tutoring

Need Help Applying to College?
CSV College and career mentoring program began last week and will take place every Wednesday in the CCRC, 2:45-4:30PM. Trained mentors are there to help students with their college essays and applications.

Stay tuned for SAT prep, coming soon...

CSV Tutoring Center: One-to-One Tutoring Before and After School, Room 2407

Volunteers serve as one-to-one tutors and mentors twice a week with high school students of all levels and needs. Volunteers provide students with individual lesson plans to improve their skills and knowledge in particular subjects. Approximately 40% of the students speak a language other than English as their first language. The Tutoring Center is open before school from 7:30 to 8AM and after school from 2:45 to 3:45PM.

CSV Tutoring Center: Academic Support Classes, Room 2403
Students are assigned to the Tutoring Center during the school day for credit-bearing individualized academic support services, covering all subjects. CSV volunteers are matched to students singly or in small groups.

Drop-in Math Center, Room 2403
Volunteers help students on a walk-in basis with math problems ranging from pre-algebra to calculus, before school daily, between 7:30 and 8AM.

College/Career Mentoring Program
Volunteers help high school seniors, some of whom may be the first in their families to apply to college, by assisting with college, job readiness, and gap year program research; understanding and following through with all stages of the application process; and developing personal statements. In addition, volunteers help students identify scholarships and complete scholarship applications and essays. The program meets on Wednesdays from 2:30 to 4:30PM in the College and Career Resource Center, Room 1501.

Cambridge School Volunteers is hiring. Click here for more info >>

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Cambridge Teen Health Center

The Cambridge Teen Health Center, in partnership with Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA), is a school-based health clinic located in the CRLS health office. The center is staffed by a full time Nurse Practitioner, a sexual and reproductive health educator and mental health specialists – psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers.

Learn more about our services >>

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Aspen Student & Parent Accounts

Aspen is a secure online information resource for Cambridge Public Schools. It contains family contact information, grade information, and a variety of reports and documents that teachers, students and parents may need. 

Need Aspen support? We can help  >>

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From the DYK Student Rep Desk
Student Opportunities, Student Support, and More!


Do you need help feeding your family? 
Come to Falcon's Market, theCRLS food pantry. There is food for you to take home for evening and weekend meals. Open every afternoon from 2:30 - 3PM or by appointment. For more information contact Greta Hardina the CRLS Family Liaison or 617.349.6660 Falcon's Market is in the Main Office.

CRLS Events & Reminders

CRLS Family Events
Download the Flyer >>

CRLS Arts Committee
November 4 | 7 - 8PM

Parent-to-Parent Meeting
November 7 | 6 - 7:30PM

No School: Veterans Day
November 11

View the Full Calendar >>
Visual & Performing Arts Calendar >>


Come see your uAspire Advisor
Tuesday - Friday | 9AM - 3:30PM | CCRC
View the flyer >>

Calling all Seniors! 
Need help with your College Application? College and Career mentoring program has begun on Wednesdays from 2:45 pm - 4:30PM. in the CCRC.

Sister Act

Sister Act: 
A Divine Musical Comedy

November 15, 16, 22, 23 | 7PM
November 24 | 2PM
Fitzgerald Theatre at CRLS
459 Broadway
Flyer >>
Tickets >>

In Our District & Community

find it cambridge logo
Looking for things to do in Cambridge? See below for a few ideas. For a full list, take a look at Find It Cambridge! 
Find It Cambridge >> 

Did You Know There Are Free Markets Around the City?
So much fresh produce as well as grocery items are available to you. All you need to do is bring your own bag!
Details >>

The Human Genomic Revolution: Past, Present, and Future
Part of our Horizons lecture series
Presenter: Eric Lander
Monday, Nov. 18 | 6:30 - 8PM
Main Library, Lecture Hall
We plan to have pizza in the Community Room for students and their families that RSVP ahead of time. Register >>

A 2-day event on MIT’s campus run entirely by MIT undergrads!
For one awesome weekend, come to MIT’s campus to take classes on anything and everything. From music theory to Hungarian history to aircraft analysis, classes span from college-level academic subjects to fun games and activities to everything in between. Want to take a class on origami? Lasers? Neuropharmacology? All are open for you to choose from! Learn about topics you never knew existed—or dive headfirst into an in-depth workshop—at over 500 classes taught by members of the MIT community. Splash is a program for 9th–12th grade students, taking place on November 23 and 24, 2019. Details >> 
Exciting news: The City of Cambridge has launched a new program to help renters save energy - homeowners and landlords can also participate
The City of Cambridge has partnered with All in Energy, a Boston-based nonprofit, to help Cambridge renters, landlords and homeowners living in 1-4 unit buildings save energy and money at home. All In Energy helps residents sign up for no-cost home energy assessments through the Mass Save program, and supports renters and landlord's to work together to get building insulation and other efficiency upgrades. The energy assessment is provided at no cost and insulation is covered 75-100% for landlords and homeowners.Learn more and request your no-cost home energy assessment today >>  

Cambridge Flu Clinics
November 6 | 5:30-7:30PM
Peabody School
For more information, call the Cambridge Public Health Department’s recorded flu information line, 617.665.3855, or visit us online.

Immigration Legal Clinics (FREE!)
3rd Wednesday each month
90 Third Street, Cambridge
Details >>

Affordable Housing
Find out about affordable rental and homeownership in Cambridge.
Details >>

Cambridge in Motion's 
Healthy Snack of the Week
Baked kale chips with a cheese stick.

CEATVCEATV Weekly Highlights
November 4 - 10, 2019

SmartTV 98
Youth View Cambridge: Season 13 Premiere (New!)
Mon. 9PM & Thu. 9PM

Game of the Week: CRLS Football vs. Acton 10/25/19
Wed. 5PM & Sat. 11PM

Space Quest: Series Premiere (New!)
Tue. 5PM & Sun. 1PM

Out & About: Women of Apollo (New show!)
Mon. 4:30PM & Tue. 6:30PM
New England Authors: Kyle Killian & Anna Agathangelou (New show!)
Wed. 4PM & Sat. 1PM

Yoga for Health & Joy: Yoga for a Healthy Back (New show!)
Mon. 9AM & Sun. 9AM

A Walk in the Garden: Series Premiere (New!)
Wed. 8PM & Thu. 2PM
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Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
459 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02138  •  617.349.6630
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