Message from Principal Chad Leith
Dear Morse School parents and caregivers,
We have finally completed spring MCAS testing for our 3rd-5th graders! During the remaining weeks of the school year, our teachers and students will be turning their attention to wrapping up their final instructional units and activities. We will also be engaging children at every grade level in field trips and outdoor learning experiences. Later this week, we will be sending home a full list of our end-of-year activities. In the meantime, I’d like to invite you to put a few special dates on your calendar:
- This evening, May 29th, our Morse Morning Singers will perform at the CPS Elementary Choral Festival at 6:30PM in the Fitzgerald Theater at CRLS (view flyer for more info).
- During the week of June 3rd-8th, our 11th annual Morse Art Show will take place at Gallery 263 on Pearl Street. A special opening reception will be held on Tuesday 6/4 from 4:30-6:30PM. Artwork from Special Start through Grade 5 will be on display (please see attached flyer for more info).
- On Thursday, June 6th (2:30-3:30PM we will “officially” celebrate the opening of our new Morse School Playground with a dedication ceremony hosted by the City of Cambridge.
- On Monday, June 10th, the Friends of Morse will hold its last meeting of the school year. The group will be holding elections for next year’s officers and will be calendaring out tentative dates for next year’s community events.
- On Friday, June 14th, we will hold a special dedication for our new CitySprouts Garden (5PM), followed by our annual Friends of Morse Garden Party (5:30-7PM).
Boston Cares Project at the Morse School
You may have noticed an unusual flurry of activity in our Granite Street playground at drop off this morning. Several employees from the Boston-based firm Battery Ventures are participating in a service project coordinated by Boston Cares. Throughout the morning, volunteers will be engaged in multiple projects, including building new garden beds, building a new bench, and weeding/landscaping our interior courtyard garden, and building and painting new picnic tables, painting a basketball key, repainting 4-square lines and painting a world map in the circle on the blacktop in our Granite Street playground. We are grateful to these community partners for helping to brighten up our outdoor spaces!
Reminder - Appropriate Dress for School
With warmer weather becoming more frequent, I’d like to share a reminder about our policy on student dress. As detailed in the Cambridge Public Schools Rights and Responsibilities Handbook, students have the right to express themselves by the dress and hair style of their own choosing provided students meet their responsibility to dress in a manner that conforms to the reasonable standards of health, safety, and cleanliness, and which will not cause a disruption to the educational process. Clothing will be deemed inappropriate if it is disturbing to other students or staff or in any way interferes with the educational process. This includes but is not limited to belly shirts and bare midriffs, short shorts, low slung trousers, and “spaghetti” strap/tank top shirts. Students will be required to change their clothing if it is not suitable for school. Hats and head coverings are not to be worn in the building, with the exception of religious-based head coverings.
Finally, I’d like to share a message from our Friends of Morse President Shannon Finley:
Dear Morse Community,
Thanks to all who weathered the surprise storms on Sunday May 19th to help make our second annual Friends of the Morse Fun Fair a success by either volunteering or simply attending. The Morse is made up of families and staff that aren't deterred by bad weather and the kids realized that a bouncy house and slide are made way more fun with the addition of water. The funds that were raised will go back to the classrooms to support unique and fun educational experiences.
I’d like to echo Shannon’s appreciation and to our families and staff for making the Morse School a special place for teaching and learning!
Chad Leith
Take the Cambridge Health Survey!
What are your family’s top health, environmental, and social justice concerns? Your views matter to the Cambridge Public Health Department! Please take the 10-minute Cambridge Health Survey. The survey is available in English, Amharic, Arabic, Haitian Creole, Mandarin, Portuguese, and Spanish. Your input is anonymous.
In Our Community and District
Boys to Men Leadership Brunch
Saturday, June 1, 2018 | 12Noon - 2PM
Putnam Avenue Upper School
All Cambridge men and boys are invited to come learn about leadership, the health of boys and men of color, community building, and more.
The event will feature a panel discussion of Cambridge men sharing personal experiences about health; break-out sessions on race, education, and health; and an awards ceremony. Learn more >>
2nd Annual Reader Prom
June 15 | 7:30PM | Dilboy VFW, Davis Square
The Porter Square Books Foundation, who brought George O’Connor and Jerry Craft to speak to the students of the Cambridge Schools this year, is hosting their 2nd Annual Reader Prom. All the proceeds will go to the Foundation and will help us bring more events and books to the students of Cambridge. Dress up in your finest prom fashion and bring a copy of your favorite book as your date to donate to a local nonprofit. (It’s the only prom where you’re supposed to dump your date right away!) There will be free snacks and soft drinks, a cash bar, music, dancing, “after-prom” style games and activities, and, of course, “chaperones.” You’ll also be able to get a formal prom picture with your “date” from and a bookish corsage.
Tickets and more information >>
Hoops 'N' Heath
June 15 | 10AM-6PM (Health Fair: 12-4PM)
Hoyt Field (Gilmore & Western)
Free games and activities for the whole family!
See details >>
Recycling & Composting
Here are some handy reminders!
Learn more >>
Pinkalicious and Peterrific!
WGBH is looking for kids for short video segments for the PBS television series Pinkalicious and Peterrific, an animated show about creativity. WGBH needs kids aged 7 to 9 who are interested in participating in activities relating to music, theater, dance, and the visual arts.
A try-out is being held at WGBH on Saturday June 1, 2019. More information about the try-out >>
Cambridge Affordable Housing Information Sessions
Learn about the eligibility requirements and application process for the following programs Cambridge Rental and Homeownership Programs: Inclusionary Housing Rental Program for studios, 1BR, 2BR, & 3BR units throughout Cambridge, Homeowner Resale Pool, First-Time Homebuyer Workshop, Downpayment Assistance, and HomeBridge. Open to all. No RSVP Necessary. Learn more >>
Immigration Legal Screening Clinics
3rd Wednesday each month, 5:15-7:15PM
Free consultations with an immigration attorney for Massachusetts immigrants and their families
Community Legal Services & Counseling Center (CLSACC)
90 Third St., Cambridge
617.349.4396; [email protected]