Morse Messenger: April 2019
Published on Apr 12, 2019 08:14

April 2019
Math & Literacy Carnival
Math & Literacy Carnival 

The Annual Math & Literacy Carnival Night was a huge success this year! The Gym was transformed into a fantastic carnival space where all the games took place. This gave everyone the space to move and have fun, fun, fun! The event drew in a big crowd, the biggest by far!

Here are the crowd by the numbers:
  • 193 children (students & siblings)
  • 143 parent/guardians
  • 20 staff (including School Community Officer Ortiz & Our wonderful custodian Greg).
  • 4 community service workers (3 former students & 1 staff member's child)
  • 360 people in total!
WOW! If you did not get a chance to attend this year, plan on coming next year. We guarantee it will be fun!

Grade 5 Ballroom Dancing ExhibitionDancing Showcase
The 5th grade enjoyed another year of learning how to Ballroom Dance! Below are some quotes from some 5th graders.

What is Ballroom Dancing?
Ballroom dancing is when all 5th graders join together and learn multiple dances.

Where does Ballroom Dancing happen?
Ballroom dancing happens in the gym, with a special dance teacher.

Who did we dance with?
We all alternate partners during ballroom dancing for each dance. The day before the showcase we got to choose our partners with the help of our dance teacher Ms. Kacy.

How was it when you learned dances?
During dancing we had something called left foot starters and right foot starters. Each right foot started will be partners with a left foot starter.

Quotes from Students
On March 11, we went to the Cambridge Rindge and Latin school to do ballroom dancing.. The schools there were the Martin Luther King school, the Amigo, the Peabody school, the Baldwin school, and our school, the Morse. We all danced at the same time, dancing the Merengue, the Bachata, the Salsa, the Swing, and the Tango. Personally, my favorite dance out of those 5 is the Tango, because of the “Olay!” at the end. We also watched the MIT professional dancers dance. They danced really well, and most of the fifth graders said, “We could never do a dance that complicated.” Also, it must have been really tiring, because afterwards, they were sweating and wiping their brow. Overall, it was a great opportunity to bring the Cambridge community together.

Casey our ballroom dancing teacher had taught us 5 different dances. We had a Merengue dance off, where one couple from each school danced the Merengue. Finally, we all danced the Cotton Eyed Joe, a fun dance we had also learned in the unit.

It was really fun performing in front of a live audience. You got to see your friends from other schools and everybody wanted to win and it was just a great experience. The MIT professionals were so good you just could not keep your eyes off them. Also their dances were so long and complicated when we watched them do it.

It was March 11th, when fifth grade went to have an amazing day. To dance in front of their parents and compete in the Merengue dance- of. All the fifth grade did a really good job dancing all five dances. The teachers were really proud of their students. That is what makes fifth grade special. After all the dancing and winning, the professional dancers approached the middle of the gym. At the look of people’s faces, they were shocked. The professional dancers danced a really hard dance that a student would learn it in a whole year. They were amazing. Finally came the end of the showcase and all the students hopped in the middle of the gym and started dancing the dance that every student loves “COTTON EYE JOE” even the parents and the student’s brothers and sisters were dancing too (Following the students’ steps and repeating it). However this was a really great showcase and here is a comment for other students that are going to do that next year, “At first you will think that it is stupid and useless, but as you finish you find that you love it!

I was really enjoying doing the Merengue with my friend, I thought we were doing well, or at least that is what my mom thought. I never thought I would be so okay holding hands, but there I was feeling fine about it. That curtain dance was probably my favorite and my best. It was awesome seeing all my friends from other schools, like my friends from soccer. I knew this was going to be a good night.

Ballroom dancing is a fun experience for kids to do. How you first start is practicing two times a week. You should also practice at home,, so when the exhibition comes you are prepared. The exhibition is the best experience in 5th grade!

Seasonal Allergies
Note from the Nurse, Susan Aries
This spring has been tough for anyone with seasonal allergies. Some kids are especially sensitive to the pollen, and the symptoms can distract them from their school work. The health office cannot supply allergy medications (antihistamines, eye drops, nasal sprays). If your child needs medication for his or her allergies, make sure that you give the medication before s/he leaves for school. These medications work best when given regularly. Please do not give your child Benadryl to relieve allergy discomfort. If your child feels especially uncomfortable, talk with your doctor or nurse practitioner about the best way to treat allergy discomfort.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns

Owl Show
In March, Morse Kindergarteners and Junior Kindergartners got the chance to experience a live raptor show! Our presenter Heidi introduced students to 3 live birds--Ranger (an American Kestrel) Hattie (a Barred Owl) and Scout (a screech owl). Students learned about the life cycle of these amazing birds of prey, got to see some different kinds of eggs, and had the chance to touch some real owl feathers!

Library News
By Sarah Pennell, Library Media Specialist
On Monday, April 1st 23 fourth and fifth graders attended theBook Massachusetts Children's Book Award Reading Celebration with Ms. Pennell. To be invited, students needed to read five or more books from the M.C.B.A. master list. Three of our students read all 25 titles- Freddie, Aniket, and Cecilia! Framed!: A T.O.A.S.T. Mystery by James Ponti was our favorite book here at the Morse, followed by A Night Divided by Jennifer Nielsen. A Night Divided was voted the favorite book in the state! Check out the attached thank you letter Jennifer Nielsen wrote to the student readers of Massachusetts. Third and fourth graders- the master list for next year will be announced mid-May so get excited! Happy reading!

fun fair

Save the Date

witch hazel
In Our Community and District

Scratch Night @ CPS!
May 16 | 5:30-7:30PM
CRLS, 459 Broadway
All CPS students and families are invited!
Details >>

CRLS Spring A Cappella Jam
April 26 | 7PM
Fitzgerald Theatre, CRLS
Flyer >>

CRLS Jazz Night
April 30 | 7PM
La Fábrica Central
450 Mass Ave., Cambridge
Flyer >>

CPS Summer Math & ELA Programs
Hear all about our summer programs for students entering grades 6-8!
Details >>

Free Markets
Check out any one of these FREE Markets that are held throughout the City of Cambridge. All you need is a grocery bag! View the flyer >>

Book Talk!
April 30 | 6-7:30PM
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School
Learn more >>

Cambridge Affordable Housing Information Sessions
Learn about the eligibility requirements and application process for the following programs Cambridge Rental and Homeownership Programs: Inclusionary Housing Rental Program for studios, 1BR, 2BR, & 3BR units throughout Cambridge, Homeowner Resale Pool, First-Time Homebuyer Workshop, Downpayment Assistance, and HomeBridge. Open to all. No RSVP Necessary. Learn more >>

Immigration Legal Screening Clinics
3rd Wednesday each month, 5:15-7:15PM
Free consultations with an immigration attorney for Massachusetts immigrants and their families
Community Legal Services & Counseling Center (CLSACC)
90 Third St., Cambridge
617.349.4396; [email protected] 


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April 15-19
No School: Spring Vacation

April 23 | 4:30-6:30PM
School Council Meeting

May 1 | 6-7:30PM
Parent Workshop: Helping Kids Navigate Digital Tools

May 8 | 4:30-6:30PM
Morse Working Group on Race & Equity

May 13 | 6:30-8PM
FoM Meeting

May 15
Early Release Day

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Cambridge, MA 02139
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