Morse Weekly Family Newsletter: November 30, 2018
Published on Nov 30, 2018 13:48

November 30, 2018
chad photo

Message from Principal Chad Leith

Dear Members of the Morse School Community,

We will be celebrating some exciting milestones during the month of December, including the opening of our beautiful new playground and our transition to standards-based report cards. Please read below to learn more!

Understanding our New Standards-Based Report Cards
This year, we have transitioned to a three-trimester calendar in grades 1-5 and have joined some other Cambridge elementary schools in implementing a new standards-based report card. Our new report card will replace the traditional letter-grade reporting system with a grading system focused on measuring student mastery of the academic content standards (which reflect the things that students should know and be able to do by the end of each school year). The new report card will provide more detailed feedback to you and your child’s teacher about your child’s progress towards attaining the specific skills and knowledge outlined in the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks for his/her grade level. Please follow this link to view the current Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks >> 

If your child is in grades 1-5, the report card you receive at your parent/teacher conference on Wednesday, December 12th will feature the following metric:

3 - Meeting Expectations
2 - Partially Meeting Expectations
1 - Not Meeting Expectations
There may also be standards on the report card that are labeled as “NA” which means that at this time in the year the particular standard has not yet been taught or assessed. Standards based reporting aims to take behavioral concerns out of the reporting of academic performance. Your child will receive separate grades on his/her report card for social/emotional development and work habits.

For those of you interested in learning more, I have scheduled a parent workshop for next Thursday, December 6th from 6-7PM in the Morse School library where I will further explain the new grading system and answer any questions you have. All Gr. 1-5 parents and caregivers are invited to join! In the meantime, I invite you to view this 4-minute video, which provides a great overview of the considerations and benefits of standards-based grading (Although posted by Alpine School District in Utah, the video breaks down the same essential elements you will see on the Morse School report card in December). Please follow this link to view the video >> 

Playground Opening Set for Next Week!
Contractors and city officials are taking final steps towards completing work on our new playground and expect that our children will be able to begin enjoying the new play structures as early as next week! Of course, before opening the doors and sending our kids out to play in the updated space, our teachers will discuss playground safety and closely monitor our first few recess outings. We want to make sure that children are staying safe as they enjoy their new playground. Thank you once again to our parents, teachers - and most of all our students - for being so patient and understanding as the new play areas have been developed!

My very best wishes for a wonderful weekend!

Chad Leith


kids holding hands

Improving Learning & Professional Time
Join the discussion of school schedules in CPS! 

Cambridge Public Schools is seeking to understand the use of time in our schools and identify possible improvements, with a focus on elementary and upper schools. We are gathering stakeholder feedback through a study and design process that includes public meetings, focus groups, and surveys. Give input via survey >>

Join us for a feedback session with the CPS community on December 5 at 6PM at Morse School. Childcare and dinner will be provided. Share your opinion about the length of the school day and school year and tell us what you wish there was more time for in the day. Learn more >>

Other CPS Events and Opportunities Outside CPS

Immigration Legal Screening Clinics
3rd Wednesday each month, 5:15-7:15PM
Free consultations with an immigration attorney for Massachusetts immigrants and their families
Community Legal Services & Counseling Center (CLSACC)
90 Third St., Cambridge
617.349.4396; [email protected] 
See flyer >>

Cambridge Affordable Housing Information Sessions
Learn about the eligibility requirements and application process for the following programs Cambridge Rental and Homeownership Programs: Inclusionary Housing Rental Program for studios, 1BR, 2BR, & 3BR units
throughout Cambridge, Homeowner Resale Pool, First-Time Homebuyer Workshop, Downpayment Assistance, and HomeBridge. Open to all. No RSVP Necessary. Learn more >>


Stay Connected
Stay up-to-date with all Morse School news. Follow us on Facebook!


School Council Meeting
December 4 | 4:30 - 6PM

Parent Workshop:
Standards-Based Grading 

December 6 | 6 - 7PM

Friends of Morse 
Movie Night

December 7 | 6PM

Friends of Morse Meeting
December 10 | 6:30 - 8PM

Parent/Teacher Conferences (Gr. 1-5)
December 12

Principal's Coffee
December 20 
8:30 - 9:15AM

Winter Break
December 24 - January 1

Morse Calendar >>
District Calendar >>

CIM logo
Here's Cambridge in Motion's healthy snack of the week suggestion: 
carrot and celery sticks with Greek yogurt dip.

What are the root causes of educational inequity in Cambridge? Thanks to a grant from the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, CPS educators, students, families and community members can come together to share experiences around this important issue. Learn more, and sign up to participate in upcoming focus groups on the Building Equity Bridges page.


Stay in the loop by joining our social media community on Facebook.

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40 Granite St.
Cambridge, MA 02139
Fax: 617.349.6576
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