Morse Weekly Family Newsletter: October 15, 2018
Published on Oct 15, 2018 14:47

October 15, 2018
Chad Leith

Message from Principal Chad Leith
Dear Morse School parents and families,

It is hard to believe that we are already halfway through October! In this week’s newsletter, I share some updates and important reminders:

Leith's Flag

International Festival and Potluck Celebration
Friday, October 19 | 6 - 8PM
The annual International Festival is one of our most popular community events. This Friday’s event includes a potluck celebration. Please bring a dish to share - homemade or takeout - and stay for games, crafts, music, performances & prizes! Please also be sure to complete a “Family Flag,” using the blank flag we sent home last week. We invite you to use the five sections of your flag to display the things that make your family special, such as traditions, foods, music, cultural connections, or holidays. (I’m sharing here a copy of the “Leith” family flag designed by my daughter Isabella!)

Volunteers Needed
If you’re able to help out for a half-hour during the event, sign up here with various jobs & time slots. Jobs include setup, cleanup, greeters, crafts, games, etc. No experience necessary, and all activities and directions are provided – you just show up! Alternately, you can reach out directly to volunteer event parent organizers Isabelle Leighton and Tim Cavaretta (917.256.9515) and give them your name and contact information. If you have a special game or activity that you don’t see listed (and are willing to help teach and supervise) please let Isabelle and Tim know!

School Council Meeting
Our first School Council meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday October 16th from 4:30 - 6PM in the Morse School library. This year’s school council includes parent representatives Shannon Finley, Delia Puntonio, Sayem Khan and Thalia Krakower and staff representatives Stephanie Brennan, Mary Gallant, Therese Bellino and Diane Abu-Eid. Key agenda items for our first meeting will include an examination of results from the Spring 2018 MCAS and the Spring 2018 parent survey, and a review of our draft School Improvement Plan.

Continued Work on Areas Affected by Water Intrusion
Contractors have been working hard at our school over the last two weekends to clean and repair our roof and to remove walls and floor tiles affected by water damage and mold. Surfaces and instructional tools in affected areas have also been cleaned using an a special anti-microbial solution. Another contractor is expected to remove and replace damaged insulation next Saturday, at which point tiles and sheetrock will be replaced. All interior work areas are being properly contained so that we can continue regular routines in unaffected areas. Once this process is complete, the building will be inspected and the air quality tested again.

Best wishes for a great week and I hope to see you at this Friday’s International Festival!

Chad Leith


CPS Events and Outside Opportunities

STEAM it Up!
October 25 | 6 - 8PM

Rindge Avenue Upper School, 70 Rindge Ave.
Have you ever wanted to hack electronics? Maybe you'd like to create and launch a zip line car? If this sounds like fun and you'd like to spend some great family time having pizza and learning together then come to STEAM IT Up. View event details >>

BanajiWhat is Implicit Bias: A Presentation by Dr. Mahzarin R. Banaji 
Author of Blindspot: The Hidden Biases of Good People
Wednesday, October 17 | 5:30PM
Register for free tickets >>
This event is sponsored by the Cambridge Citizens Committee on Civic Unity, Cambridge Human Rights Commission, Cambridge Peace Commission, Cambridge City Manager’s Office, Mayor Marc McGovern, and Councillor Sumbul Siddiqui.

Mental Health Awareness Night
We invite parents, guardians, youth workers, teens who work with youth, and anyone else who has love and investment for our youth to please join us at Rindge Avenue Upper Campus (RAUC) on Friday October 26 at 7PM for a Mental Health Awareness Night. There will be free food!

Currently we have two amazing guest speakers: Alice Cohen, CPS Social and Emotional Learning Lead Teacher, will be talking about attachment and self regulation in adolescence. Building competency and independence while maintaining family relationships. She will discuss making meaning of behavior, keeping relational lines open, dealing with our own worries while parenting, and what to do if sudden concerning changes occur. David G. Stewart, PhD., ABPP, Chief of Psychology Department of Psychiatry from Cambridge Health Alliance and Harvard Medical School will present on adolescent substance as well as emotional and behavioral problems in adolescents.

Working Together for an Equitable, Inclusive, Innovative City

In Cambridge, fall means 'back to school' and at CCF we're in full swing with a boost in the gatherings and programs that make our city a uniquely vibrant, civically-engaged community. We continue to friend and fund-raise for local immigrants needing legal defense and residents seeking services from our nonprofit partners. This month, we received a record number of proposals from 80 nonprofits seeking grants from our Community Fund to support issues ranging from hunger and homelessness, to education, and an array of programs that create a pathway for Cambridge residents to achieve their dreams. Fall grants will be distributed to selected nonprofits in November. And, thanks to the generosity of our donors, we've raised nearly $200,000 through the Cambridge Legal Defense Fund for Immigrants. We will be distributing a first round of grants to legal defense organizations supporting immigrants soon.

In the meantime, we've been thinking about what makes Cambridge, well, Cambridge. Across the globe, our city is known for its world-class universities, thinkers, and innovators. Locally, we're known for the caring people who call Cambridge home. We know, that by working together, we can tackle the social problems we face and make Cambridge a truly equitable city. Join us >>
Immigration Legal Screening Clinics
3rd Wednesday each month, 5:15-7:15PM
Free consultations with an immigration attorney for Massachusetts immigrants and their families
Community Legal Services & Counseling Center (CLSACC)
90 Third St., Cambridge
617.349.4396; [email protected] 
See flyer >>

Cambridge Affordable Housing Information Sessions
Learn about the eligibility requirements and application process for the following programs Cambridge Rental and Homeownership Programs: Inclusionary Housing Rental Program for studios, 1BR, 2BR, & 3BR units
throughout Cambridge, Homeowner Resale Pool, First-Time Homebuyer Workshop, Downpayment Assistance, and HomeBridge. Open to all. No RSVP Necessary. Learn more >>

Rep. Katherine Clark – Cambridge Office Hours
Hosted by Rep. Clark's Immigration Issues Liaison Katie Worley
3rd Thursday each month, 3-4PM  
Cambridge City Hall, 795 Mass Ave. (Mayor's Office, 2nd fl)
Staff will be on site to answer questions about immigration benefits, USCIS cases, Passports, and more. If you have questions or need assistance outside of scheduled hours, please do not hesitate to contact our district office: 
701 Concord Ave., Suite 101, Cambridge, MA 02138 

Cambridge Flu Clinics 
The flu (influenza) can be a serious illness. The best way to protect yourself and your loved ones from influenza is for all adults and children over 6 months old to get a flu shot every year. Cambridge Public Health is offering free flu shots at:

  • Kennedy-Longfellow School - Wednesday, October 24 from 5:30 - 7:30PM in the cafeteria
  • Peabody School - Wednesday, November 7 from 5:30 - 7:30PM in the gym.

There is no charge, but please bring your health insurance card if possible. For more information and the full list of flu clinics, visit our website or call the recorded flu clinic info line, 617.665.3855.

Cambridge Bicycle Safety
Does your child bike to school? Do you bike with your child to school? Would you or your child like to get around by bike but feel it is not safe? 

Cambridge Bicycle Safety is an all-volunteer group of Cambridge residents who are asking for safer bike lanes and a complete network of protected lanes throughout Cambridge. Separated lanes in the last two years--Cambridge, Brattle and sections of Mass Ave--have been the result of people in the community organizing. But we need more voices. 
We are looking for stories of parents and their children who bike or would like to bike. If you have a story and want to learn more, email us.


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Title I Coffee
October 16 | 8:15 - 9AM

International Festival & Potluck Celebration
October 19 | 6 - 8PM

Principal's Coffee
October 23 | 8:15 - 9AM

Morse Calendar >>
District Calendar >>

Have younger children? This is a friendly reminder that registration for the CPS 3-Year-Old Program Lottery for the September 2019 school year starts on October 1 and ends on October 31. More info >>

The new guide is now available via Find It Cambridge! Take a look >>

CIM logo
Here's Cambridge in Motion's healthy snack of the week suggestion: 
pepper and carrot slices with hummus.


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40 Granite St.
Cambridge, MA 02139
Fax: 617.349.6576
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