Morse Messenger: September 7, 2018
Published on Sep 7, 2018 18:14

September 7, 2018
Chad Leith

Message from Principal Chad Leith
Dear Morse School students, parents and families,

It has been a wonderful first week at the Morse School!

For me and Ms. Headley, one of the best aspects of the week has been getting to know your children, watching them reconnect with old friends (and make new ones!), and seeing them get engaged with fun learning activities in their classrooms. It has also been great for us to see the care and attention our teachers, specialists and paraprofessionals have taken to familiarize all of our students to classroom routines and structures that support our Morse Code:

  • Be Respectful
  • Be Responsible
  • Be Kind
  • Be An Active Learner

At the Morse School, we teach and reinforce these core values in order to support our children’s positive social and academic development and to foster a sense of belonging. The Morse Code is one of the things that makes our school such a special place to grow and learn!

Welcome New Staff Members!
Many new grownups have joined our school community. In today’s Morse Messenger, I’d like to introduce three of them!

FallonKaitlyn Fallon has joined us as our new third grade teacher (Room C2). Ms. Fallon completed her undergraduate studies in Ancient History and English at the University of New Hampshire and earned her Master’s in Education from Lesley University, where she completed a full-year internship at the King Open School in Cambridge. Prior to joining the Morse School community, Ms. Fallon was a third grade teacher at the Hoover Elementary School in Melrose.

GordonBeverly Gordon, our new School Social Worker, graduated from Central Connecticut State University with Bachelors degree in Social Work and earned her Masters in Social Work from Salem State University. Prior to joining the Cambridge Public Schools, Ms. Gordon spent three years at Adoption Journeys, post-adoption services where she provided adoptive families with in-home family therapy to help with improved family functioning and address adoption related themes.

JohnsonShaleaka Johnson joins us as an instructional aide in Ms. Rosenberg’s first grade classroom (A6). Ms. Johnson recently completed her Bachelor’s degree in Social Psychology from UMass Boston. Her professional experiences include work for the Pathways Program in the Malden Public Schools.

Please join me in wishing Ms. Fallon, Ms. Gordon and Ms. Johnson a warm welcome to the Morse School community! I look forward to introducing some of our other new staff members in upcoming newsletters!

3rd Grade Recess

Ways to Get Involved
I’m a parent too, and I know that all of our parents and caregivers work hard to support their own children’s learning and positive engagement with school. However, we as a school community also benefit greatly from our parent volunteers. If you are looking for additional ways to contribute towards making the Morse School a great place to learn and teach, I invite you to consider participating in one (or both) of these important school-based organizations:

Friends of Morse
As many of you know, the Friends of Morse functions as our school’s parent/teacher organization, meets monthly to plan community events and devise strategies for raising funds to enhance classroom instruction. This year, I plan to attend as many Friends of Morse meetings as possible, so that I can share updates about our school, answer questions you have, and solicit your ideas for school improvement. The first Friends of Morse meeting of the year will take place on Tuesday, September 11th from 6:30 - 8PM in the Morse School library. I look forward to seeing many of you there!

Morse School Council
Under Massachusetts state law, every public school must have a School Council. A School Council functions as the “board” of the school and provides input to the principal on policy decisions. The School Council also reviews the school budget and helps establish school priorities. This year, the Morse School Council will meet three times (October, January, and May). Under the provisions of the education reform act, the School Council must be a representative body with an equal number of parents/caregivers and teachers/staff members. If you are interested in serving as a parent representative on the Morse School Council, please consider attending the Friends of Morse meeting on Tuesday, where I will explain the process in greater detail.

I wish all members of our community a wonderful weekend and a special happy holiday wish to those families who celebrate Rosh Hashanah!

Chad Leith


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Friends of Morse Meeting
September 11 | 6: 30 - 8PM

Early Release Day
September 18

No School: Yom Kippur
September 19

Back to School Night
September 26 | 6 - 8PM

School Council
October 3 | 6:30 - 8PM

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