DYK Newsletter: April 2, 2018
Published on Apr 2, 2018 10:04

April 2, 2018

MCAS Information
10th graders will take the Math MCAS on May 23rd and 24th. Science MCAS will be administered to all 9th graders and those upper grade students who need to take them on June 6th and June 7th.
Learn more | View the Schedule

Midterm Exams
Rescheduled to April 10th and 11th.
View the Schedule >>


Save the Dates for 2nd Semester
Family Events

CRLS Parent Workshop: Just Talk About It
April 26 | 6 - 7:30PM | CCRC
This interactive presentation is an introduction to mental health, which is designed to train both adults and youth on how to recognize the warning signs of stress, anxiety, depression, and crisis. Learn more >>

Ongoing: Parent-to-Parent Support Group
This a great outlet for parents/ guardians who are struggling with the challenges of parenting teens. We meet on the 1st Thursday of the month in the Principals Conference Room from 6 - 7:30PM.

View 2017-18 CRLS Family Events >>

Hiring Committee Parent Volunteers Needed
Parents/ guardians are needed for various hiring committees this spring at CRLS for teacher openings in ELA, MATH, History, Science, World Language, ELL, and OSS.

Typically this is a full day commitment from 7:30AM - 3:30PM (lunch will be provided). First scheduled interviews are for a Math position on April 9th from 7:30AM - 3:30PM.

If you are interested contact Greta Hardina, CRLS Family Liaison.

Drivers Ed

Drivers Education | Registration for Spring Class

Tuesday April 3rd | 2:30PM | Auto Shop Classroom
(456 Broadway-across the street from CRLS)
Classes start April 10th and meet on Tuesday and Thursday at 2:30PM. $300 first payment due April 10th. Total cost $600.

Chasing Coral

Chasing Coral
April 11 | 5 - 8PM
Cambridge Public Library Auditorium
449 Broadway Cambridge, Ma
Panel discussion with Coral Reef experts to follow the movie. Learn more >>

Curbside Compost

Curbside Compost Goes Citywide April 2!
Did you know that Cambridge has had a pilot curbside compost program for 1 to 12 unit buildings with City trash service in North Cambridge? And that most participants cut their trash by 35%?

By composting we can help the City cut waste and put our food scraps to work making clean energy and fertilizer.

Tell your friends, family, and neighbors to grab their new bins and start composting!

Volunteer to help move bins off the curb!
Saturday April 7 | 1 - 3:30PM, meet in front of City Hall
RSVP to Camilla

Find out more >>

Find It Cambridge
Have You Checked Out Find It Cambridge?
Want to help make it even better? 

Find It Cambridge works closely with CPS to provide accurate information that families need. Find It has partnered with a group of Harvard graduate students to assess its current impact and find ways to make it even better. If you have TWO minutes to share your opinion, click here.

Spring Bash

Dear CRLS Community,

Friends of CRLS thanks you for making our 2nd Annual Bash on Thursday, March 29 at Google such a spirited celebration of everthing that's unique and uplifting about our high school - most especially our students, our faculty, and our growing network of community volunteers and donors. This is the best kind of teamwork for a most deserving cause - our extraordinary CRLS high school youth!

Special thanks to CRLS staff members Principal Damon Smith, Assistant Principal Bobby Tynes, student musicians of the CRLS World Jazz Ensemble and Director Guillermo Nojechowicz, A Cappella student singers with the group Pitches and Dos and the Girls Next Door under Directorship of Ivan Stefanov, and Faculty members and Ecuador Trip Leaders Annan Lopata and Laura Chiracosta, along with student travel fellow presenters, and event reporter and photographer from the CRLS school newspaper, The Register Forum! Read about it!  >>

Elaine Schear
Executive Director, Friends of CRLS

Volunteer NEEDED FOR Biodiversity Education Events
Sat., April 14: Volunteers are needed to operate our giant puppets for 2 hours in the afternoon at the Cambridge Science Carnival and to hand out wildlife trading cards to children.

Sat., April 28: Volunteers are needed to welcome the families and the general public to a combined outdoor art and citizen science event at Magazine Beach, in the afternoon.

Sat., April 29: Volunteers are needed to welcome the families and the general public to combined outdoor art and citizen science events at Danehy Park (morning) and Fresh Pond Reservation and to help guide children’s art activities.

The Cambridge Wildlife Puppetry Project will verify community service hours for volunteering at these events. Contact us to sign up. View the flyer >>

Youth Mentor Internship
Each summer, the Community Development Department (CDD) hosts 25-50 youth through the Mayor’s Summer Youth Employment Program (MSYEP), as well as 2-4 teens from around the world through our Dream Careers program. CDD has worked with MSYEP for the past 5 years to hire and engage high school interns in various facets of urban planning. This diverse team has successfully led discussions with thousands of Cambridge residents around sustainable transportation, food waste, and energy use, placed hundreds of informational doorhangers promoting solar power around Cambridge, and created new games and outreach activities to better-engage Cambridge residents and business owners in our planning efforts. The position of Youth Mentor will be responsible for planning programming for and managing Team CDD, our MSYEP team for 6 weeks from July 2 - August 17, 2018.

For more information and instructions on how to apply, please click here.

Glocal Challenge Internship
The Glocal Challenge is a contest-based program facilitated by EF Education First, the City of Cambridge, and the Cambridge Public Schools to help high school students learn critical 21st Century Skills, gain global competence and receive real-world experience in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math). Each year, we ask Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (CRLS) students to solve a challenge locally in Cambridge that has global implications (generally an environmental focus). In the past, the Challenge has focused on decreasing energy use and food waste in Cambridge. The Glocal Challenge Intern assists with program implementation, youth coordination, and leadership development.

For more information and instructions on how to apply, please click here.

uAspire: Free Financial Help
Free financial aid help is available in the CCRC Tuesday through Friday mornings. Make an appointment by calling Simone at 413.829.4494.

Maud Morgan
Volunteers Needed
The Baldwin School is looking for 10 volunteers to work at Maud Morgan, 20 Sacramento Street, on Saturday, May 19th from 4 - 10PM. All volunteers would receive Community Service hours and enjoy delicious foods from local vendors. Please email if you are interested. Email Allison.

Farmers market

Come join us for a cozy and fun filled Saturday at the Cambridge Winter Farmers Market!
Saturdays 10AM - 2PM | January 6 - April 7, 2018
Cambridge Community Center, 5 Callender Street

Local fruits, vegetables, herbs, meat, fish, cheese & eggs! Hot coffee, fresh juice, warm breakfast, lunch options and prepared foods too! Come enjoy live music, free samples and activities for all ages each and every week!

Visit our website and Facebook for more information.


Harvard's Youth Lead the Change Program
Program for high schoolers (rising 9th to 12th graders) will run for five days from August 27-31, 2018 and will be held on Harvard's campus. Youth Lead the Change is a leadership program led by a team of Harvard undergraduates that seeks to provide high school kids with tangible leadership skills and empower them to be leaders in their communities.

The program features guest speakers who are foremost leaders in their fields as well as numerous projects and modules to hone strong leadership skills. Learn more >>
The application deadline is May 1st. If you are interested, you can apply here! If you have any questions please email us.

seed crew

Summer Work Opportunity!
Are you a teenager looking for a summer job? Consider applying to Seed Crew! Seed Crew is a 6.5 week summer work opportunity for teens ages 14-17 and is hosted by The Food Project, a nonprofit focused on uniting youth and adults to do the work of sustainable food systems change. Teens spend the morning working on our farms in Dorchester and Lincoln, growing food for communities in the Boston area. They then spend their afternoons in workshops on social justice and the food system. This is a paid work opportunity and teens who complete the whole summer are eligible to receive over 60 hours of community service. For more information about or to apply to Seed Crew, visit this link or email [email protected].

Fun & Affordable Transportation Option
Hubway offers a fun and affordable transportation option for eligible students: $5 per month! Learn more >>

Helpful Summer Camp & Gap Resources
Chances are that your families are starting to inquire about enriching summer or gap experiences for students. I want to make sure you are aware that TeenLife.com is an excellent, free resource for these types of experiences. We list more than 7000 programs! Two weeks at a pre-college summer program on a college campus may be all a student needs to open their eyes to what's possible. To search for a program, simply type a special interest in the search bar of our home page, leave the location blank, and click on "Go". Then choose a filter to narrow down the search to Summer or Gap Programs. The more specific the search term, the better, for example Civil Engineering rather than Engineering or Sculpture rather than Art. If the number of listings is too large, conduct the search again with the name of a State in the location field. 


CSV Opportunities for Students
CSV encourages seniors to come after school to meet with a mentor in the CCRC.
College/Career Mentoring
Date: Every Wednesday
Time: 2:30 to 4:30PM
Location: CCRC, room 1501

Internship Placements Needed for
CRLS Seniors!

We are reaching out to CRLS families to see if there might be opportunities at your work place for a student internships. Student Internships are unpaid and run during the spring semester. Students are available from about 12:15 - 2:30PM everyday when school is in session, except for some alternating Fridays, when they meet at school for a seminar.

This year, we are working with some great students who are interested in:

If you or someone you know might have a place for a CRLS volunteer intern at your place of work, or to learn more, please contact Kathleen FitzGerald at 617.349.4946.

SAT Prep
FREE SAT Prep is offered every Tues from 2:30PM to 4:30PM in the CRLS Library's fiction room. Please encourage students to attend. The last class is Tues, May 29th- the week of June's exam.

Drop-in Math Help Available
Stop by the Tutoring Center, Room 2132, 7:30 - 8AM, Monday through Friday, to see Mr. Duche, Academic Support Teacher. Come any morning for help with your math problems!  


Get Involved with FOCA
There are many opportunities for parent engagement at CRLS and the Friends of Cambridge Athletics (FOCA) supports many aspects of this process for the athletics program. Participation is simple and there are many volunteer opportunities. Areas range from FOCA events to serving as parent liaison to teams. To learn more about our work and to get involved visit our website, send an email, or just come to one of our meetings held the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the Athletics office 6 - 7:30PM.

A. Harvey

32nd Annual Cambridge City Run 5k & Andrea Harvey Fund Walk
Sunday, April 8th
This flat, fast, 5k run & walk starts and ends on the track at Danehy Park. The 5k Race route is on the picturesque foot paths and through the neighborhood. The Andrea Harvey 5k Walk route is entirely on the footpaths.

Proceeds will fund college scholarships for CRLS student athletes, and will benefit the Andrea Harvey Fund to help victims of domestic violence.

Race Fee: $30 (Day-of: $40)
Students: $20 (Day-of: $25)
Under-18: Free

Time: Registration starts at 8:30AM. Race starts promptly at 10AM.
Location: Danehy Park, Cambridge
Parking: New Street and Sherman St lots
Street Parking: Blanchard Rd, Field St.
Sponsored by: Friends of Cambridge Athletics (FOCA)


Career & College Resource Center
Tutoring Center
Do you need your own 1:1 tutor to help in any subject? Come by the Tutoring Center, Room 2132, to fill out a request form for a tutor. See Mr. Duche or Ms. Williams. Cambridge School Volunteers will work to find a tutor who can help you once or twice a week. Tutoring sessions happen before school, 7:30 - 8AM, Mon-Fri or after school, 2:45 - 3:45PM, Mon-Fri. starting September 25. Don't wait until you are behind! Request some support now.

Are you interested in volunteering? Please contact
Deandra Williams at 617.349.6794.

ACT, SAT, AP Testing
Don't forget to register in advance for these exams. View the Testing Schedule >>

About the DYK: The DYK is a weekly publication for students and families of Cambridge Rindge & Latin School. To submit an announcement, email the DYK. Deadline for submission is Fridays at 10AM each week.


Midterm Exams Begin
April 2

CRLS Parent-to-Parent Group
April 5 | 6 - 7:30PM

FOCA Meeting
April 10 | 6 - 7:30PM

No School: April Vacation
April 16 - 20

School Council Meeting
April 24 | 6 - 7:30PM

CRLS Parent Workshop: Just Talk About It
April 26 | 6 - 7:30PM
Learn more >>

View 2017-18 CRLS Family Events >>

View the complete CRLS online calendar >>


Light It Up Blue
April 2 | 6:45PM
Cambridge City Hall

Mindful Parenting / 
Taller Respira

April 2, 23; May 7, 21; 
June 4 | 7 - 8:30PM 

Amigos School
In these workshops, moms and dads gather to practice skills and practical exercises to reach a greater calm and clarity during difficult times in our daily lives. Dr. Beatriz Meza-Valencia, pediatrician, teaches about childhood and adolescent brain development and exercises easy to use in everyday life. Everyone is invited and attendance to prior sessions is not required. Sessions will be given in Spanish and English. Childcare provided. Questions?

[email protected]

Immigration Legal Screening Clinics - FREE!

This FREE monthly clinic offers participants a consultation with an immigration attorney and the chance to learn more about how immigration law affects them and their families. 
Details >> 
More immigration resources >>

View opportunities outside of CPS >>


Weekly Highlights
April 2 - 8, 2018

SmartTV 98

Schedule & Streaming
The Word: CRLS Newscast (New Episode!)
Thu. 10:30PM & Sun. 8:30PM

Spot On: Find It Cambridge
Mon. 9:30PM & Sun. 7:30PM

STEM in 30: Earth Day - A View from Above
Mon. 8PM & Tue. 10PM

Once upon a Time: Stories about Music
Mon. 4:30PM & Sat. 10:30AM

Schedule & Streaming
School Committee Regular Meeting (Live)
Tue. 6PM

Museum Open House: Girl Scout Museum (New!)
Wed. 7PM & Sun. 7PM

Estoy Sano: El burrito vegetariano de María
Thu. 4PM & Sat. 4PM

Located at CRLS. Learn more about offered services. Make an appointment today!
View the Flyer >>

csv logo

Cambridge School Volunteers is looking for volunteers who want to help a student succeed in school! Learn more >>

2017-18 CRLS

Join us at the School Council meetings on the last Tuesday of each month. Learn more >> 

The Homework Center is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:30 - 4PM in Room 228 (Ms. Breyer's Room). Learn more >>

mbta card


MBTA passes are available in the main office. Learn more >>



Save time and order your sandwich ahead of time. All orders must be placed by 10AM that day. Pickup your sandwich in the CRLS Main cafeteria. Check it out >>

aspen login page


Aspen allows you to view your child's grades, attendance, class work, and homework any time it is convenient for you. There is a link to Aspen from the CRLS parents web page. We are here to help support you with any login issues. We can also provide you with some tips for navigating through the Aspen tabs. Please email the CRLS Tech Center anytime.
cim logo
Cambridge in Motion presents this week's Healthy Snack Suggestion: sweet potato fries

Get Involved
Employment Permits
CRLS Student Handbook
Apsen Parent Account
(to get progress reports)

CRLS Zone Map
Block Schedule
Course Catalog

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Stay in the loop by joining our social media communities.
Follow CRLS on Facebook and Twitter today.

mobile app icons

Stay informed via our FREE mobile app! 
Details >>  

find it

Looking for things to do in Cambridge? Then take a peek at Find It Cambridge!



Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
459 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02138
Fax: 617.349.6749
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