Green eNews February 2015: Energy Efficiency, Spring Birdwalk, and More
Published on Feb 24, 2015 09:31


Dear Schools & Community,
What a winter it’s been! We hope this e-news finds you well, and refreshed after February vacation. In this month’s edition of the green e-news, we hope to bring you a little bit of “green cheer” in the form of fun events & information, inspiring sustainability updates from around the schools, and exciting resources that you can apply in your classroom or office. Hopefully, spring is just around the corner!
As always, feel free to visit our website on the Cambridge Green Schools Initiative (CGSI).
Thanks for all you do to keep our schools and planet sustainable for future generations to come!

Free Document Shredding
Do you have documents that need to be shredded? The shreddings get recycled! The Cambridge Consumers’ Council and US Postal Service are offering a free document shredding.
Saturday, March 7 | 10AM - 2PM (snow or shine)
Central Square Post Office, 770 Mass. Avenue
Members of the public can securely dispose of personal and confidential paper documents. Documents will be destroyed on the spot in a highly advanced technical mobile shredding truck and sent for recycling. Ten minute drop-off parking will be available on Mass Ave between Sellers & Pleasant Street. Please call the Consumers Council at 617.349.6150 or email them.

Energy Efficiency on a Roll
Interested in seeing a list of all the energy projects we’re completing across the school district? Visit our energy efficiency projects page on our school district’s sustainability website for details.

Butterfly Film Screening
Do you or your students/families want to see a film about butterflies?
Film Screening: The Incredible Journey of the Butterflies
Monday, March 2 | 6 - 7:30PM
Russell Youth Center (680 Huron Ave.)
Fresh Pond Monarch Watch will return to the Reservation in 2015! Gear up for the season and learn more about this amazing butterfly with this NOVA documentary that charts the epic migration of the monarch across North America. The film features superb aerial views using helicopter, ultralight, and hot-air balloon cameras along the 2,000 mile journey. This film will be screened at the Russell Youth Center, followed by brief discussion.
For more details, and to sign-up for updates in event of stormy weather, contact Kirsten: 617.349.6489, email her.

Winter Farmers Market
Do you want to buy locally grown food and support small business? In partnership with “Cambridge in Motion,” a reminder that the Cambridge Winter Farm Market will be opening on January 3rd and every Saturday, January 3 - April 25 from 10AM - 2PM. The market offers fresh food, hot coffee, lunch, live music and programs for kids & families. Location: Inside the Cambridge Community Center at the corner of Callender and Howard Streets. That’s near the intersection of Western Ave and Putnam Ave just outside Central Square.

Welcome Spring Birdwalk
Do you want to spend time outdoors and learn about springtime birds?
Welcome Spring Bird Walk – sponsored by the Friends
of Fresh Pond Reservation
Sunday, March 22 | 1 - 3PM
Location given upon registration
Spring is here! The earliest migrating birds are beginning to arrive at the Reservation, where they will either stay for the breeding season, or rest before continuing their journey northward. The new arrivals and year-round residents will soon be busy building nests and defending territories. We
may see a variety of migrating waterfowl on the ponds as
well as songbirds in trees. Beginners are welcome! We have binoculars to lend and will show you how to use them. To register and for meeting place, email Elizabeth Wylde.

Learn About Trees at Fresh Pond
Do you want to learn how to identify trees at Fresh Pond Reservation?
Winter Tree Identification by Buds, Bark, and Branching Patterns - with Ranger Jean
Saturday, March 28 | 1 - 3PM
Meet at Neville Place parking lot (650 Concord Ave.)
Learn to identify members of the maple, ash, birch, elm, willow, and sycamore families – all species threatened by the Asian Longhorned Beetle—by their most distinguishable winter characteristics. With the guidance of Ranger Jean Rogers, keys and photos, we’ll discover these species around the Reservation. Bring a field notebook, binoculars and a camera if you have them. Dress to be outside for the first half of the program! Meets at Neville Place parking lot; stormy weather cancels. Please register to be updated in the event of bad weather. Register by March 26th.
Contact: Ranger Jean Rogers
Thank You Again for All You Do
to Keep Our Schools Green!
If you have an environmental or sustainability school story or piece of information to share in our schools, please e-mail: [email protected]. Thank You!!!

If the winter blues are getting you down, add a live plant to your classroom or office! Why? Because the green color brightens your room and makes oxygen while filtering your air.
Love Food?
Check out these top 8 tips from Love Food Hate Waste, as well as their “Hints and Tips” resource where you can click on the food you want to rescue. Remember, reducing and reusing are even better than recycling and composting. Thanks for all your efforts to reduce food waste. The Recycling Division’s web page about reducing food waste is another helpful resource.
Want to schedule a nature walk for your class or students?
Friends of Alewife Reservation is a stewarding and educational non-profit for the Alewife Reservation in northwest Cambridge and for the surrounding city natural resources of marshes and wetlands abutting Belmont and Arlington. Free wildlife and history educational tours, clean ups, and conservation initiatives for the silver maple forest. Take a "Virtual" Tour
of the Reservation >>

Love Recycling?
Please order recycling flyers to distribute at your building. It’s important to distribute recycling flyers periodically as it refreshes building occupants on what can be recycled and reinforces that it’s a community norm and priority. Thank you for your help! You can also use this link to order refrigerator magnets, laminated signs, toter labels and toters. We look forward to fulfilling your request!
Do you get unwanted mail from retailers, credit card companies, or cable/phone companies? You can opt out of mailings from more than 4,000 companies with Catalog Choice and help reduce waste. For example, you can stop getting weekly circulars from Global Direct, they will honor opt-out requests, so add them to "your choices." Just register for FREE online to create an account to start cleaning out your mailbox. To date, over 3,700 Cambridge residents have signed up and opted out of nearly 25,000 different unwanted mailings!
Kristen von Hoffmann
Sustainability Manager
Email Kristen
Cambridge Green Schools Initiative