So much FUN was had at the Annual Math Literacy & Math Carnival
Games, balloons, prizes, and smiling faces stretched as far as the eye could see, and the yummy smell of popcorn filled the air as the annual Morse School Math and Literacy Carnival rolled into town on Thursday, March 22nd! This year, over 188 children “stepped right up” and enjoyed an evening filled with exciting math and literacy fun for the whole family. The night kicked off with check-in in the main lobby at 6PM, where, by the end of the evening, close to 130 families had received their raffle tickets, game checklist, and carnival map. Read on >>
5th Grade Media Literacy
5th Graders at the Morse are learning to be media literate. Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety forms. Students are working in teams to make their own commercials and Public Service Announcements to practice the media production process. Stay tuned for news about the annual 5th Grade Red Carpet event that will take place this Spring to celebrate their work!
Grade 5 Instrumental Students Share with Mrs. Connelly’s JK Class
Room B8 was so excited to have three 5th grade visitors come to our classroom--including two former B8 students!
These talented students taught the JK kids all about the instruments they are learning in Instrumental class, and played a few songs for us! We were so glad that these 5th graders had a chance to show off their skills--and get the Junior Kindergarteners excited about some of the instruments they will get the chance to try when they get a little older!
Morse Marker Recycling Update
By: Sophie Bishop, Learning Disabilities Specialist
Morse School has recycled over ONE THOUSAND markers since September! Students in grade 3 who work with Miss Sophie have been using the ColorCycle Marker Recycling program to improve their math skills. They have practiced skip counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division when counting the overall number of markers.
Note from School Nurse Aries
Dear Families,
Last year, the Cambridge School Committee voted to provide sanitary hygiene products for free in COS female and gender inclusive bathrooms. A group of high school students advocated for the change, arguing that free access was a human rights issue. Instead of having to go to the nurse’s office, they argued, it would be reassuring to know they would be available in all female and gender inclusive bathrooms at no cost. Read more >>
Have you checked out Find It Cambridge?
Cambridge's one-stop resource for programs and activities for children and families? Want to help make it even better?
Find It Cambridge works closely with CPS to provide accurate information that families need. Find It has partnered with a group of Harvard graduate students to assess its current impact and find ways to make it even better. If you have TWO minutes to share your opinion, click here.
2018 DHSP Summer Program Guide
Get started on planning a summer of fun!
Learn more via Find It Cambridge >>
Curbside Compost Goes Citywide April 2!
Have you heard the wonderful news? Tell your friends, family, and neighbors to grab their new bins and start composting!
Find out more >>
No School: Good Friday
March 30
Friends of Morse Meeting
April 9 | 6:30 - 7:30PM
Parent Conferences
April 12
No School: April
School Vacation
April 16 - 20
School Council Meeting
May 2 | 6:30 - 8PM
Morse Calendar >>
District Calendar >>
"Light it up Blue" for International Autism Awareness Day
April 2 | 6:45PM
Cambridge City Hall
Immigration Legal Screening Clinics - FREE!
This FREE monthly clinic offers participants a consultation with an immigration attorney and the chance to learn more about how immigration law affects them and their families.
Details >>
More immigration resources >>
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Looking for things to do in Cambridge? Then take a peek at Find It Cambridge!
Here's Cambridge in Motion's healthy snack of the week suggestion: sunflower seeds and cheese stick.
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Morse School
40 Granite St.
Cambridge, MA 02139
Fax: 617.349.6576
Morse Website