Green eNews January 2015: Glocal Goodness, Farm-to-Cafeteria, and More
Published on Jan 26, 2015 14:25

Green eNews
  January 26, 2015
Glocal Challenge

Dear Schools & Community,
Hello! We hope this green e-news finds you well and enjoying the New Year!

It was my pleasure to participate in the recent Glocal Challenge 2015 earlier this month as a judge. Congratulations to all our student teams who participated and designed innovative projects that proposed solutions to all of Cambridge’s climate change challenges. Congratulations to the two winning teams: L.E.A.V.E.S. and Cambridge Gridworks! Keep up the great work!

For environmental and sustainability resources, teaching tools, curriculum links, news, school projects, and updates on the Cambridge Green Schools Initiative (CGSI), check out our website. 


paper stack

Reduce Paper Waste
Want to help reduce paper waste? We’re working together in Cambridge Schools to reduce paper use. Here are some ways YOU can help:

  • Reduce font size and margins to reduce the number of pages.
  • Print on both sides of the paper.
  • Collect and use scrap paper.
  • Print documents on "Good on One Side" paper.

Are you doing all these things already? Great! If not, please resolve to start today! 

Be sure to recycle all your paper. When we recycle we protect nature and animals, curb climate change and save the City money. Did you know that producing recycled paper requires about 60% less energy than making paper from virgin wood pulp? It makes a lot of sense to recycle all you can! Here's what can be recycled in the bins at school >>

cherry tomatoes

The 2015 MA Farm-to-Cafeteria Conference was amazing – we were so happy to be a part of it. And we're delighted to see The Boston Globe's follow-up story on the farm-to-school movement (complete with a lovely highlight on Mellissa Honeywood, our talented Director of Food & Nutrition Services)! Read more >>

Winter Farmers Market

Do you want to buy locally grown food and support small business? In partnership with “Cambridge in Motion,” a reminder that the Cambridge Winter Farmers Market is open every Saturday, January 3-April 25, 10AM-2PM. The market offers fresh food, hot coffee, lunch, live music and programs for kids & families. Location: Inside the Cambridge Community Center at the corner of Callender and Howard Streets. That’s near the intersection of Western Ave. and Putnam Ave. just outside Central Square. Learn more >> 

bubble wrap

Bubble Wrap? What to do with Packaging?
Can you do more to recycle at your school? 
Plastic Bubble Wrap and Air Pillow Packaging: Recycle with plastic bags at the Recycling Center during open hours. Bags must be empty, clean, and dry. Review accepted items here.  
Cardboard Boxes: Be sure boxes going to the curb for recycling are empty of any Styrofoam, bubble wrap, plastic air pillows, etc.  
Styrofoam Peanuts: Bring Styrofoam peanuts to a UPS Store for reuse or to the Recycling Center during open hours. Place block packaging made of Styrofoam with household trash, and use our sample letters to ask manufacturers and restaurants to use more recyclable materials. 
Blister Packaging: Hard clear plastic form packaging can be recycled in the curbside program

KLO composting

Composting in the Schools
Are you interested in volunteering in the school cafeterias? A big congrats to our most recent school – Kennedy Longfellow and Putnam Avenue Upper School – for a terrific launch of the “Food to Flowers” program. Keep up the great work composting! Another congratulations to Fletcher Maynard Academy, our next school gearing up to launch composting this winter! If you would like to volunteer in the school cafeterias to help students with composting, please e-mail [email protected] or [email protected]. Thank you!

Thank You Again for All You Do
to Keep Our Schools Green!

If you have an environmental or sustainability school story or piece of information to share in our schools, please e-mail: [email protected]. Thank You!!!

farmers market

Visit farmer's markets in Cambridge. Why? Because your purchase supports organic food, farmers, and locally grown products. Learn more >>

Do you or your students want to learn how Cambridge is preparing for climate change? The City will present interim results from the Cambridge Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment, focused on vulnerabilities related to flooding from greater precipitation and heat vulnerabilities based on higher temperatures. Thursday, February 12, 6-8:30PM, MIT Tang Center (Building E51; corner of Amherst & Wadsworth Streets).

Interested in learning more about building energy use disclosure? The Public Works Department has posted 2013 energy use data for 38 municipal facilities as required under the Cambridge Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance. The ordinance applies to City-owned buildings that are 10,000 square feet or larger. The DPW will report on 2014 energy use by May 1 per the ordinance. The summary report can be found here >>


Looking for an outdoor nature activity this winter? 
Eyes on Algae
Mon., Jan. 26 | 
Walter J. Sullivan Treatment Facility


Understanding our Cantabridgian water system isn’t only about chemistry and physics; it’s also about understanding the flora and fauna in it! Come learn more about how Water Department staff and volunteers are monitoring and researching algae communities in Black’s Nook, Fresh Pond, and Little Fresh Pond. You’ll also get the chance to inspect some of our local algae species under a microscope! Register with Kirsten: 617. 349.6489 or by email


Do you get unwanted mail from retailers, credit card companies, or cable/phone companies? You can opt out of mailings from more than 4,000 companies with Catalog Choice and help reduce waste. For example, you can stop getting weekly circulars from Global Direct, they will honor opt-out requests, so add them to "your choices." Just register for FREE online to create an account to start cleaning out your mailbox. To date, over 3,700 Cambridge residents have signed up and opted out of nearly 25,000 different unwanted mailings!



Kristen von Hoffmann
Sustainability Manager
Email Kristen

Cambridge Green Schools Initiative
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