DYK Newsletter: January 16, 2018
Published on Jan 16, 2018 13:53

January 16, 2018

Final Exam Schedule: Semester 1

Due to the New England weather (snow days) please see the Final Exam Schedule, which includes Early Releases and a Delayed Opening:

Thursday, January 18 Silver Day Class Final Exams ONLY / No early release
January 19
Final Exams for Block 1, 2, and Black Day
All School Lunch and Dismissal
12:10 -12:45PM
January 22
Final Exams for Block 3 and 4 classes- Black Day
All School Lunch and Dismissal 12:10-12:45PM
January 23
Make-up date for Semester 1 Final Exams
All blocks - No early release
January 24
Semester 2 Begins: DELAYED OPENING
Students report to CRLS at 11:12AM
11:12 - 11:42 All school lunch
11:46 - 12:24 Period 3
12:28 - 1:06 Period 4
1:10 - 1:48 Period 1
1:52 - 2:30 Period 2
January 31
Report Cards available

supporting our immigrant families

Supporting Our Immigrant Families Affected By the End of TPS
Please join us at the next CRLS School Council Meeting on Tuesday, January 30 from 6-7:30PM.  

Vera Duarte, Teacher-in-Charge of ELL Program at CRLS
Ben Clark, Director of Enroot
Elizabeth Badger, Immigration Lawyer

See more info >>


The Packets are Here
Are you starting a NEW math class next semester? If the answer is “YES” then you have an assignment called a math pre-course packet.

Pre-course packets feature skills and material that you need to know before you begin your Semester 2 math class. Finishing the packet before the first day of class is a requirement and teachers may give a test or quiz on the packet material or they might count the packet as part of your homework grade.

All pre-course packets are available on the Math Department page of the CRLS website. Packets can also be found in the Learning Community S office located on the 2nd floor of the Rindge Building.

If you have any questions, please talk with your current math teacher or see Mr. Gaglione in the Learning Community S office or in the cafeteria during Lunch B.

Healthy Teens

A Note from the Teen Health Center
How many times have you had to juggle your schedule to fit in a doctor’s appointment for a family member? I’m pleased to share an important health resource that’s right here at CRLS so you won’t have to juggle anymore.

The Cambridge Teen Health Center, in partnership with Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA), is a school-based health clinic located in the CRLS health office. The center is staffed by a full time Nurse Practitioner, a sexual and reproductive health educator and mental health specialists – psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers. All the providers are well versed in caring for teenagers, offer expert level consultation and collaborate effectively with our school nurses. Read on >>

CRLS Scholarship Application Workshop!
Do you need help applying for the CRLS Scholarships? Come to the Main Cafeteria or Media Cafeteria on Thursdays from 2:45-4PM from Jan. 18 through Feb. 15. Staff will be there to help you. Taking your time to properly submit a well-prepared essay for each scholarship/award – which you are eligible for – will make your chances more likely. Don't miss out on this opportunity and free pizza!

City of Cambridge Scholarship Fund
Applications are due by March 5 for the 2018 City of Cambridge Scholarship Fund. Apply here >> 

CRLS Modern Dance Company Auditions
The CRLS Modern Dance Company will hold auditions on Tuesday, January 23rd. Come join the fun and learn and perform dances created by students, faculty and guest artists! Dancers must sign up in advance, please see Ms. D in the dance studio (room 0621) for more information.

FREE Puppetry Movement Workshop!
Wednesday, January 24th
Open to All!
Dancers, Actors, Tech crew and others are invited to sign up for an Animal Puppetry Movement Training Workshop on January 24th. Guest instructor Michelle Finston, M.A., a puppeteer and arts educator (and consulting artist on the Addams Family Musical) will lead a workshop on how to operate giant puppets and create authentic animal movement using the costumes of animal species created by the community organization Cambridge Wildlife Puppetry Project. All high school students in Cambridge are invited; space is limited to 12 participants. The workshop is from 3:00–5:00 on Wednesday, January 24, 2018. Sign up in advance on the sign up sheet on the dance studio door (0621). Questions? Just email [email protected].

driver's ed graphic

Driver's Ed Registration: January 16th
Driver's ed registration is January 16th at 2:30PM in the auto shop. Class starts January 23rd. Details >>

Adolescent Mindfulness Day Long (FREE)
January 27th | 10AM to 4PM 
Cambridge Public Library (Community Room in the main branch), 449 Broadway, Cambridge, MA

This day long mindfulness retreat will include mindfulness instruction, discussion groups, mindful movement, and informal social time to hang out with your friends too! We will build our foundational mindfulness practice and explore new ways that we can use mindfulness. We will explore the question of how we can integrate mindfulness skills into our everyday lives when we aren’t on retreat.

Fill out this GoogleForm to register for free. Registration limited to 20. Deadline is 23rd.
Lunch is included.

Sassy With Shira is Coming to CRLS!
When? Wednesday, January 17th 3-4PM (please arrive 15 minutes early)
Where? Multipurpose Room
Why? FUN!!!!
We’re bringing the workout to you! You will get an awesome and fun workout and at the same time help our students have an amazing trip!! Shira is a professional instructor and she is coming to CRLS !! We will work out dance style to Latin beats, hip hop, pop and Zumba music! This fundraiser is for the CRLS students attending the language immersion trip to Costa Rica this April. Students will be selling tickets - you can buy ahead or at the event: Asking for a $10-$20 donation for the class. (contact me or Kate Holmes also) If you like to dance or are looking for a fun way to burn off some holiday calories- you do not want to miss this!

Girls Who Build Tech Workshop
The Girls Who Build Music Tech workshop for high school girls is a one-day, hands-on introduction to music technology (ie. How pop stars use autotuning to be on pitch!) at the MIT Lincoln Laboratory Beaverworks Center on February 3rd. The workshop includes tearing down old headphones and speakers, designing your own speaker, and programming a synthesizer guitar (make mixes!). Participants also get to listen to keynote speakers from the music technology industry, including female engineers from Bose and MIT.
Register here >> 

Helpful Summer Camp & Gap Resources
Chances are that your families are starting to inquire about enriching summer or gap experiences for students. I want to make sure you are aware that TeenLife.com is an excellent, free resource for these types of experiences. We list more than 7000 programs! Two weeks at a pre-college summer program on a college campus may be all a student needs to open their eyes to what's possible. To search for a program, simply type a special interest in the search bar of our home page, leave the location blank, and click on "Go". Then choose a filter to narrow down the search to Summer or Gap Programs. The more specific the search term, the better, for example Civil Engineering rather than Engineering or Sculpture rather than Art. If the number of listings is too large, conduct the search again with the name of a State in the location field. 


CSV Opportunities for Students
IBM Fridays
Date: Fri, Feb 2nd
Time: 2:45 - 4PM
Location: CRLS Library
IBM consultants are coming to CRLS campus the first Friday of Jan and Feb. These dynamic young professionals help with college/scholarship essays, interview prep, and can answer questions student may have about career options. This is a great opportunity for students, especially for those who are interested in science, computer science, and business.

CSV encourages seniors to come after school to meet with a mentor in the CCRC.
College/Career Mentoring
Date: Every Wednesday
Time: 2:30 to 4:30PM
Location: CCRC, room 1501

Internship Placements Needed for CRLS Seniors!
We are reaching out to CRLS families to see if there might be opportunities at your work place for a student internships. Student Internships are unpaid and run during the spring semester. Students are available from about 12:15 - 2:30PM everyday when school is in session, except for some alternating Fridays, when they meet at school for a seminar.

This year, we are working with some great students who are interested in:

  • small business management
  • social media marketing
  • biomedical engineering
  • finance/accounting
  • architecture
  • electrical repair
  • social work with children
  • criminal justice reform
  • epidemiology

If you or someone you know might have a place for a CRLS volunteer intern at your place of work, or to learn more, please contact Kathleen FitzGerald at 617.349.4946.

StewartAre You Concerned about Your Substance Use?
Someone Else’s Use?
There is now an Adolescent Substance Abuse specialist at Teen Health! Dr. David G. Stewart from the Cambridge Health Alliance will see students on Thursdays between 9AM - 1PM. Any student can go to Teen Health during lunch without a pass to meet him.

grantees photo

Faculty Grantees Innovate, Commemorate
On January 9, many Friends of CRLS's 2018 Faculty Innovation Grantees gathered for a group photo to commemorate the start of their funded projects: (Front, L-R) Laura Borrelli, Amy Dolan, Marya Wegman, Brenda Divelbliss; (Middle, L-R) Vera Duarte, Elizabeth Hansel; (Back, L-R) Emily Houston, Kendall Boninti, William McDonald, Drew Pierce, Kathleen FitzGerald, Lynette Belle, Marlin Kann, Jeff Gaglione. For more information, go to focrls.org – or click here to read more >>

Upward Bound

The MIT/Wellesley Upward Bound Program is currently recruiting CRLS 9th & 10th graders
Upward Bound Program provides after school tutoring during the school year and a six-week residential summer program at Wellesley College. The program also offers academic support and college preparation guidance including college tours and senior seminars. Both the school year and
summer session offer various recreational and cultural activities and field trips. Upward Bound is a free Federally funded program for low-income and/or first-generation students.

For more information or an application please contact: 617.253.5124 or email: Lourdes Pires or see your Guidance Counselor.

Interested students are encouraged to attend Guest Visitation Days.


Get Involved with FOCA
There are many opportunities for parent engagement at CRLS and the Friends of Cambridge Athletics (FOCA) supports many aspects of this process for the athletics program. Participation is simple and there are many volunteer opportunities. Areas range from FOCA events to serving as parent liaison to teams. To learn more about our work and to get involved visit our website, send an email, or just come to one of our meetings held the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the Athletics office 6 - 7:30PM.


Career & College Resource Center
College/Career Mentoring
Date: Every Wednesday
Time: 2:30 - 4:30PM
Location: CCRC, room 1501

Cambridge School Volunteers (CSV)
CSVDrop-in Math Help Available
Stop by the Tutoring Center, Room 2132, 7:30 - 8AM, Monday through Friday, to see Mr. Duche, Academic Support Teacher. Come any morning for help with your math problems!

Tutoring Center
Do you need your own 1:1 tutor to help in any subject? Come by the Tutoring Center, Room 2132, to fill out a request form for a tutor. See Mr. Duche or Ms. Williams. Cambridge School Volunteers will work to find a tutor who can help you once or twice a week. Tutoring sessions happen before school, 7:30 - 8AM, Mon-Fri or after school, 2:45 - 3:45PM, Mon-Fri. starting September 25. Don't wait until you are behind! Request some support now.

Are you interested in volunteering? Please contact
Deandra Williams at 617.349.6794.

ACT, SAT, AP Testing
Don't forget to register in advance for these exams. View the Testing Schedule >>

uAspire: Free Financial Help
Free financial aid help is available in the CCRC Tuesday through Friday mornings. Make an appointment by clicking here or call Simone at 413.829.4494 to schedule an appointment.

About the DYK: The DYK is a weekly publication for students and families of Cambridge Rindge & Latin School. To submit an announcement, email the DYK. Deadline for submission is Fridays at 10AM each week.


Final Exams
Begin on January 18
See schedule on left.

CRLS School Council Meeting
January 30 
See more info >>

CRLS Parent-to-Parent Group
February 1
Details >>

View 2017-18 CRLS Family Events >>

View the complete CRLS online calendar >>

Public Hearings on the 2018-19 CPS Budget 
The Cambridge School Committee would like to hear YOUR ideas and priorities for the 2018-19 Budget for Cambridge Public Schools. 
Saturday, January 20
10:30AM - 12:30PM
Details >>
Tuesday, January 23
3:30 - 5:30PM 
Details >>

Immigration Legal Screening Clinics - FREE!
This FREE monthly clinic offers participants a consultation with an immigration attorney and the chance to learn more about how immigration law affects them and their families. Details >> 

View opportunities outside of CPS >>


Weekly Highlights
January 15 - 21, 2018

SmartTV 98

Schedule & Streaming
Spot On: Junk Time (New Sports Talk Show!)
Thu. 9:30PM & Sat. 5:30PM

What’s Up Cambridge: Winter A Cappella 12/9/17
Fri. 4PM & Sat. 7PM

Reeling: The Movie Review Show (New Episode!)
Tue. 8PM & Wed. 10PM

Baby Blue Arts: Guitarist John Penny (New!)
Mon. 5:30PM & Sun. 3:30PM

Schedule & Streaming
School Committee Regular Meeting (Live)
Tue. 6PM

School Budget Sub-Committee Meeting (Live)
Sat. 10:30AM

Legal Ease: Hiring Employees (New Episode!)
Mon. 7:30PM & Sun. 7:30PM

Located at CRLS. Learn more about offered services. Make an appointment today!
View the Flyer >>

csv logo

Cambridge School Volunteers is looking for volunteers who want to help a student succeed in school! Learn more >>

2017-18 CRLS

Join us at the School Council meetings on the last Tuesday of each month. Learn more >> 

The Homework Center is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:30 - 4PM in the CRLS Library. Learn more >>

mbta card


MBTA passes are available in the main office. Learn more >>



Save time and order your sandwich ahead of time. All orders must be placed by 10AM that day. Pickup your sandwich in the CRLS Main cafeteria. Check it out >>

aspen login page


Aspen allows you to view your child's grades, attendance, class work, and homework any time it is convenient for you. There is a link to Aspen from the CRLS parents web page. We are here to help support you with any login issues. We can also provide you with some tips for navigating through the Aspen tabs. Please email the CRLS Tech Center anytime.
cim logo
Cambridge in Motion presents this week's Healthy Snack Suggestion: dried chickpeas and avocado slices.

Get Involved
Employment Permits
CRLS Student Handbook
Apsen Parent Account
(to get progress reports)

CRLS Zone Map
Block Schedule
Final Exam Schedule

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Stay in the loop by joining our social media communities.
Follow CRLS on Facebook and Twitter today.

mobile app icons

Stay informed via our FREE mobile app! 
Details >>  

find it

Looking for things to do in Cambridge? Then take a peek at Find It Cambridge!



Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
459 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02138
Fax: 617.349.6749
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