Let's Talk about Relationships
Young Women of CRLS! Are you interested in joining your peers in great conversation about relationships? Every Thursday in the Teen Health Conference Room, both lunches. We provide the pizza, you decide the topics you wish to discuss. Join a great, ongoing group. Girls only, but tell your guy friends about their opportunity every Thursday in the RSTA conference room. Come on your own or bring your friends.
Guys! Are you "hungry" for good conversation? Every Thursday Lunch A or B, come to the RSTA conference room (#1312), for a guys only discussion group about relationships - come enjoy pizza and discussion with fellow CRLS guys. You decide the topics. Come on your own or bring friends.

Interested in playing ice hockey?
Girls' Ice Hockey team is looking for players! Hockey is a great
competitive and fun sport. If you are interested in being a part of the
team please contact Coach Greene.

MIT Saturday Engineering Enrichment & Discovery Academy Application is Open
SEED Academy is an academic year STEM enrichment program for students living in Boston, Cambridge, and Lawrence. Learn more about SEED >>

Attention Juniors & Seniors:
Be College Ready! Free Mentor Tutors, Hot Pizza and Treats
New: Free SAT Prep! Wednesdays! Planning, applications, mentoring, and college essay writing available for you, Wednesdays after school in the CCRC. Free Mentor Tutors! College and essay writing support and advice. Meet college deadlines and goals.
When: Wednesdays | 2:30 - 5PM (alternative days available)
Where: Career and College Resource Center, Room 1501
What: Cambridge School Volunteer Mentor Tutors
First-come, first-served. Don't miss out! Free college mentors with with you on individual needs. Once matched with a mentor you may schedule alternative days, if needed. Free hot pizza and treats.

MIT/Wellesley Upward Bound Program is Recruiting 9th Graders
The MIT/Wellesley Upward Bound Program provides after school tutoring during the school year and a six-week residential summer program at Wellesley College. Upward Bound offers academic support and college preparation guidance including college tours and senior seminars. Both the school year and summer session offer various recreational and cultural activities and field trips.
For more information or an application please contact: 617.253.5124 or see your Guidance Counselor.
The MIT/Wellesley Upward Bound Program will be having Guest Visitation Days for CRLS 9th & 10th Graders.
Thursday, December 4 | 3 - 6PM
Monday, December 15 | 3 - 6PM
Please RSVP (617.253.5124).
Upward Bound is located at 265 Massachusetts Ave., first floor (next door to the MIT Museum Building).

Need Volunteer Hours? Interested
in Teaching?
Breakthrough is looking for teachers and tutors for our after school program. You will get hands-on classroom experience teaching and mentoring 6-10 middle school students. Breakthrough has consistently been ranked one of the best internships in the country. The program happens every Monday right after school here at CRLS. Questions? Email us or visit our website. Want to apply? Send a short letter explaining why you are interested in working with us.

Upcoming Events Sponsored by
Student Government Association
Fall Spirit Week
November 24 - 26
Monday: Flannel Monday
Tuesday: Twin Tuesday
Wednesday: Falcon Wednesday

Career & College Resource Center
Look Who's Visiting the CCRC
College representatives will be visiting Room 1501. You must sign up on Naviance and print your confirmation letter to attend. Space is limited. View the Schedule >>
CEOC is Here to Help You!
help filling out the CSS/PROFILE or other financial aid forms?
Wondering how to pay for college? Have questions about navigating the
college process? CEOC can help! Check us out at the CCRC on Tuesdays and
Appointments are also available on other days,
evenings, and weekends at our office in Central Square (11 Inman St.
Right behind City Hall). Contact Nadia Davila (617.868.2900) or Tina Alu (617.868.2900) for more information or to make an appointment today!
ACT, SAT, AP Testing
Don't forget to register in advance for these exams. View the Testing Schedule >>
Harvard CHANCE
Free SAT tutoring, homework help, or college advising from Harvard students Mondays 3:30 - 5PM and 6 - 8PM at the Harvard Science Center, Room 222. Pizza is provided each week! Questions? Email us or visit our website.
About the DYK: The DYK is a weekly publication for students of Cambridge Rindge & Latin School. To submit an announcement, email the DYK. Deadline for submission is Fridays at 10AM each week.