Welcome back-to-school! Great to see many of you at all-staff meetings this month! Below is our monthly e-news (the 1st one of this 2016-2017 school year)!
Did you know?
Last year CPS kept more than 167,000 pounds of food scraps out of the landfill/incinerator! These composting efforts prevented new greenhouse gases from being made, and prevented 22 truckloads of trash from being generated! Wow, and thank you so much for composting at lunch time in your cafeterias.
Also last year, CPS recycled 347 tons of empty containers, paper, and cardboard. YOUR EFFORTS TO RECYCLE saved:
• 5,312 trees
• 694 barrels of oil
• 2.4 million gallons of water
• and 46 truckloads of trash.
• Finally, these efforts prevented 520 tons of carbon dioxide from being released.
AWESOME! Thank you for keeping a blue recycling bin in your classroom and office. Need one? Contact your custodian or e-mail Meryl: [email protected].
Remember, CPSD Sustainability is online.
Teachers and staff – thank you so much for all you do to care for our students & schools. Have a great year.
Kristen Middleton
[email protected], 617.349.6856

Have a Guest from the Recycling Division
Meryl Brott, DPW Recycling Program Manager, would love to come to your class to share about recycling and/or composting. To schedule a visit, email [email protected]. Says Gena Rosenberg, First Grade Teacher, Morse School: “Thank you so much for coming in today! The kids really enjoyed it and are very excited about recycling! After you left the kids started making signs to encourage others to recycle!”
Help Kids Compost
Love kids? Love composting? Volunteer, a little or a lot, to remind students "what goes where" and why we compost and recycle. Breakfast shifts are ~7:30am – 8:30am and lunch shifts are ~11:00am-1:15pm. You can help the continued success of the school composting programs! Please email [email protected] to learn more and join the team.

Fresh Pond Updates
We're kicking off Kids Walks every Friday this month starting after Labor Day! Kids walks are casual nature explorations designed for young kids and their parents/caretakers, and play in our urban wild! Meets at the gazebo at Neville Place, 650 Concord Ave.
Our 4th annual watershed bike tour, Cycle to the Source, is coming up on October 1st! This guided day-long bike tour starts at the purification facility and visits the watershed lands and reservoirs in Lincoln, Lexington, Weston, and Waltham. Adults only, please! Visit our website for more information and check out the registration form. Check out photos from last year's tour, and please pass on this announcement to any water + bicycle enthusiast friends!
Woodland Restoration Area Gardening: Tuesdays, 9:30AM-1PM. Join other stewardship-minded volunteers in caretaking the native plant restoration area next to Lusitania Meadow, and learn all about the diversity of native plant life! Drop in and lend a hand with watering new plantings, making rabbit cages, pruning, weeding, and other gardening tasks. E-mail [email protected] for more information.
Fun Butterfly Activity with Ranger Jean
September 24 | 2PM
Maynard Ecology Center, 650 Concord Ave.
Come explore the world of "things with wings” that live in our city and help our Cambridge Wildlife Puppets get ready for the Honk! parade on October 9th. Ongoing activities include face painting and paper plate mask-making for wee ones and building dragonfly headgear or creating feathers for our oversized bird puppets for elementary-aged kids. At 2:30 we’ll learn about bats from a bat expert. From 2:00 to 2:30 and also from 3:00 to 3:30, a guest artist will guide adult/child pairs in creating three Little Brown Bats for Honk! Learn from Ranger Jean about flying creatures and why they make their home at Fresh Pond, and look for butterflies, dragonflies, and things with wings at the Neville Butterfly Meadow. This is an all-ages event. All children under 12 must be accompanied.

Transportation Benefits
The central idea of this workshop is to help employees understand the transportation benefits offered to them by the City of Cambridge. This workshop sheds light on our commutes and hopes to decrease the stress we often have during rush hour. This workshop will help you to get to work without driving alone! Please attend one of the next workshops. Highlights: understand the sustainable transportation benefits offered, identify new ways to get to work without driving alone, and search for benefits in the Employee Commute Manual.
Mon., Sept. 26, 10-10:30AM, 5 Western Ave
Tue., Oct. 11, 12-12:30PM, 125 6th Street
Tue., Oct. 11, 3-3:30PM, Location TBD
RSVP to Tareque: [email protected]

2016 Climate Change Congress
Seeks Delegates
Mayor E. Denise Simmons and City Councillor Jan Devereux will convene the 2016 Cambridge Climate Congress on October 1st at Cambridge City Hall. The theme of the congress is “Building a Community of Response to Climate Change”. The congress will gather 100 volunteer delegates from across the city to make practical recommendations on how all residents can participate in responding to climate change. Anyone who is interested in being a delegate, helping organize the congress, or giving feedback, should contact Green Cambridge at [email protected] or find info online.

Fall Paper Shred Day
All paper gets recycled after it is shredded!
October 22 | 10AM-2PM
Are you ready to safely part with some of your ever growing paper pile? Bring your bags to Central Square, in front of City Hall, at 795 Mass. Ave. Presented by Cambridge Hoarding Coalition, Cambridge Council on Aging, Department of Public Works and Cambridge Consumers’ Council. Cambridge residents only. For more info, go online or call 617.349.6150.

Grow a plant in your classroom or office. It absorbs carbon dioxide and cleans the air!
The Cambridge Recycling Center has used 3-ring binders.
Email Meryl at DPW with sizes and quantities needed. They can be dropped off at your school.
Visit our Office for Sustainability website, and in orange font on the left hand side of the home page, scroll down to Resources. There are education videos, links to online teaching tools, and other resources!
Be sure to try and walk, bike, carpool, or use public transportation to get to school! More info >>

Mark your Fall calendars with these grant opportunities, workshops, conferences and more!
Sept. 22 - Distribution day for GREEN TEAM recycling equipment for schools in the Boston area. Register for THE GREEN TEAM for the 2016-2017 school year and submit a recycling equipment application to request equipment. There will also be distribution dates in November and April.
Sept. 24 - National Public Lands Day, sponsored by the National Environmental Education Foundation. All federal parks and many state parks are free on this day of service supporting public lands.
Sept. 24 - The Green Apple Day of Service is an opportunity for schools to transform their community through local service projects.
Sept. 26 - Oct. 28 - Citizen Science for Classroom Teachers online course offered by Brandeis University and the Museum Institute for Teaching Science (MITS). Learn how to engage students in real-world research while aligning your curriculum with the Massachusetts Science and Technology/ Engineering Curriculum framework.
Sept. 29 - 2016 Green Careers Conference in Worcester
Sept. 30 - Application deadline for Project Learning Tree Greenworks! Grant. Grants of up to $1,000 are available for school environmental service-learning projects.
Sept. 30 - Nomination deadline for 2016 MAST Science Teacher "Educator of the Year" Awards
Sept. 30 - Application deadline for Captain Planet Foundation grants for environmental projects
Oct. 1 - Massachusetts Marine Educators Boston Harbor Educators Conference at UMass Boston
Oct. 1 - Massachusetts Envirothon Field Workshop for Coaches in Westborough
Oct. 6 - Application deadline for 2016 STEM Equipment Supplies Grant Program
Oct. 20 - Massachusetts Science Education Leadership Association (MSELA) Conference, “Building Capacity, Shaping the Future,” in Marlborough
Oct. 20 - Massachusetts Project Lead The Way Conference at WPI in Worcester
Nov. 3-4 - Massachusetts Association of Science Teachers (MAST) Conference in Boxborough. MassDEP will lead the workshop on composting with worms.
Nov. 4 - Massachusetts Farm & Sea to School Conference in Leominster. MassDEP will lead a workshop about the MassDEP food waste disposal ban and zero waste cafeteria programs.
Nov. 18 - FIRST Women in Science & Technology Forum for High School Students at UNH Manchester
Nov. 21 - America Recycles Day sponsored by Keep America Beautiful. Explore event ideas, register your recycling event or access free recycling materials.
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Kristen Middleton
Sustainability Manager
Email Kristen
Cambridge Green Schools Initiative