Morse Messenger: June 2016
Published on Jun 20, 2016 14:20

June 2016

Morse Wins Go Green Challenge!
The annual “Go Green Challenge” elementary school competition in the Cambridge Public Schools resulted in Morse School winning first place. Hear more >>

field trip fun

Junior Kindergarten & Kindergarten Field Trip FUN!
We had a blast on our recent field trips to the Wheelock Family Theatre and Franklin Park Zoo. Hear all about it >>  

Submitted by: D6 Kindergarten students

D6 students have been learning about all kinds of animal habitats. Students have brought in found items such as robin's nests and hummingbird nests, we have compared and contrasted these as each type of bird constructs a different type of nest based on its size and safety requirements. In addition, we wrote the following song about our hermit "crabitat" – we did this writing project with David Haines, a choral songwriter who works with our K classrooms once annually to write a song with the students based on what they are learning in class.

Here are the lyrics to Crabitats:
I'm a reef hermit crab and I live in the sea.
I swap my shell when it doesn't fit me.
I'm a land hermit crab and I shed my skin, when I grow too big, choose a new shell to live in.
Hermit Crabs in the Sea and on the Land
Borrow their homes and burrow in the sand!

art show

Morse Art Shows = Big Success!

Submitted by: Aimee Kerr, Art Teacher

The Morse School Art Show was a success! About 70 students and their families attended the artist reception, and many more visited during afterschool and weekend hours. 3rd-5th graders went on field trips to the gallery during their Art class for guided activities. A special thank you to Gallery 263 for hosting the show, and especially to the parents and teachers who donated their time to make the show a success. Can't wait for next year's 10th Anniversary Show!

The first ever Special StART SHOW was held on June 9th in the Morse cafeteria. Individual and group projects highlighted a year's worth of thematic units. So many families came for the morning show to enjoy their preschooler's works.

Want to make art this summer? Check out these places for kids' programs: Maud Morgan Center, Arsenal Center for Arts, Brookline Art Center, Museum of Fine Arts, Institute of Contemporary Art, MassART, Boston University, Eliot School, and Muckykids.

field trip

Grade 2 Field Trip Adventures
Here are some photos from our recent adventure to Maynard Ecology Center!


Thank You!
Thank you to all the families that have their children enrolled in the Morse School. We take the responsibility of educating our students seriously.

We are also grateful for – and would like to thank – all the families that have had the opportunity to be able to spend the time helping here at the Morse. Many helped plan & run events like: potlucks, movie nights, classroom breakfasts, etc. Some helped in the Library, Art and Computer Lab. Some helped by picking up food bins and packing the Weekend Food Bags every Friday. Thanks to all who took the time to attend a monthly workshop to learn how to help their child/children. Also, included in our thankful thoughts is everyone that provided some kind of food donation for the Staff Appreciation Lunch. Let’s not forget all those that attended monthly meetings like School Council or Friends of Morse or those that attended meetings in the district to represent the Morse School. And those who have chaperoned field trips – such a big help. A big thanks goes out to you ALL!

If you didn’t get a chance to participate this year in any activity listed above, no worries...there is always next year! There are ALWAYS many ways you can help!!!

We look forward to seeing all our returning students and our new class of incoming Junior Kindergarteners and Kindergarteners in September. We wish all those moving from the Morse School the best of luck! Please have a safe summer!

Reminder: First day of school for 1st-5th grade students on Tuesday, September 6, 2016. JK/K students arrive on Thursday, September 8, 2016.


Volunteers Make Math
Come Alive at Morse

On any given Thursday AM at Morse, if you stopped by the library, you would see students from grades 3, 4 and 5 working together to solve challenging math problems as part of the Math Olympiads math program at the Morse School.
Hear more >>

summer learning

Roll those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer into Learning!
Summer vacation is almost here! Our students have all made such significant gains this school year, and we want them to continue this progress over vacation. To support student success, the Morse School’s Literacy and Math Leadership Teams have organized some great ways to encourage continued learning over the summer. Learn more >> 


Submitted by: Kelly Graeber, Music Teacher
The Kindergarten Spring Concert on May 11, 2016 showcased students’ work around the musical concept of tempo. Students have been learning about fast and slow through fine and gross motor movement, singing, playing instruments and describing music using musical vocabulary. The program began with two traditional folk dances, included movement to classical music and of course beautiful singing. Congratulations to kindergarten on a job well done!

girl's day

Read some wonderful notes from our students as they reflect on this year's annual day for 5th grade girls. Read more >>

Written by: 
Susan Aries, R.N.

This spring has been tough for anyone with seasonal allergies. Some kids are especially sensitive to the pollen, and the symptoms can distract them from their schoolwork. The health office cannot supply allergy medications (antihistamines, eye drops, nasal sprays). If your child needs medication for his or her allergies, make sure that you give the medication before s/he leaves for school. These medications work best when given regularly. Please do not give your child Benadryl to relieve allergy discomfort. If your child feels especially uncomfortable, talk with your doctor or nurse practitioner about the best way to treat allergy discomfort. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns: 617.349.6575 x101.

music beach

1. Go to a musical.
2. Go to an outdoor concert.
3. Learn a new instrument.
4. Listen to music at the beach.
5. Listen to your favorite song.
6. Play the drums.
7. Practice recorder.
8. Practice the piano.
9. Sing in the car.
10. Sing in a choir.
11. Sing in the shower.
12. Sing on the swings.
13. Sing to your little sister or brother.
14. Watch a free concert at the Hatch Shell.
15. Watch a parade.
How will you do MUSIC this summer?


FREE Family Fun at Magazine Beach
It's the green space directly across Memorial Drive from the Morse School.
Learn more >>

Ways of Summer Learning =
Getting FREE Books

Look for the Cambridge Book Bike at a park this summer!
Learn more >>

Ways of Summer Learning = A Family "Field Trip"
Look at FREE Fun Fridays!
Learn more >>


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40 Granite St.
Cambridge, MA 02139
Fax: 617.349.6576
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