Morse Hosts Disability Awareness Day
Morse School hosted its first Disability Awareness Day on October 22nd. In collaboration with Morse school council, staff, parents, and community partners, the day was filled with events for students, teachers and families to raise awareness and get involved. Read more >>
International Festival
On Friday October 23rd, the Friends of Morse School (FMS) was proud to sponsor the annual International Festival. As always, we had a fun time celebrating the different countries and cultures of our Morse families. It was great to see so many new faces and taste all the delicious food as we enjoyed music by Gian Carlo. Read more >>
20th Return of Tom Turkey To Morse
On Monday, November 2, 2015 through Thursday, November 24, 2015 Tom Turkey will return to the Morse School and nest on the bulletin board in the Main Lobby. Learn more >>
Rooms E5 & E7 Go Orienteering
For a few years now the students in Ms. Bishop & Ms. Jeram’s 5th grade classrooms have had the wonderful experience of learning about and participating in Orienteering. So far there have been two solid experiences. The first happened here at the Morse and the second at Fresh Pond. Later in the year there will be one more experience that happens at the Fells in Medford. Read more >>
Sibling Search for September 2016
Do you have a younger child who is ready to start school in Cambridge?
- If you have a child who will be 4-years old by March 31, 2016, your child is eligible for Kindergarten in September 2013. She/he is considered a Junior Kindergartener and will spend two years in Kindergarten.
- If you have a child who will be 5-years old by August 31, 2016 she/he is eligible for Kindergarten and will spend one year in Kindergarten.
Sibling registration has been made easier this year. Please contact Denise Sullivan, Morse Family Liaison at 617.349.6679 for more information on or before January 8, 2016.
Lost & Found
Has your child lost a coat, jacket, sweatshirt, etc? Please check the Lost & found located in the Cafeteria on the back wall. Sometimes it takes a few days to end up there so keep checking.
Did you know?
Did you know that next to the B-Wing doors (door #9) on Granite Street you can find the Morse School Community Bookshelf? You can bring any of these books home with you to read outside of school. We are also seeking book donations to keep shelves full of books. If you have books at home you are finished with, please add them to the shelves for other families to enjoy. Take a book, give a book, share a book, and READ a book!