From the Office of the Executive Secretary to the School Committee
School Committee - Regular Meeting January 21, 2020
1. Public Comment (3 Minutes):
2. Student School Committee Report:
3. Presentation of the Records for Approval:
Organizational Meeting, January 6, 2020
Regular Meeting, January 7, 2020
4. Reconsiderations: None
5. Unfinished Business/Calendar: None
6. Awaiting Reports: None
7. Superintendent’s Agenda:
7a. Presentations: None
7b. CPS District Plan: Update on SY2019/2020 Priorities.
7c. Consent Agenda:
#20-05 Recommendation: Authorization for the Superintendent to submit a
Statement of Interest to the Massachusetts School Building Authority
For the replacement of the Cambridgeport School Building Windows
#20-06 Recommendation: Contract Award: The Resource Connection:
Temporary Clerical Services -Amendment
#20-07 Recommendation: Contract Award: Center for Youth & Community
Leadership in Education: Educational Support Services-Change in End
#20-08 Recommendation: Gifts/Miscellaneous Receipts
#20-09 Recommendation: Grant Award: FY20 Early Literacy Intervention
#20-10 Recommendation: Grant Award: FY20 Massachusetts Cultural Council-
STARRS (SC20894)
#20-11 Recommendation: Grant Award: FY20 Financial Literacy (SC20164)
#20-14 Recommendation: Retain the Law Firm of Morgan, Brown & Joy, LLP
to Provide Legal Services for Labor & Employment Matters.
8. Non-Consent Agenda:
9. School Committee Agenda (Policy Matters/Notifications/Requests for Information):
#20-12, Motion by Ms. Weinstein and Ms. Wilson: Whereas: The Cambridge Public Schools are committed to “building rigorous, joyful and culturally responsive learning for all students”; and racial inequity has plagued our schools for many generations; and
Whereas: Families, teachers and community members have shared experiences of racism with this body and the administration; and we know, from advocacy of many students that anti-racist schools are a prerequisite for culturally responsive learning; and
Whereas: Students are better positioned to reach our district’s academic goals in third grade literacy, eighth grade math and enrollment in AP or honors courses in schools that are culturally responsive and intentionally anti-racist; and there are many school leaders across our district that serve as exemplars for engaging school communities in advancing racial equity; and
Whereas: The Superintendent brought the Disruptive Equity Education Project into work with district leadership, and invested in the Building Equity Bridges (BEB) movement. The Building Equity Bridges movement has developed a coalition of students, families, teachers, administrators and the Cambridge Education Association (CEA) who share the understanding of the critical need to center the voices of students, families and teachers of color; and
Whereas: The Superintendent has already begun to develop a set of anti-racism actions drawing on the twelve Building Equity Bridges commitments and taken immediate actions to center the voices of students and families of color, establish an enhanced investigation and response system for racist incidents and mandated anti-racist training. We recognize the severity of this problem and are driven by a sense of urgency;
Now Therefore be it Resolved: That the School Committee will prioritize racial equity and anti-racist work throughout this term; and
Be it Further Resolved: That the School Committee will join the Superintendent in “taking decisive action” to respond to the concerns raised in each of the twelve areas outlined by the Building Equity Bridges movement. That the Chair and Vice Chair will call for a School Committee retreat with district administrators and the Building Equity Bridges leadership team by March 31, 2020 to build shared understanding of the work and coordinate which subcommittees or other venues will advance particular commitments; and
Be it Further Resolved: That throughout the 2020-21 term, School Committee Members will partner closely with the CPSD Administration, BEB, CEA as well as other interested students, families, educators and community partners to recommend policies that strengthen our district’s racial equity and anti-racist work.
#20-13, Motion by Vice-Chair Bowman: Whereas the Cambridge School Committee seeks to provide a more efficient process for managing the responsibilities of the body; and
Whereas after reviewing subcommittee roles and responsibilities, the Vice-Chair saw opportunities to streamline subcommittee work by reorganizing subcommittees,
Therefore be it resolved, that the Committee consolidate the Communications & Community Relations Sub-Committees; and
Be it Further Resolved that the School Committee dissolves the Ad-hoc Sub-Committee on Attendance Violation Policy and the Civic Unity Sub-Committee in order for the School Committee to be more focused and effective in meeting the needs of families, students, and the public.
10. Resolutions (letters of congratulations, letters of condolence):
11. Announcements:
12. Late Orders:
13. Communications and Reports from City Officers: None