Morse School BUZZES with Excitement!
Tuesday, May 19th started off with some rain showers. However, that did not stop the Morse from being all a BUZZ! Why? you ask... well discovered that morning as the students started arriving was a bee-hive at the front of the school. The bee keeper was called and he quickly came to the rescue! He was able to safely remove the hive from the Morse School and relocate it to a safer location.
Grade 2: Charlotte's Web
We are so pleased that the first-ever 2nd grade production of Charlotte's Web was such a success! Our students worked so hard to read and understand the story, deeply learn the characters, memorize lines, and rehearse movements on stage. Their dedication was evident during their performance on Friday, May 15th. Read more >>
All City Chorus
On Thursday May 14th, Morse 4th and 5th graders in All-City Chorus performed at the Youville Assisted Living Center in Cambridge much to the delight of the residents there! The All-City Chorus also performed for the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health Commencement on Wednesday, May 27th. Among other pieces, they will be singing "We All Were Born," a piece commissioned especially for the event.
Thank You Friends of Morse
Written By JK-K Staff
Thanks to the kindness of The Friends of Morse, Rooms A1, B6, B7, B8, and D6 were able to enjoy our annual events. Students attended a puppet show in the Morse Auditorium, visited the Franklin Park Zoo, and saw a live theater show at Berklee College of Music. These field trips and activities provided educational opportunities for students that would not be possible without the monetary donations from Friends of Morse. We all appreciate your fundraising efforts!
Grade 3: Informational Writing
Morse School third graders recently completed the informational writing unit. For their final project, students wrote books on a subject of their choice. Students went through all the stages of writing, from prewriting and research, to a rough draft, to revision and editing, and finally to publication.
Friends of Morse Meeting
Monday, June 8 | 6:30 - 8PM
Morse School Library
All members of the Morse community are welcome, and childcare is provided.