From the Amigos Principal: December 10, 2021
Published on Dec 10, 2021 14:59

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      10 de diciembre, 2021 | December 10, 2021

Estimadas familias de Amigos,
¡Ha sido una semana super ocupada aquí en Amigos!

Por demanda popular, seguimos tratando de almorzar afuera cuando es posible. Por favor, recuerden enviar a l@s estudiantes a la escuela con ropa para el frío, especialmente guantes. Si usted está experimentando dificultades financieras para proporcionar cualquiera de estos artículos, por favor, póngase en contacto con la Sra. Lillian Rater, nuestro enlace de la familia, para obtener ayuda.

Recordatorio de salida
Estamos observando mucha congestión durante la salida de la escuela. Por favor, recuerden no congregarse en ninguna de las puertas del colegio durante este tiempo. Es importante recoger a su estudiante y dirigirse a la siguiente actividad. Entendemos que es agradable ponerse al día con los demás, pero no todo el mundo ha vuelto a sentirse cómodo en las multitudes y tenemos más de 400 estudiantes para despachar de la manera más segura y ordenada posible.

Tema de la semana: Estudiantes de 8º grado en transición de Amigos
Si su hij@ está aplicando a una escuela secundaria privada o un programa especial en CRLS, por favor asegúrese de contactar a su consejero/asesor con respecto a las referencias de l@s profesores que podrían requerir y tenga en cuenta que l@s profesores pueden optar por llenar estas referencias o no.

Al solicitar una referencia, por favor, póngase en contacto directamente con el profesor o asesor ya que las referencias que vienen directamente de las diversas empresas y / o escuelas a menudo se filtran en nuestras carpetas de spam / promocional. Le pedimos que nos dé un mínimo de dos semanas de antelación, pero preferiblemente más para poder completar las referencias.

Amigos en las Noticias
Los maestros de Amigos, Luis Bañuelos (5to grado) y Alexis Bonilla (4to grado) representaron orgullosamente a nuestra escuela en el Panel de Lenguaje Dual de Umass Boston junto con sus compañeros maestros de la Escuela de Lenguaje Dual Hernández en Boston. Juntos promovieron no sólo el bilingüismo en nuestra sociedad, sino también los esfuerzos realizados por todo el personal de Amigos para proporcionar una educación cultural y lingüísticamente diversa a nuestros estudiantes. ¡Bravo!

Amigos Conversaciones Valientes
Por favor, tómese un momento para rellenar la siguiente encuesta breve: Amigos Courageous Conversations Community Input Survey¡

Que tengan un buen fin de semana!

Sarah Bartels-Marrero

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Calendario escolar 

Viernes, 10 de diciembre: Reunión para los estudiantes de 6 a 8 grados: “Friday Night Hype” en CRLS Field House, 8 grado 5:30PM, 7 grado 5:50PM, 6 grado 6:10PM.

Miércoles, 15 de diciembre: Reunión Virtual de Friends of Amigos de 6PM a 7PM por Zoom.

Jueves, 16 de diciembre: 1)Reunión de Amigos African Diaspora United, 6PM a 7PM. 2) Reunión de Familias de Herencia Asiática, 7:30-8:30PM/ por favor vea el calendario de distrito, para más información.

Viernes 24 de diciembre hasta el viernes 31 de diciembre: Vacaciones de diciembre: Se reiniciarán las clases el lunes 3 de enero de 2022. Les deseamos unas maravillosas vacaciones!

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Dear Amigos Families,

It has been a busy week here at Amigos!

Due to popular demand, we are still trying to eat lunch outside when possible. Please remember to send students to school with cold weather clothes, especially gloves. If you are experiencing financial difficulty with providing any of these items, please contact Ms. Lillian Rater, our Family Liaison, for assistance.

Dismissal Reminder
We are experiencing a lot of congestion during dismissal. Please remember not to congregate at any of the school gates during this time. It is important to pick up your student and head off to the next activity. We understand that it is nice to catch up with others but not everyone is back to feeling comfortable in crowds and we have over 400 students to dismiss in as safe and orderly a fashion as possible.

Topic of the Week: 8th Grade Students Transitioning from Amigos
If your child is applying to a private high school or a special program at CRLS, please make sure to contact his/her/their advisor regarding any teacher references that they might require and note that teachers may opt to fill out these references or not.

When requesting a reference, please reach out directly to the teacher or advisor as the references that come directly from the various companies and/or schools are often filtered into our spam/promotional email folders. We ask that you give us a minimum of two weeks notice, but preferably more in order to complete the references.

Amigos in the News
Amigos teachers, Luis Bañuelos (5th grade) and Alexis Bonilla (4th grade) proudly represented our school at the Umass Boston Dual Language Panel alongside fellow teachers from the Hernandez Dual Language School in Boston. Together they promoted not only bilingualism in our society but also the efforts made by all Amigos staff to provide a culturally and linguistically diverse education to our students. Bravo!

Amigos Courageous Conversations Group
Please take a moment to fill out the following brief survey: ACC Community Input Survey.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sarah Bartels-Marrero

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School Calendar 

Friday, December 10: Friday Night Hype meeting for 6-8th grade students at CRLS Field House: 8th grade 5:30PM, 7th grade 5:50PM, 6th grade 6:10PM.

Wednesday, December 15: Friends of Amigos Virtual/Zoom meeting, 6-7PM.

Thursday, December 16: 1) Amigos African Diaspora United meeting, 6-7PM. 2) Cambridge Families of Asian Descent, 7:30-8:30PM. Please see the CPS District Calendar, for more information.

Friday, December 24 to Friday, December 31: December Vacation. Classes resume on Monday, January 3, 2022. We hope you have a wonderful holiday!

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Water Bottle Classroom Initiative
for 1st and 3rd Graders

healthy smiles logo1st and 3rd Graders
The Cambridge Healthy Smiles program completed its annual Water Bottle Classroom Initiative this month. Students in Grades 1 and 3 received a personal water bottle to use at school to promote oral health. The program visits classrooms to teach an oral health lesson about the benefits of drinking water and how to take care of their teeth during their school day. Parents of 1st and 3rd graders are given an opportunity to ask questions they may have about their family’s dental health filling out this survey.  

Take survey >>

healthy smiles logo6th Graders
The Cambridge Healthy Smiles program completed its annual Water Bottle Classroom Initiative this month. Students in Grades 6 received a personal water bottle to use at school to promote oral health. The program continues to visit classrooms teaching an oral health lesson to students about the benefits of drinking water and how to take care of their teeth during their school day. Parents in 6th grade are given an opportunity to ask questions they may have about their family’s dental health thru this survey.

Take survey >>

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