Morse Weekly Family Newsletter: December 23, 2020
Published on Dec 23, 2020 13:03

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December 23, 2020

Greetings from Chad Leith

Dear Morse School parents and caregivers,

school in snowThere is no doubt that 2020 was a very challenging year for our Morse School community, but I continue to find inspiration in the resilience of our families, children, and staff members. Monday’s Winter Solstice - the darkest day of the year - is behind us and the days are beginning to get longer and brighter. Despite the winter months that lie ahead, I see many reasons to hope that 2021 will be a strong and positive year for the Morse School. For those who missed this morning’s Live Stream, here are a few positive thoughts and 2020 silver linings shared by some of our Morse School teachers! (Including previously unseen footage of Mr. K playing the ukulele! Please click here to see the 8min video!)

Here are a few ideas and reminders as you wrap up 2020 and look ahead to the New Year.

Looking for some good movies to watch with your family over the break? As I mentioned during this morning’s Live Stream, my daughter Isabella and I have just shared our list of great children’s movies featuring characters of color in positive and prominent roles! (Please click here to see the list!) Intentionally and regularly exposing your children to books, movies, and television shows that include positive portrayals of characters of color is an important way in which you can help disrupt patterns of systemic racism.

Indeed, the events of 2020 forced us all to recognize that our society continues to foster white privilege while devaluing and disempowering individuals and communities of color. In addition to making intentional choices about what your children read and watch, please consider the ways in which you can take your own next steps towards anti-racist awareness and action. Whether it be by reading an article or book, listening to a podcast, watching a movie, or engaging in a conversation with a friend, family member, or neighbor, please set aside some time over the break to connect yourself with the long and hard work of anti-racism. The race & equity page on our school website has resources that can help, including a list of anti-racist resources for parents and caregivers. It also features information about how you can engage in this work with other families, including the upcoming meeting of the Morse Parents and Caregivers of Color Affinity Group on January 7th, when the group will be joined by Cambridge School Committee Member Ayesha Wilson (please see the attached flyer for more information).

We will be hosting our next learning-materials pick-up from January 4th-8th. Please plan to come by the Morse School building between 7:30-3:30 to pick up your child’s learning materials and library books for the month of January. If you are unable to stop by during these hours, please reach out to our Family Liaison Ms. Sullivan ([email protected]).

Many things are still up in the air for 2021, including when our in-person learners will be able to return to the Morse School building, and when and how we may expand our in-person learning model to include a larger number of eligible students. Ms. Headley and I will be sure to share more information as it becomes available. The possible expansion of in-person learning will be among the topics addressed at the next Morse School Council meeting on January 14th (6:00-7:30pm; Zoom link here).

On behalf of Ms. Headley and the rest of our Morse School team, I wish you the very best for a safe and restful winter break. I look forward to seeing you back on January 4th, 2021!


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snack of the week
Healthy Snack of the Week

Here's Cambridge in Motion's Healthy Snack of the Week:
Carrot Boats: Sliced carrots topped with hummus or cream cheese and dried fruit and/or nuts on top! Try pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, dried cranberries, or sliced prunes. 

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In Our District & Community

find it cambridge logo
There are many programs available to Kindergarteners-8th Graders this Fall. Here are some resources for:
Elementary age students
Middle school students
Tutoring opportunities for all grades  

Find other opportunities here – or call/text us at 617.686.2998 or email

DHSP FREE Winter Programming
DHSP is now offering FREE virtual K-8 programming from 12/14 - 1/15, 3-6PM. Learn more >>

Cambridge Public Library Updates
-- Contactless Holds Pickup Service hours available
-- English Classes: Registration is required for each class. Please see the Library’s online events calendar for more details.
-- Google Drawing 101: Sticker Design
December 29 | 12NOON
Learn the fundamentals of Google Drawing to design and edit images for customized OR your own vinyl stickers. Register here >>

-- Stay Connected with CPL! To keep up with what’s happening at the Library, please subscribe to the CPL email list or visit the website.

CEOC Resources: Food Pantry, P-EBT Benefit Help, Health insurance Application Support
-- CEOC Food Pantry is now open at 11 Inman Street!
-- Still haven’t received P-EBT benefits? Learn more >>
-- Health insurance:
It is Open Enrollment for health insurance now through January 23, 2021. Learn more >>
-- For more information on any of the above, please call 617.868.2900 or visit here.

Free Meals for All Students
Monday - Friday, 12-1PM.  Details >>

Food Resources
For more information about Food Pantries, Financial Assistance for Food, Free Delivery Services and more, please check the list from FinditCambridge.

We have a Food Resources flyer that lists all the pantries, congregate programs, school meals, etc. (find all translated languages on the CiM main page) operations in Cambridge and a Farmers Market flyer.

Guide to Healthier Snacking 
Find handy tips on the right hand margin of the School Health page on the CPHD website! Guide available in multiple languages.

Tenants Rights & Resources Information Now Available in Multiple Languages
To learn more about tenants rights and resources in Cambridge, please visit this website >>
Happy & Safe Holiday Guide
From the Cambridge Public Health Department 
This flyer includes tips for celebrating safely as well as ideas for a lower-risk Holiday celebrations.
Details >>

COVID-19 Testing

Testing appointments through the City's free mobile-testing program are now available at the following locations:
-CambridgeSide in East Cambridge; 11AM-7PM, Sundays and Thursdays; Drive-through testing in garage, enter on First St.
-50 Church St.; 12-8PM, Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays
-2254 Massachusetts Ave, St. John the Evangelist Church; 10-6PM, Wednesdays
-Pisani Center located at 131 Washington Street; 11AM-7PM, Saturdays
**You can schedule an appointment online or by calling 617.349.9788.

Fight the Flu. Get Your Flu Shot!
Now more than ever, it is critically important to get a flu shot (also called seasonal flu vaccine). Flu season begins in the late fall and goes through winter, peaking between the months of December and February, but people can still get the flu as late as May.

Preventing the spread of flu will limit the need for flu-related medical appointments and hospitalizations, freeing up resources to help people with COVID-19. You can make an appointment for a flu shot with either your healthcare provider or local pharmacy.

Cambridge Health Alliance patients (12 - 22 years old) OR Cambridge Public Schools students (12 - 22 years old) can now receive a flu shot at the Teen Health Center located in Cambridge Rindge and Latin School. Call 617.665.1548 to schedule an appointment.

Note: It's mandatory for CPS students to receive flu shots by 12/31. 

Details >>

Cambridge Families of Color Coalition (CFCC)

The CFCC is a collective of families and students of color working to uplift, empower, celebrate, and nurture our students and each other. For more information, please visit CFCC’s website or email.

McLean Hospital Mental Health Webinars 
Free mental health resources available for the public. 
View Upcoming Webinars >> 

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Morse School
40 Granite Street, Cambridge, MA 02139  •  617.349.6575
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