Morse Weekly Family Newsletter: September 27, 2019
Published on Sep 27, 2019 12:13
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September 27, 2019
Greetings from Chad Leith
Dear members of the Morse School community,
It was wonderful to see so many of our family members at Wednesday evening’s Open House. Fostering positive relationships among parents/caregivers and between teachers and families is essential to our goal of creating a school culture where all children feel a sense of belonging. For those who were unable to participate in Wednesday’s event, please consider joining us for the Morse Marathon, which will take place next Friday Morning between 9:00-10:30 at Magazine Beach Park (right over the Memorial Drive footbridge from the Morse School).
Here are three ways that you can participate in next Friday’s Morse Marathon:
- Volunteer to help out! We need parent volunteers to help set up, to supervise different parts of the Marathon route, to hand out water, and to help clean up after the event. If you are interested and available, please reach out directly to parent organizer Mary Walsh ([email protected]).
- Run with your child! All parents and caregivers are invited to come and enjoy this school-wide community event. Run, skip, or walk with your child - and participate in our post-marathon line-dancing!
- Sponsor your student runner! The Morse Marathon is also a fundraiser that helps to pay for field trips and other enrichment activities that enhance your children’s learning. We have moved the marathon to the fall and there will be no spring marathon. So now is your chance to make a contribution. Pledge sheets are available in the Morse Main Lobby and online donations can be made through the Friends of Morse website!
All family members are welcome to participate in the Morse Marathon. Even if you are unable to volunteer or donate, please consider stopping by to cheer on our student runners and connect with other members of the Morse School community.
New Student Council Members!
Thanks to the many parents and caregivers who cast ballots in Wednesday evening’s School Council vote. I am pleased to announce that this year’s slate of candidates - Jennifer Betancourt, Nuria Jane Chemeno, and Caleb Hurst-Hiller - were approved unanimously. They will join Delia Puntonio and Thalia Krakower as parent representatives on the Morse School Council. The Council will hold its first meeting of the year on Thursday, October 17th from 5:30-7:00pm in the Morse School Library. School Council meetings are public and open to all members of the Morse School community.
New Staff Members!
Please join me in welcoming the following new staff members to the Morse School community!
- Greg Flattich will be starting this Monday as an ESL teacher, working at the Morse and Cambridgeport schools. This will be Mr. Flattich’s 10th year working as an ESL Teacher in Massachusetts. Prior to teaching in Massachusetts, Greg spent eight years teaching ESL in Korea and Japan. Mr. Flattich earned his Bachelor’s degree from Bridgewater State College, and his Master’s from RMIT in Melbourne, Australia.
- Brett Armstrong will be joining us each friday as part of an effort to bring Adaptive Physical Education to elementary and middle schools in Cambridge. Before starting in CPS, Mr. Armstrong spent seven years teaching students on the autism spectrum at the Boston Higashi School, and another four years teaching P.E. in the Whitman-Hanson school district. He will work alongside our P.E. teacher Phil Fousek to help children in our structured academics program develop the prerequisite skills they need to more fully participate in a large class setting with their peers.
- Geoffrey Fox will be joining the 5th grade team as a part-time instructional aide. Mr. Fox grew up in Connecticut and earned his Bachelor's degree in History from the University of Vermont. He is currently a graduate student at Lesley University, working towards his Masters of Education degree in Elementary Education.
My very best wishes for a wonderful weekend!
Chad Leith, Principal
Morse Events & Announcements
In Our District & Community
Looking for things to do in Cambridge? See below for a few ideas. For a full list, take a look at Find It Cambridge!
Find It Cambridge >>
Film Screenings and Discussion:
New Immigrant & Refugee Visions
October 12 | 11AM
Cambridge Public Library
449 Broadway
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October 24 | 6-9PM
Cambridge Street Upper School
840 Cambridge Street
Have you ever wanted to make your own gummy worms? Maybe you'd like to engineer and launch a zipline car? If this sounds like fun and you'd like to spend some great family time having PIZZA and learning together, come join us at STEAM It Up!
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Immigration Legal Clinics (FREE!)
3rd Wednesday each month
90 Third Street, Cambridge
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Affordable Housing
Find out about affordable rental and homeownership in Cambridge.
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Cambridge in Motion's
Healthy Snack of the Week
"Broccoli trees" with Greek yogurt dip!