Message from Principal Chad Leith
Dear Members of the Morse School Community,
As we enter the winter break, I’d like to share my sincere appreciation with all Morse School staff, families, and children for your support and collaboration during my first four months as your principal. It has been an honor to serve as the leader of such a diverse and dynamic community. I look forward to working alongside you as we continue to build upon our school’s strengths and explore new opportunities in 2019. My very best wishes for a peaceful, joyful, and restful vacation and a very Happy New Year!
Chad Leith
New Arrival & Dismissal Procedures for 2019
In an effort to promote a smooth and positive start to the school day and a safe and orderly dismissal, we will be implementing new morning and afternoon procedures at the Morse School when we return from the winter break. Please look for a letter outlining these new procedures, which will be sent out in your child’s backpack today. View an electronic version of the letter >>
Morse School Playground Update
Our contractors plan on paving the basketball court next week, after which time they should be able open up the court and the gate to the playground that is currently blocked off. This will allow children and families to once again enjoy our new playground after hours and on weekends.
Last Call for 2018-19 Morse Community Questionnaire!
If you have not yet had an opportunity to complete the 2018-2019 online community questionnaire, please consider sharing your responses over the winter break. Completing this questionnaire should take no more than 5-10 minutes. Your responses will help me gather as many viewpoints as possible about what makes the Morse School great and what we might do together to make our school an even better place to learn and teach in the future. Link to survey >>
Learning & Professional Time
Like any other resource, schools must use their time wisely if we hope to realize the promise of educational equity through rigorous, joyful, and culturally responsive experiences for all learners.
In 2017-18, a joint group of educators and administrators, co-chaired by leaders from the Cambridge Education Association (CEA) and CPS Office of Curriculum and Instruction recommended that CPS “lengthen the standard day for students and staff at all levels.” After an extensive collaborative process, the Superintendent of Schools has decided to propose a moderate increase to the 6 hour elementary and upper school day, along with guidelines for effectively meeting the educational, developmental, and social-emotional needs of students.
A new FAQ has been posted in response to questions we have received during the community feedback process. More details from surveys, working groups, and feedback sessions will be posted soon. Learn more >>
In Our District & Community
Cambridge SEPAC Meeting
January 17 | 6-7:30PM | CRLS
Topic: Potential Changes to School Schedules in CPS
Immigration Legal Screening Clinics
3rd Wednesday each month, 5:15-7:15PM
Free consultations with an immigration attorney for Massachusetts immigrants and their families
Community Legal Services & Counseling Center (CLSACC)
90 Third St., Cambridge
617.349.4396; [email protected]
Cambridge Affordable Housing Information Sessions
Attend an upcoming affordable housing workshop in the New Year! Learn about a range of rental and homeownership programs offered through the City. Learn more >>
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