Morse Messenger: November/December 2018
Published on Dec 20, 2018 11:12

November/December 2018

Grades 3, 4 & 5 Awards Changed!
At the end of every semester, certificates are awarded to students in grades 3, 4 & 5 at an Awards Assembly. This year, the awards have been changed from those of the past. See descriptions of each award >>

tom turkey
Tom Turkey
Since Tom Turkey first came to the Morse 22 years ago, he has helped raise well over $6,000 for various charities just from children reading books and purchasing paper feathers to help build Tom’s beautiful tail.

Morse Students are "WINning" 
Shortly after announcements each Thursday morning, students in third, fourth, and fifth grade can be spotted quietly zooming through the Morse School hallways to meet with their “What Individuals Need” groups. Fondly referred to as "WIN" by students and teachers, the Morse School What Individuals Need Block is currently in its fifth year of implementation for students in third through fifth grade. Hear more >>

landforms model
2nd Grade Land Form Models
Submitted by: Emily Rocha, Second Grade Room C3 Teacher

Second graders have been studying the Earth's surface. They are exploring rocks, sand, and soil that make up the Earth's surface, as well as the different types of landforms that exist. Students worked collaboratively in both C1 and C3 to create class models that show the various landforms we studied. Can you recognize some of the landforms students created?

From the School Nurse
This article is to share information about lice, which can occur at anytime.

I like to think that “lice happens”, and if we keep it in perspective it can be handled swiftly. Keep in mind that your children may be going to after school programs, birthday parties, sleepovers etc…lice can be picked up anywhere and it is a community problem. Lice are not associated with cleanliness and they don’t carry disease. Lice live only a few hours off of a human head, they do not jump or fly.

If you check your child’s head monthly throughout the year, whether or not there is known lice in a classroom or after school program, you will be ahead of the game and be able to notice anything different on your child’s scalp and hair.

If “lice happens,” the key is to remove the lice and nits (eggs). The most effective way of doing this is using a metal comb. These combs came be purchased at the drug store. You should also contact your child’s medical provider for guidance.

Just to review, a child will not be excluded from school if they happen to get lice. It is only important that they are treated at home prior to returning to school. If a child in a classroom develops lice, I will send an anonymous note stating such.

Below is a link you may find helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

Susan Aries, RN
Morse School Health Office

Article - English >>
Article - Spanish >> 

kids on computers
Technology Happenings
Submitted by: Jennifer Lavalle, Instructional Technology Specialist

The Morse School celebrated Computer Science Education Week (Dec 3-7, 2018) by participating in the Hour of Code, a global effort to introduce students to Computer Science! Students in grades K-5 worked with Ms. Lavalle, the Morse School's Instructional Technology Specialist, to practice computational thinking strategies by giving directions to computers, coding their own animations and games, and learning more about how computers process information. Check out this guide for activity suggestions to keep learning at home!

garden photos
CitySprouts Update
Submitted by: Andrea Locke, CitySprouts Community Relations Manager

Thank you to the Morse school community for making this cider pressing season a success! A shout out to the parents/guardians who helped make it possible for the classes to come out to the garden to press fresh apple cider. It may be getting colder, but the garden is still busy getting ready for the winter. In the coming weeks, classes will be planting winter rye, spring flower bulbs, and garlic. Students will learn how winter rye will help prevent erosion over the winter and add nutrients back into the soil.

The garden is being put to bed for winter, but there is still a lot to explore. Most plants have been removed for the year, the flower bulbs and garlic have been planted for next spring, and the winter rye has sprouted, and the garden beds have been mulched with leaves & straw to protect the soil through the winter. Moving inside, classes will be doing fun experiments like growing plants inside, exploring seeds and worms, and doing some cooking.

bulletin board
Grade 5 First-Term Reviews
Hear from some of our 5th graders about what's been going on in our classrooms! Learn more >>

Motor Matters
See these suggestions from our occupational and physical therapists to get your family moving >>

kids holding hands

Learning & Professional Time
Like any other resource, schools must use their time wisely if we hope to realize the promise of educational equity through rigorous, joyful, and culturally responsive experiences for all learners. 

In 2017-18, a joint group of educators and administrators, co-chaired by leaders from the Cambridge Education Association (CEA) and CPS Office of Curriculum and Instruction recommended that CPS “lengthen the standard day for students and staff at all levels.” After an extensive collaborative process, the Superintendent of Schools has decided to propose a moderate increase to the 6 hour elementary and upper school day, along with guidelines for effectively meeting the educational, developmental, and social-emotional needs of students. 

new FAQ has been posted in response to questions we have received during the community feedback process. More details from surveys, working groups, and feedback sessions will be posted soon. Learn more >>

In Our District & Community                    

Cambridge SEPAC Meeting
January 17 | 6-7:30PM | CRLS
Topic: Potential Changes to School Schedules in CPS

Immigration Legal Screening Clinics
3rd Wednesday each month, 5:15-7:15PM
Free consultations with an immigration attorney for Massachusetts immigrants and their families
Community Legal Services & Counseling Center (CLSACC)
90 Third St., Cambridge
617.349.4396; [email protected] 

Cambridge Affordable Housing Information Sessions
Attend an upcoming affordable housing workshop in the New Year! Learn about a range of rental and homeownership programs offered through the City. Learn more >>


Stay Connected

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No School: Winter Break
December 24 - January 1

FoM Meeting
January 7 | 6:30PM

FoM Movie Night
January 11 | 6PM

No School: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 21

January 29 | 9AM
Winter Music Concert
Grades Jr. K - 4th Grade

Morse Calendar >>
District Calendar >>

free breakfast


Thanks to the City of Cambridge, students can access a healthy, delicious & nutritious breakfast absolutely FREE of charge! Learn more >>

This handy guide is available via Find It Cambridge! Take a look >>

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Looking for things to do in Cambridge? Then take a peek at Find It Cambridge!

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Keep informed via our FREE mobile app! 
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Cambridge, MA 02139
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