International Festival: Sponsored by Friends of Morse Brings the World to the Morse School!
On October 17th, the Friends of Morse was proud to sponsor the annual International Festival. We hope all of you who were able to attend had a wonderful time. We have such a diverse community at Morse, and it was fun to get to know some of our new Morse families, see familiar faces and celebrate together. Read more >>

Math Matters
During the 2014-2015 school year, we are beginning the implementation of Math in Focus at the Morse School. Math in Focus will be used in Grades: 1, 3, 4, and 5. During the 2015-2016 school year, the Math in Focus program will be used in all grades K-5. Math in Focus is aligned with the Massachusetts Mathematical Framework Content and Practice. Read more >>

Tom Turkey to Return November 1st
Who is Tom Turkey? Tom is sadly a featherless turkey who moves into the Morse School Main Lobby for the month of November. During this month the entire Morse community is encouraged to read books and purchase paper feathers. One paper feather costs twenty –five cents. Read more >>

Sibling Search for Kindergarten September 2015
Do you have a younger child who is ready to start school in Cambridge?
- If you have a child who will be 4-years old by March 31, 2015, your child is eligible for Kindergarten in September 2013. She/he is considered a Junior Kindergartener and will spend two years in Kindergarten.
- If you have a child who will be 5-years old by August 31, 2015 she/he is eligible for Kindergarten and will spend one year in Kindergarten.
Sibling registration has been made easier this year. Please contact Denise Sullivan, Morse Family Liaison or 617.349.6679 for more information on or before January 9, 2015.

Fire Station Fun!
Room B8 and Room A1 took a trip to the Central Square Fire Station! We got to see the firetrucks, look at the equipment firefighters use, learn about what to do in an emergency, and even see Ms. Photopoulos get dressed up in a firefighter uniform! Read the Story >>

Personal Versus Private Information
In our digital world today, children have a plethora of resources at their fingertips that connect them to streams of endless information and people from around the world. This past month, 4th and 5th grade students have been taught to think critically about what types of information is safe to share online. Read more >>

Friends of Morse School Key Dates
All Morse families are part of the Friends of Morse. Many hands make the work easier, so please join in if you can at any Meeting, Movie Night, or Event!
Friends of Morse Events
International Festival & Potluck Dinner | October 17
Winter Clothing Exchange | October 20 – 31
Silent Auction | March 22
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon | TBA
Incoming JK/K Welcome Event: Pizza in the Park | May - TBA
Garden Party | June 10
FMS Meetings
Movie Nights
Mondays | 6:30 - 8PM
Morse School Library
All members of the Morse community are welcome, and childcare is provided.
Meeting Schedule:
November 10, December 8, January 12, February 9, March 9, April 13, May 11, June 8 |
Doors open at 6PM for pizza and snack sales; movie begins at 6:30PM.
November 14 – Frozen, December 5, January 9, February 6, March 6
Movies to be determined.