Message from the Superintendent: September 30, 2020

Message from the Superintendent: September 30, 2020
Posted on 09/30/2020

Dear Cambridge Public School (CPS) families, students, and staff -

As September comes to a close and leaves begin to fall, I hope this email finds you well as you and your family settle into the new routines of a school year when we are all navigating new uncharted waters.

CPS is doing everything it can to create SAFE environments for the students and staff who will be returning in person to school buildings on October 13. Below you will find new resources to understand safety preparations, family mask guidance, things to practice with your child, and other information about the return to school buildings. Families should look for a CPS packet in the mail that includes these printed and translated resources.

I also want to give kudos to the CPS principals, educators and staff who are working hard to support students remotely and preparing to see your students safely in person. In this short video Jeremy Anderson acknowledges these American heroes.

Below, you’ll find more details on a few items:

  • Today is Deadline to Change Enrollment for eligible families (In-Person or Remote) 
  • Reminder: Complete your Annual Forms
  • New Family Resources for Health, Safety, and In-Person Learning
  • Saturday 10/3 and 10/17: Family Resource Fairs
  • Bicycle Safety
  • Flu Shots!
  • Last Day for Census 2020CPS is Hiring! Apply online or Resume Dropoff Saturday

As always, we’re here to assist with any questions. Contact your school, your school’s family liaison or [email protected]. And if you need technology assistance, contact [email protected].

Thank you for your support and take care.


Kenneth N. Salim, Ed.D.


1. Today is Deadline to Request In-Person Enrollment Change: Today is the last day for eligible families to request a change to in-person or remote learning. Request a Change here.

2. Reminder: Complete Your Annual Forms: Don’t forget to complete your Annual Forms, including the student health form.

3. New Safety & Health Resources for In-Person Learning:

4. Saturday: Family Resource Fair: October 3 and October 17 from 10AM - 12Noon. This Saturday’s fair will be held outside Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School / Putnam Ave Upper School on Putnam Avenue.

5. Bicycle Safety: Make sure your bicycle is safe to ride by learning about the ABC Quick Check – a 15-second check you should do every time before riding! For more videos on bicycle safety, introduction to bicycle maintenance and repair, as well as riding skills, check out the Cambridge Safe Routes to School playlist on YouTube.

6. Flu Shots! Cambridge residents can get a flu shot at no charge at one of the city’s flu clinics starting mid-October.

7. Census 2020: Today is also the last day to fill out your Census at

8. CPS is Hiring! Apply online or Resume Dropoff Saturday

Have you considered working with students this school year? CPS is recruiting additional classroom staff (including paraprofessionals, extended term substitutes and classroom teachers) to support students this school year. Our current openings include full- and part-time positions and remote and in-person opportunities. All openings are full school year positions with a competitive starting salary and include some benefits such as professional development and retirement benefits.

Featured positions:

To find a full list of our current openings and start the process of joining our family please click the following link current openings or visit us at

CPS is also hosting a resume dropoff at this weekend’s Family Fair, Saturday 10AM - 12Noon, outside Putnam Ave Upper School (100 Putnam Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139).

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