Greetings CPS community!
This time of year, we begin to look forward to warmer weather, fun spring activities at school, and planning for the future. This year in particular, we are also looking forward to transitioning away from pandemic emergency operations to managing COVID-19 as part of everyday lives.
The CPS team is working hard on both fronts. Next week, on Tuesday, March 15, I will report back to the School Committee on the work we are doing with the Health, Safety, and Facilities Working Group to recommend updates to our COVID goals, measures and protocols. On Thursday, at the March 17 School Committee meeting, I will share my proposed budget for next year.
Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead this Saturday for Daylight Savings Time…brighter days are ahead!
Thank you for your engagement and continued support.
Make it Great!
Dr. Victoria L. Greer
NEW: 2021 District and School Report Cards
Each year, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) publishes district and school report cards, which are designed to demonstrate how a school or district is doing in different areas. The DESE report cards highlight strengths as well as challenges that need to be addressed in order to make sure the needs of all students are being met. See the CPS district wide report card and school-level report cards.
Spring Forward!

Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead on Saturday night. Longer and sunnier days ahead!
Staffing Update: Chief Talent Officer Search
As of March 8, Lisa Richardson no longer serves in this role and we wish her well in her future endeavors. CPS will be launching a search for a new Chief Talent Officer! The Chief Talent Officer leads the Human Resources office, oversees the important work of recruiting highly qualified educators and staff, and supports investments in the professional growth of our dedicated workforce.
Selecting individuals to take on such pivotal roles are some of the most critical decisions I make as Superintendent. I will appoint an acting Chief Talent Officer for the remainder of the school year. Later this month, I will launch a comprehensive and inclusive search and selection process for a permanent Chief Talent Officer that is reflective of our district’s values.
COVID Updates
- IMPORTANT: Notification of COVID Positive Cases: As CPS is no longer doing contact tracing, schools will no longer be sending a school-wide notification about a COVID positive case. Schools will continue to notify families whose child may have been exposed because they have a class with the individual who is positive. Up-to-date information about COVID cases at the district and school level are available on CPS’ COVID-19 Dashboard. If you have any questions or concerns about this shift in process, please contact your child’s Principal.
- Opt-In to At-Home Rapid Testing: We encourage all families to opt-in to participate in the voluntary, at-home rapid test program. Every 2 weeks, participants will receive a box with 2 tests and instructions for using the self-test on Friday mornings. Opt-in through the CPS Family Portal and learn more here.
- REMINDER: Families No Longer Need to Upload Vaccination Records: The Cambridge Public Health Department and school nurses can now access vaccine data directly from the Massachusetts Immunization Information System (MIIS), eliminating the need for families to provide vaccination records to schools. Vaccinations administered out-of-state or internationally must be uploaded to the CPS Family Portal.
COVID Vaccination Opportunities
- Wednesday, March 9, 3-6PM: CPHD vaccine clinic for children (ages 5+) and adults at Reservoir Church (170 Rindge Avenue). Register here. Walk-ins welcome. More information.
- Booster shots available for CRLS students at Teen Health Center: Every Tuesday from 8:30AM - 3PM, Appointment required-call 617-665-1548 or stop by center.
- VaxAbilities hosts disability-friendly vaccine clinics with specialized staff to provide skilled support to individuals with disabilities and sensory support needs.
- Go to VaxFinder to find a location near you.
Caught Doing Good!
MassCUE Honors CRLS’ First Instructional Technology Specialist

CRLS’ Instructional Technology Specialist, Nicole Hart, has been honored by Massachusetts Computer Using Educator (MassCUE) as their March Featured Educator!
In her more than 10 years at CRLS, Nicole has defined the role of the Instructional Technology Specialist, as well as, expanded the reach of technology to support teaching and learning. And as we all know, this became critical in the last few years!
MassCUE highlights some of Nicole's recent work around joy and equity, but it's the last two paragraphs that really capture her commitment to relationships, and the belief that they are foundational for any collaboration and technology integration.
Are you proud of something happening in your school, classroom or program? Share your “Caught Doing Good” story with [email protected].
Featured Events

Tuesday, March 8 | 6:30-8PM
School Calendar
CPS 2021-22 School calendar
Wednesday, March 16 | Early Release Day-JK-8 Only
All Schools and Admin Offices Closed:
- Friday April 15 | Good Friday
- Monday, April 18 - Friday, April 22 | April Break (**Admin Offices Only Closed on Monday, April 18 for Patriot’s Day**)
- Tuesday, May 3 | Eid al-Fitr
- Monday, May 30 | Memorial Day
- Monday, June 20 | Juneteenth (Observed)
In Case You Missed It: Key Resources
2022-23 JK/K Lottery: Closed for the 2022-23 school year; If you are interested in registering your child, visit our registration webpage for more information.
March Lunch Menu: Week 2 (March 7 - March 11)
COVID-19 Testing Consent Forms: Log in to the Family Portal
COVID-19 Testing & Quarantine Protocols
CPS Quarantine Instructional Guidelines for SY2021-22
Free Internet for Qualifying Families: Comcast’s Internet Essentials Program
Pictures of the Week
Read Across America
CPS students and educators celebrated the joy of reading in honor of Read Across America.