“Thank you all for taking time to come out tonight. It is quite something to see you all here, and truly, your participation is appreciated.”
With heartfelt thanks, CPS Chief Planning Officer Dr. Lori Likis opened her presentation on the CPS District Planning Process to the approximately 100 individuals gathered at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School on Tuesday night.
Along with Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kenneth Salim, Dr. Likis shared with the assembled families, community partners, teachers and administrators that the District Plan is a culmination of a
massive, community-wide process.
Yet Dr. Salim carefully laid out that creation of the multi-year plan itself is just the beginning. The plan outlines a Vision and Strategic Objectives and Strategic Initiatives, and as a next step, work will begin in giving life to these initiatives by developing a detailed action plan for implementation.
Read the full plan >>

The Town Hall Session therefore focused on soliciting guidance from participants on where to focus first in the action planning. Participants were invited to break into groups based on the plan’s objectives, for a Q & A with planning team members. Then, participants were asked to record ideas to keep in mind as the administrative leadership of CPS begins the work of focused action planning. Finally, the participants were asked to vote on which of the plan’s “Strategic Initiatives” should be the top priorities for the first year of the plan’s implementation.
Dr. Salim emphasized that the goal of this work is improvement. “If we want things in CPS to stay the same, there’s no reason to put all of this energy into planning,” he said. “But if we believe that we can do better as a district—that we need to improve—then we need to have a plan that’s going to take us there.”
As he stated in his introductory letter to the plan:
With its focus on providing all students with the rigorous and culturally relevant curriculum, resources, and programs they need for postsecondary success…this plan will lead us through our most challenging and essential work: closing our persistent opportunity and achievement gaps. We are confident that through this plan, all of our students will rise.
The final draft of the District Plan will be presented to the School Committee on June 20th. This is an open meeting, and all are welcome to watch or participate in public comment. The meeting will also be broadcast on Channel 99 and may be watched live via the
School Committee website. Video will also be archived within 1-2 days of the meeting.