Morse Weekly Family Newsletter: January 11, 2019
Published on Jan 11, 2019 13:34

January 11, 2019
chad photo

Message from Principal Chad Leith
Dear members of the Morse School community,

Earlier this week, Superintendent Salim sent a message to all CPS families with information about a draft proposal to advance equity in our district by improving elementary and upper school schedules. You can find the full proposal - along with a video message from the Superintendent and information about how you can share your feedback - on the CPS website.

As a reminder, Superintendent Salim will visit the Morse School this Monday, January 14th at 6PM to discuss the proposal and solicit feedback from the members of our community. Your feedback will help inform a revised proposal, which will then be presented to the Cambridge School Committee for consideration. Please consider participating in this important meeting on Monday at 6PM in the Morse School Auditorium. Childcare will be provided.

What’s Happening in the Morse School Art Studio?
The weather outside may be cold and dreary, but our amazing young artists have been brightening up our building with some beautiful artwork. Here is some information about what our Substitute Art Teacher Lindsey Caputo has been working on with each grade:

PreK artPreK
Students in PreK have been working under the sea creating pattern fish with paint and newspaper. They learned about tempera paint and how to handle and wash a paint brush.

K ArtKindergarten

In Kindergarten, students have been researching snowflakes with National Geographic clips and books such as Snowflake Bentley. Students have been learning to not only measure and create straight lines with a ruler, but also how to free hand jagged, curvy, and curly lines as well. The final project of this unit is to create an 18x18 snowflake using all of the concepts we have learned so far.

Grade 1 ArtFirst Grade
In First Grade, students have been hard at work learning about Ghana Kente Cloths, looms, and weaving. Each student has mastered the over-under weaving technique and will later collage a variety of lines onto their compositions.

Grade 2 ArtSecond Grade

In Second Grade, students have been busy learning about Matisse and his “cut-out” collages. Students have drawn and cut out complex, geometric, organic, and simple shapes. These shapes were used to make “cut-out” collages just like Matisse himself.

Grade 2 and 3 ArtSecond/Third
In Second/Third grade, students mastered the creation of simple, organic, complex, and geometric shapes and are currently layering these shapes into a Matisse inspired composition.

Grade 3 ArtThird Grade

The Third Grade classes are immersed in two artistic projects this season. On Mondays, students have been learning drawing techniques such as stippling, cross-hatching, and hatching with pen and ink. On Fridays, students are drafting animals to create into collagraph plates which will be printed with ink later on.

Grade 4 ArtFourth Grade
In Fourth Grade, students have learned about the symbolism of trees and how to draft symbols to represent each member of their families and friend groups. Students have mastered oil pastel and watercolor resist to make their colors pop.

Grade 5 ArtFifth Grade

Students in Fifth Grade have been hard at work in the world of architecture. Each student had been assigned a client by Ms. Kerr and they have been responsible for creating a blueprint of a building at the request of other adults in the Morse community.

In Our District & Community

Intent vs. Impact: Exploring Microaggressions and Tools for Change
Saturday, January 26 | 12Noon - 2PM
CRLS Main Cafeteria
Join us for a city-wide community workshop on understanding implicit bias and macro/microaggressions. View the flyer >>

Cambridge SEPAC Meeting
January 17 | 6-7:30PM | CRLS
Topic: Potential Changes to School Schedules in CPS

Immigration Legal Screening Clinics
3rd Wednesday each month, 5:15-7:15PM
Free consultations with an immigration attorney for Massachusetts immigrants and their families
Community Legal Services & Counseling Center (CLSACC)
90 Third St., Cambridge
617.349.4396; [email protected] 
See flyer >>

Cambridge Affordable Housing Information Sessions
Learn about the eligibility requirements and application process for the following programs Cambridge Rental and Homeownership Programs: Inclusionary Housing Rental Program for studios, 1BR, 2BR, & 3BR units
throughout Cambridge, Homeowner Resale Pool, First-Time Homebuyer Workshop, Downpayment Assistance, and HomeBridge. Open to all. No RSVP Necessary. Learn more >>


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Professional Time 
Public Forum
Saturday, January 12 from 10 - 11AM at the Graham and Parks School, 44 Linnaean Street. There will be childcare and refreshments.

Feedback Session with Superintendent Salim on draft proposal to lengthen the school day
January 14 | 6PM

Winter Musical Concert (Grades JK-4)
January 29 |  8:30AM

No School: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
January 21

Morse Calendar >>
District Calendar >>
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Here's Cambridge in Motion's healthy snack of the week suggestion: 
roasted sweet potato spears. 


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Cambridge, MA 02139
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