Morse Weekly Family Newsletter: September 25, 2018
Published on Sep 25, 2018 11:27

September 25, 2018
Chad Leith

Message from Principal Chad Leith
Dear Morse School Families,

I am writing to send a reminder about tomorrow evening’s Open House & Curriculum Night, which will take place from 6 - 8PM for students in JK-Grade 5. We are excited to welcome you and to share more about our goals for the coming school year. We warmly invite all parents and caregivers to join us for this opportunity to meet your children’s teachers and connect with other Morse School families. Limited free childcare is available beginning at 5:55PM for families who have pre-registered (today is the deadline for childcare preregistration). Please contact our Family Liaison Denise Sullivan if you need a pre-registration form. 

View more information about the Fall Open House & Curriculum Night >>

School Council Parent Candidates
I am also excited to introduce the three parents who have volunteered to serve as representatives on the Morse School Council. At tomorrow evening’s Open House, we will provide you with an opportunity to indicate whether you approve of this slate of candidates. Below, please see an overview of each parent, in her or his own words:

Delia Puntonio
Hello, my name is Delia Puntonio and I am a mom of two children at the Morse School. My son Christian is in the third grade with Ms. Fallon, and my daughter Aria is in her second year of kindergarten with Ms. Allison. My children are the fifth generation to be born and raised in Cambridge! I am interested in joining the School Council because I have a desire to stay informed on what Is happening and be involved with the decision-making process at the school. I also want to have the ability to share my perspectives and have my voice heard. Often children coming from a single parent household and especially those with young moms are underrepresented and left to navigate the school system on their own. Being from a demographic that oftentimes may not have the ability to engage in the decision-making processes within the school, I believe I can bring a unique perspective and point of view for an underheard community.

Sayem Khan
I am interested in becoming a School Council member. I have a child in First Grade and would like to learn about the decision-making process of the education system in Cambridge and would like to be an active member for advising and helping the directions taken for the future. I am an architect. I graduated from Northeastern University. Attended CRLS and I attended Morse from 7th-8th Grade, class of 1996.

Thalia Krakower
I would like to be considered for a position on the School Council. I am a mom to a student in 1st grade, one in JK and a 16 month-old future student at Morse. We have been proud members of the school community since our oldest started Special Start at age 3. We are highly invested in the quality of education for the whole student body, hoping that our children develop strong foundational skills and an appreciation and love of learning that will empower them to excel throughout their academic lives. We also hope that our kids and their peers experience the value of a nurturing and supportive community that is committed to social justice. I am a graduate of public schools (in New Jersey) and currently work as a primary care physician for adults at Massachusetts General Hospital. I have a special interest in adults with developmental disabilities. I look forward to getting more involved in School Council and/or Friends of Morse.

Many thanks to Delia, Sayem, and Thalia for their willingness to serve on our School Council this year! Please remember that while the School Council is a legally-required body focused on a narrow set of school improvement issues, the Morse School also benefits from a separate parent/teacher organization, the Friends of Morse, which meets monthly to discuss community events, fundraising efforts and other parent-led initiatives. All parents are invited to participate! At tomorrow evening’s Open House, Friends of Morse President Shannon Finley will share more about the Friends of Morse.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at tomorrow evening’s Open House!

Chad Leith


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Back to School Night
September 26 | 6 - 8PM

School Council
October 3 | 6:30 - 8PM

No School: Indigenous People's Day
October 8

International Festival & Potluck Celebration
October 19 | 6 - 8PM

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